
Dropzone-Talk Back.com

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I just got done talking to my friend Sangriro about the idea of openening up a whole new web-site dedicated to "Talk-Back" subjects only...

Sounds like he really likes the idea of having a site where hundreds (maybe thousands) of us skydivers and many other non-skydiver friends that like to say we're skydivers can talk about everything from boobies to zoo-dives (Oops the latter would be too skydiving related...) but anyway... it would be a place of infinite dialogue where there would be no impunity for re-posts and silly topics of bit wasting-space...

I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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"How exactly would that differ from talk back now? "

And the need for such a site?.....is Talk back that much of a drain?......If there are issues that need to be addressed then Plz let HH spel it out...skydiving topics and themes are part of talk back....moving this forum to a diff site will only increase the workload of HH....unless another is going to maintain said site.

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It's not the worst idea, but my two cents is:

If we split it into two seperate sites, people would stop posting as much, and would eventually lose interest.

With Talk Back part of the regular forums like it is now, it kind of keeps us all together in the same "room" (if you will). See what I mean?

Don't get me wrong, I've heard worse ideas...I'd just probably vote "no" for this one (if I had a vote :P).




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Not only that but I believe it would be detrimental to the input and participation of the other threads on this website.

Gotta agree with you there, JP. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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How exactly would that differ from talk back now?


Not only that but I believe it would be detrimental to the input and participation of the other threads on this website.

Sounds about right to me, I concur with these statements.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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...a whole new web-site dedicated to "Talk-Back" subjects only...it would be a place of infinite dialogue where there would be no impunity for re-posts and silly topics of bit wasting-space...

That could be done right here. All he'd have to do is create some code to delete any "Talk Back" threads where > "X" number of months. Could do it based on capacity too.

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What about just turning on autopurging on talkback (or open a new talkback forum).
98% of all talkback messages really ain't interesting after a week anyway.

If all post not posted to the last three days get purged, it will make less server load and easier moderation.

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Im not sure the idea would work. Use a real life metaphor for the forums of different rooms in a party.

Talk back is the main hallway – a huge area with loads of people all chatting about anything they want. There’s a lot of noise and its sometimes difficult to make yourself heard but if you circulate you can hear a lot of different conversations.

The other forums are different rooms leading off the main hallway. You often move into these rooms and take part in the conversations there but when its quiet and the conversations are slow you move back into the ever-busy hallway. Sure there are a few people who only ever sit in that room and only ever talk about that one subject, but the majority of people there meander around through all the rooms and the hallway.

If you take the hallway and put it in another building, how many people are going to start crossing that wet courtyard to see whats going in the smaller rooms? I’d guess that without the hallway there, traffic across all forums would decrease. People simply wouldn’t bother moving to the other rooms and would stay there cos people are inherently lazy.

If it is done, Sangrio would have to do is ensure the hallway is covered and heated and the hall is not too far from the rest of the rooms… ie theres a quick link from one page to the other so its just as easy as it is now to shift from one room to another.

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Please tell me I am not thee one responsable for you in this mood! I like talk back where it is and how it is. I like the warning label on it too. Some of the things in here are just too funny to have lived without. Why are you having such a problem with it?-Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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