
Whats your random drink?

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Sloe Comfortable Screw #1

3 oz Sloe gin
3 oz Southern Comfort
3 oz Orange juice
3 oz Vodka
Mixing instructions:
stir or shake ingredients & serve with ice

Hell, I've not even had that drink, I added a bit of Galiano (the stuff that makes a screwdriver a Harvey Wallbanger) to make

(Wait for it...)

A Sloe Comfortable Screw Against the Wall

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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Grateful Dead #2

3/4 oz Vodka
3/4 oz Rum
3/4 oz Gin
3/4 oz Triple sec
3/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur
2 parts Sour mix
1 splash Sprite or 7-up

Mixing instructions:
fill glass with ice. Add each liquor, then pour sour mix to top. stir. splash of 7up or sprite.

Interesting name. I'd drink it. It sounds good. And hopefully, ahem, I will survive... (Okay, I worked a little hard at that one).

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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In college, we used to drink a variation of an Alabama slammer - just for skydivers - Skydiver Alabama Slammer

Jigger each -
Wild Turkey
Jim Beam
Jack Daniels
Slow Gin
Orange Juice

Very Sweet, very gross, very strong

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I got a fucking non-alcoholic drink!

Punch #1

2 cans frozen Lemonade concentrate
1 1/2 L white Grape juice
1 1/2 L Cranberry juice
750 ml Soda water
Mixing instructions:
Mix first 3 ingredients ahead of time. Add soda water when you are ready to serve it. Serve over ice. You can add more soda water to suit your taste.

Fuck no I wouldn't drink it! It would take up valuable bladder space I need for alcohol.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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Todays random drink is..........

Hennyville Slugger


* 5-7 oz Cognac (Hennessy)
* 3-4 oz Lemon-lime soda (Sprite)
* Juice of 1/2 slice Lemon

Mixing instructions:

Fill hiball glass with 5-7 ounces of cognac. Next, fill remainder of glass with lemon-lime soda. Finally, squeeze 1/2 of medium size lemon and garnish with 1/4 inch lemon wedges.

Creator/contributor's comments:

This drink taste very good if you are a brandy or cognac groupie. Very high alcahol content posibilities, but suitable for sociable gatherings, or a night with the boys.

Never had brandy or cognac, i'd probly give it a try.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Love Juice (LJ)

2 oz Light rum
2 1/2 oz Orange juice
2 oz Apple juice
6 1/2 oz Squirt (or any other citris soda)
Mixing instructions:
First add rum, followed by other ingredients, mix well. Serve on the rocks with an orange slice in a Collins Glass (approx. 14 oz.).

Sounds great!! That's a cool web site!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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1 1/2 shot Vodka
1 shot Triple sec
Add Tang to taste
Mixing instructions:
Mix Vodka and Triple sec first. Add Tang (and water if powdered Tang).

Creator/contributor's comments:
Delicious and orange. The drink of the astronaut!

If it's fruity I'll drink it!;)
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Captain Do

1 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's)
20 oz Mountain Dew
Mixing instructions:
Put shot in then add Soda
......no, you would not catch me drinking this. ewwww.
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum
1 oz Vodka
3 oz Lime juice
Fill with Beer

Mixing instructions:

Pour in hard liquors first and lime juice follows. Top with beer until full. Do not stir. Enjoy!!

what the hell...i'd drink it...it could lead to some funny stories B|

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And I get the fucking lunch box. Just what is this world coming to!>:(

I thought you liked lunch boxes ;)

I like box for lunch, does that count?

Big Red Hooter

1 oz Tequila
3/4 oz Amaretto
Pineapple juice
1 oz Grenadine
Mixing instructions:
Pour tequila and amaretto over ice into collins glass. Fill with pineapple juice and top with grenadine. Garnish with a cherry and serve with a straw.

yeah i'd drink it.

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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1st one of the day

Bald Pussy

1 1/2 shot Melon liqueur
1 shot Lime vodka
1 shot Absolut Vodka
1 shot Triple sec
1 1/2 shot Blueberry schnapps
1 splash Lime juice
1 splash 7-Up
Mixing instructions:
Start at the top and venture your way to the bottom. Pour over ice and shake it on home! Pour in a highball glass and give 2 or 3 big gulps.



