Skydivers view of BASE jumpers - open minded?

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>Bill...you are so good at being an asshole in SUCH an UNOBVIOUS way.

Why thank you! I always find it a lot more fun to let people sound foolish all by themselves. I once listened to someone lecture me on the benefits of AFF over static line (and how I should switch henceforth to AFF.) It was great to see his face when his commander (Denny Chalker) asked my permission to take him on a one-JM level 3.

Even got a lecture by someone with 300 jumps about how to fly in a big way, something I obviously didn't understand. But what the heck - if it makes them feel better, why not listen?

Obviously, I was wrong as it is obvious that you have seen all,know all and are the all to end all on all subjects, and that no one could ever point out the obvious to you It is obvious after all.

May we live long and die out

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>Bill...you are so good at being an asshole in SUCH an UNOBVIOUS way.

Why thank you! I always find it a lot more fun to let people sound foolish all by themselves. I once listened to someone lecture me on the benefits of AFF over static line (and how I should switch henceforth to AFF.) It was great to see his face when his commander (Denny Chalker) asked my permission to take him on a one-JM level 3.

Even got a lecture by someone with 300 jumps about how to fly in a big way, something I obviously didn't understand. But what the heck - if it makes them feel better, why not listen?

Obviously, I was wrong as it is obvious that you have seen all,know all and are the all to end all on all subjects, and that no one could ever point out the obvious to you It is obvious after all.

That is obviously exactly what Bill was saying. It's a good thing you quoted his post so we can re-examine it and see how clear his know-it-all claim was. :D

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>Obviously, I was wrong as it is obvious that you have seen all,know
> all and are the all to end all on all subjects, and that no one could
> ever point out the obvious to you It is obvious after all.

Wow! I counted five "alls" in that sentence. A new record I think.

But seriously, I'm a private pilot, a BASE jumper, a skydiver and a wingsuit flyer. I fly a paraglider too. They're all just ways to get in the air. Obviously we spend a good part of our lives (and money) doing it so we think it's important. But saying "BASE is freedom; skydivers are afraid of freedom so they'll never understand" sounds more like a line from The Matrix than any sort of reality.

Is flying a floatplane into a remote mountain lake better than flying a wingsuit over a Montana forest? Is BASE jumping a 230 foot crane cooler than doing a demo into a brewery for a friend's wedding? Is losing your electrical system over Manhattan scarier than landing in a 50 foot tree at Bridge Day? Those are silly questions to ask. It's all cool; that's why we do it. No reason to go off claiming one is more cool, or better, or makes you more free. It's all good.

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Opinions shminions mate, tell your mate to go take a shit on the bonnets of their cars.

Maybe its an age thing (for me anyway), but i get a real buzz out of pissing people off, ya know 'sticking out',
being yourself always bothers the herd, as for myself.. i have a long way to go, but the onus is my own selfish needs, and i will apologize to no-one for that.

Opinions do count, but only in context, and from people you respect, and would trust your life with.

Drunken italics frenzy pin-check anyone ? B|

-- Hope you don't die. --

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Jason, Lots of us ( including you since you skydive) like to show off. Are you trying to prove anything? Maybe, maybe not. Honestly, I doubt it. It's just plain fun.

I "tried out" BASE a while back and it was fun. It didn't call to me though. I did 6 jumps over several years. A few years later, it just took over as a next step in my life. Attempting to explain what goes on in my mind as far as BASE is concerned is difficult so I won't really try.

I've certainly broken trespassing laws. I've yet to cause any destruction or harm. Am I really doing any thing wrong? Technically yes but really? BASE can take you to many places you'd never think of. I've stood on buildings wondering why I'm up there. I've stood at the edge and said to myself, " this makes no sense" ...then counted down and jumped.

I've stood on the edge in perfect conditions and couldn't go. But still we were up there enjoying the view. When I finally said "I'm not jumping" a suddend relief and feeling of accomplishment came over me. Strange....

I tend to jump with just one other person. I have nothing to prove to him. Although we do tend to show off in some way or another. That's human nature. I jump off of stuff to do it. For a challenge, to get off the couch, to expand my reality (whatever that means), to live. I don't know about you guys but as a little kid, I used to do stuff like jump bicycles, Skate board, and do a bunch of dangerous stuff. This is just another way to fill our need for adrenaline. It's peaceful, strangely calming,

Antennas are good cuz they are tall and available if you're willing to search em out. It's good excersize if you have to climb it and the view is great. Radiation, that's another story.

Buildings. Heck remember when you built forts and acted out adventures and hid. It's alot like that except some one else is building the fort. Urban exporing is actually pretty large. Basically that's all we're doing except we get to jump off, get incredible visuals, and land a parachute in a street.

A few non-BASE jumpers have been out to watch and I've even let them come up to the launch point on an easily accessible object. Honestly, It's an awful lot easier when nobody is there to watch. It's very cool to share it on accasion though. Each time, the person seemed to really understand what just happened.

It's really easy to get in over your head if you are doing it to impress. I don't care that people know I jump but i'd rather do it for myself.

There is something satisfying about determining whether or not an objext can be jumped, finding your way onto it, watching the ground come up at you and suddenly stopping. Then you get to very precisely put your parachute into some tight area.

It often makes no sense to me. But it doesn't stop me. A good buddy of mine does over half of his jumps by himself. Almost no one even knows he skydives let alone BASE jumps. Sounds self serving to me. Very private.
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I have no problems with it at all... Some of the people at our DZ are serious rock hoppers and committed to finding ANY sort of structure that poses a new challenge.

