
Older women dating younger guys?

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Ask Mouth. She is 39 and dating a 28-year old guy. Conversely, I am 40 and date a 28 year old girl, so I guess I can't say shit, can I?

After totally swearing off men it is true. I've fallen for a younger man, and I love it. I don't think age really has anything to do with it though. I think we are having such a great time because we understand each other.

The basis for a relationship is communication. The basis for a successful relationship is understanding.

Hot Mama
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Oh yes, I'm your age and then some. The ones looking for money and looks tend to avoid eye contact with the middle-aged broke skydiver.

It works out though, I don't have the time to keep a houseplant alive, much less a relationship. It leaves me more time to raise discontent among the populace. :ph34r:

Shhhhh, she dosen't know i'm broke yet ;)

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Well of course no one is going to be as attractive in real life as when they have had several thousand worth of lighting, makeup and airbrushing :P

Lighting works both ways. Instead of spending thousands on lighting and makeup, there is always my $2.99 dimmer switch. I call it "mood un-lighting". :ph34r:

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Well, it's good to know you girls and guys go for in depth relationships, rather than shallow, casual short term stuff based on appearance :P

Hmmm... my statement did come off as very shallow but that isn't really it. Appearance is the first thing that you notice about someone. Personality is the most important, though. They can be the most beautiful, hardbodied godlike individual but if their personality sucks - so what?
It's their attitude about life. Most of those poor sods my own age (not all, I know a few - very few) act like they are already done with it. They've given up and settled and don't care anymore. I think I scare them, too. They think I'm great at first until they realize that if they want to hang with me - they have to actually expend some energy - get up and do something - have some damn fun - at least pretend that they enjoy life.

I'm more active and in better shape than most of the women I've met in my life that are almost half my age. I'm full of more energy and more spontaneous. That is probably why I've been with younger guys lately. I don't deliberately look for them and they don't realize that I'm as old as I am. Whatever works - who cares?

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Most of those poor sods my own age


I'm more active and in better shape than most of the women I've met in my life that are almost half my age.

With a picture like that, how old could you possibly be?

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I'm more active and in better shape than most of the women I've met in my life that are almost half my age. I'm full of more energy and more spontaneous.

You're amazing Wendy! I never would have thought you were over 30 when I met you. You put me to shame. I'm loving you a second time! :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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My girlfriend is over 30, yet I am 27 ...:(
Her previous relationship, he was 38, she wasn't...

I don't think I have ever dated anyone that was the same age as me... either younger or older... by at least 3 years... I think it is because I can't stand some women that are my age...

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- Voltaire

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Most of those poor sods my own age (not all, I know a few - very few) act like they are already done with it. They've given up and settled and don't care anymore.

You know the message you're sending out to the world with these sweatpants? You're telling the world, "I give up. I can't compete in normal society. I'm miserable, so I might as well be comfortable."[/CENTER]

Seinfeld episode "The Pilot (Part 1)."
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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All I have to say is that if MissKriss wants to date 22 year olds *cough-from the UK-cough*, then I think it's a beatiful thing which should be encouraged.

Let's all play a game - it's called "spot the subtext!"

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weege -- yeah, but thats like getting it on with your son's best friend -- that would just totally creep me out. Plus, you know how insecure girls are, i'd feel maybe just a tad desparate...
...but whatever floats your boat?! ;)

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LOL that's pretty funny dude. Imagine your brother taking his woman home and your mother says "hey! Didn't we attend high school together? We were in love with the same guy, I got him and you swore you'd get back at me?"

Seriously though. Who cares about age? I see women and men going on about looks and stamina and vigour and whatnot.

If they go by statistics yeah sure they're more likely to find younger men in better shape and so forth. But gross generalisations cannot be applied on individual basis and what is more individual than the choice of partner?

The way I see it we have some criteria a prospective mate needs to have. If an older/younger mate has 'em, it's good. Their age is of little concern. Some of the criteria are directly related to age (such as say wrinkles) but the vast majority are not. Why worry so much about age? Really, who gives a flying f*ck? :P

Santa Von GrossenArsch
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***I just think younger guys have more "energy"... yeah thats it
Thats my story and I am sticking to it..

Yep... it's just a matter of mathematics. Sophie Tucker knew this when she said: 20 goes into 60 a hell of a lot more than 60 goes into 20" ;)
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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It is a personal preference. Though I had no problem with dating a much older woman, hell I preferred it, I personally would not have married a woman ten years my senior and I hated dating girls younger than me at all. It is about where you are in life.

In most cases, a person who is 20 is heading a very different direction than a person who is 30 or 40. Sometimes, as in my brother's case, the younger one is more mature than most of their contemporaries or has atleast moved on to a different stage/direction and the age difference does not matter.

I am willing to guess that this is not the norm and that is why so many of these couples with such vast age differences end in divorce/break up. At some point the older woman is going to grow tired of the little boy she is dating and want something more substantial.

To each his/her own.

;)There is something to be said about being a twenty year old guy and dating a forty year old woman;) Sexual peaks being what they are and all.

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