--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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Flaming Dr. Pepper!!

3/4 shot Amaretto (or Chilled Rootbeer Snapps)
151 proof rum
1/2 glass Beer (Cheep Beer actualy works better for this one, Finally a way to make Bud or Miller almost drinkable)

Mixing instructions:
Fill the shot glass about 3/4 full with Amaretto and top it off with enough 151 to make it burn. Put the shot glass in another glass and fill the new glass with beer (right up to the level of the shot glass). Light the Amaretto/151 and let it burn awhile. Drop the shot glass in the beer and slam it. Tastes just like Dr. Pepper.

Keep Damp bar Towel Handy for when you spill and catch your hand on fire.

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And of course the Iceman gets:


1 shot Peach schnapps
1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum
1/2 shot Southern Comfort
1/2 shot Yukon Jack
1 splash Pineapple juice
1 splash Cranberry juice
1 splash Grand Marnier

Mixing instructions:
Mix all ingredients in a tall glass on the rocks

Yeah, I'd drink it, rather than nibble and lick at it like Slowfaller's :o
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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Stirrup Cup

1 oz Cherry brandy
1 oz Brandy
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 tsp Sugar
Mixing instructions:
Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes, and serve.

Yeah - I'd drink it.

Which reminds me, I need to see my gyno. :P

Is a chicken omelette redundant?

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Modified Duck Fart

3/4 oz Crown Royal
3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream
3/4 oz Kahlua
Mixing instructions:
Layer liquors in order listed from top to bottom in shot glass. Drink all at once

I DO NOT believe I'd be drinking the MODIFIED DUCK FART!B|:D

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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1 oz Amaretto Di Sarrono
2 oz Pineapple juice
2 oz Orange juice
Mixing instructions:
Stir first three ingredients together and pour over ice. Top with a marischino cherry.

Yeah, I'd drink it (sounds yummy)... but that's not enough alcohol for me. I think the addition of an oz. of spiced rum would make it more my style :)

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Glogg - Grandmother's

* 1 bottle Red wine
* 1/2 bottle Sweet Vermouth
* 8 Cloves
* 8 Cardamom pods
* 2 pieces Cinnamon
* 1 piece Orange peel

Mixing instructions:

Mix everything in a casserole. Keep overnight. Heat the mixture - do NOT boil. Strain and serve hot woth raisins and almonds. (You have to throw the almonds in boiling water for maybe a minute, and peel of the brown 'coating'. They should be white for use with glogg.) Serve in irish coffee cup.

I can't really envision how this would turn out, so I dunno if I would drink it or not.

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Dizzy Damage

1 part Jägermeister
1 part Rumple Minze
1 part Goldschlager
Mixing instructions:
Chill ingrediants in mixing glass with ice. Strain into a chilled shot glass.

Creator/contributor's comments:
This drink is known also as the "Dead Hitler": however it has become popular on the west coast as the Dizzy Damage. This drink is in legend to have been Dizzy damage's (Erik Boyles) drink of choice. (From the Glamour Punks).


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Absinthe Martini

2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Dry Vermouth
1/8 tsp Absinthe
Mixing instructions:
Stir well with ice. Strain into a prechilled cocktail glass. Very pleasant with an onion stuffed olive. Some bartenders pour a soucon of Absinthe into the glass, swirl it around and then add the martini.

Yeah. I'd definitely drink that. Extra-dirty, please.B|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Grapes of Wrath

3 oz Blue Curacao
1 oz Vodka
2 oz Cranberry juice
2 oz Grape juice
1 oz Coca-Cola
1 splash of Pineapple juice
Mixing instructions:
Fill collins glass with ice. Pour blue curacao and vodka into glass. Fill 3/4 of the glass with 1/2 cranberry juice and 1/2 grape juice. Then fill the rest of the glass with coke. Add a splash of pineapple at the top and then shake thourghly.

Creator/contributor's comments:
It tastes like grape kool-aid but with barely any taste of alcohol in it. I work as a bartender at a brewery and I was just messing around one day with different alcohol.

Hmmm. Yep, it's got alcohol in it, and that means I'd drink it. B|
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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