I told them if they can find me 10 sec delays with no ground rush... I am there:P

In your friends case I think its probably a group of people that are stuck in their own dogma.. unwilling to let others enjoy something different in their lives.

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It's my understanding that a lot of skydivers move on to BASE because it's more of a rush. My friend who has nearly 500 skydives tried BASE once. The first time I saw the video I thought it was insane. But, this was before I had skydived. I used to think that was insane, too :P. I am still a newbie at skydiving, but now I could see if I kept jumping I might want to try BASE one day... maybe.
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I've rarely heard a skydiver say anything bad about BASE jumping. A surprisingly large percentage of them seem to be interested enough to try it someday. I know I want to, but not until I get about 1,000 jumps. I want to be very sure of my canopy skills before I start opening that close to the ground.

One thing that bothers me is that whuffos seem to classify BASE and skydiving as the same sport. They are not, IMO. They both use canopies, yes, but two different sports. Of course, most whuffos don't know the difference between skydiving and para-sailing either.

I look forward to BASE jumping someday. It will be a nice break from my noisy skydiving family, when I'm in the mood for a break. Also, it might help me get over my fear of cliffs :P
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Go for it. I've made only one BASE jump (El Cap 8/10/80, #159 I think...). I don't plan on ever making another one, but still have VIVID dreams about the one. It's not my cup of tea, but if it's yours.....enjoy and God bless !

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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515 and hookit! your on the money!

thanks for responses! but still does not answer why some skydivers seem to give us negativity - 515 was the only response that makes sense in that sense!

and for the record - I dont know any jumper that does this to show off - we all do this for ourselves - if I did this to show off then sneaky beaky jumps at night solo aint the best way to do this! I fail as a show off i guess!!!!

be safe all................we are all parachutists!


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You know... this whole thing is funny. Having to defend why you do something? Is'nt that so high schoolish?

Screw everyone and what they think of what you do and do what makes you happy. If you are happy jumping off of an Antenna... Go for it! If you are happy spocking some one.. WooHoo! If you are happy in a wingsuit... Flock on!

Having to justify or defend why you do anything is pointless and a waste of time and energy.

Okay, I know I'm late in this post, but dude, RIGHT ON. I couldn't have said it better myself, Phree. Bravo. B|

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It's an awful lot easier when nobody is there to watch.

Damnit>:( you just blowed my way to jump:)I have loads of solos,in the start i did it becours i just wanted to BASE,and didnt wanted to borther people by asking them "please come look at me jumping off this".I learned it the hard way the time it went wrong.I now most of the times bring my GC(1 person who NEVER wants to BASE,he just get a kick about looking at me doing it.I still loves solos but im still not happy about asking people to go whith me... i then rather do a solo,were my gf is on the phone..

Ive got a hard time at my DZ which results me to near quitting skydive(im selling my gear at this werry time),and just rent gear to keep my licens ok..
My gf has droped out skydiving already as she got problems on her education,becours she dates the wrong guy(a ins directly told her this).She however wants to continue it as she gets mony to AFF(she were at SL)at another dz..

i dunno why people(not only skydivers) has this feeling,but as other has said.. people who cant ret. to such activity,cant understand it,and whith out knowing it just call it cracy or sick.. i dunno..

At least i now know who is true freinds,and some of the true freinds i had showed to not to be so true after all...[:/]

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Ihave been speaking to a friend who is about to take a FJC and he is surprised at the reaction to his decision (a very well informed and 2 year researched thought) from skydivers. He works at a DZ and he is astounded at the "biting negativity" he has got from experienced and non experienced skydivers.

To me it sounds liek these people are a big bunch of hypocrites... I mean skydivers always shake their heads at whuffos who dont understand our sport and why we do it, so whats the difference of a jumper doing exactly the same thing for BASE jumpers?

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Hm, skydivers around here tend to think of BASE jumping as a pretty neat thing - even if most wouldn't do it themselves.

I'll get to do it when we run outta oil and thus can't fly anymore :)
Never heard anyone say anything negative about BASE jumpers, except maybe "those d00ds are crazy".

BASE jumping is cool. BASE jumpers tend to be too. Except Faber B|

Santa Von GrossenArsch
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to be proud of what you do dont mean you show off;) take a look at the site and tell me how much shows mac jumping(not that he dont):P

im a show off but only becours i want ladyes(it dont work:P) ha ha

Mac you lazy fooker you got over that nasty hangover? i heard that the girls were screaming my name out all night,i guess your the one that will sleep whith the dog as i get there:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Seems a tad defensive. I'm sure than a few skydivers think your ballsac is stuffed with some missing parts from the brain.


What is defensive about it? You illustrate my point perfectly;.

I'm sure some whuffos, think YOUR ballsack is filled with part of YOUR brain also.

I'm sure, but do I care? No. Do I feel a need to tell them they're afraid of freedom? (laughing) I think people should always be challenging themselves, and learning to skydive is a pretty good one. But there are plenty of other choices out there. Freedom would be not letting fear stop you from something you *want* to do.

I think you are the one with the ego, and the one feeling envious. Everything you said, I have heard before as a skydiver. Skydivers consider their sport as the extreme sport all others are judged against.
It's not by a long shot.

Sorry, I have no such illusions - my mother participates in riskier endeavors than skydiving. If I did, I wouldn't encourage friends to give it a try. I don't shortchange the dangers though. This conversation does remind me of what happened a few years back when base jumpers staged a protest jump off El Capitan. I'd still do that jump if I were in the sport - it *might* be worth the risk profile.

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