
500th!!!!! Dead Americans, That Is. . .

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Actually, Jimbo might give the post a bit more consideration if he had the faintest reason to believe that Gary fives a fuck about the dead soldiers, instead of being quite giddy about the fact that he can use it to make a half-assed argument against the current administration.


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If 500 Americans are killed in Afghanistan, or fighting the real war on terror, you won't find me saying a word, except perhaps "Thank you brave kids for defending this country making it safer".

That was/is needed, this was NOT. Especially when we could have used the couple HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS on real homeland security or going after Al Quada or any number of other worthy causes that would really make us safer. . .

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Wow - real patriot, huh? I'm sure their mothers and fathers would really appreciate the sentiment. Of course, why should you be any different than our president, who seems to have the same attitude, based on his attendance of their funerals and forbidding of even pictures being taken of their coffins. Truly shameful.

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What wrong, Jimbo? Don't care about being lied to by your government, or having your neighbours kids sent to their death in a country where they don't even know what they are fighting for?

you know...this whole post pisses me off....im in the army....and as far as the certain part(in bold) do you not recall a certain two buildings that were taken down and the 3000+ killed!!??? Not to mention our
Pentigon. or were you still in bed that day? ask ANY soldier what they are fighting for....i bet not one of then says that they dont know.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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forbidding of even pictures being taken of their coffins

This is the first I've heard of that. Can you source it, please?

And just because it hasn't been mentioned on this site yet, The "Gatekeeper" Ghul seems to have been arrested in Fallujah.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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you know...this whole post pisses me off....im in the army....and as far as the certain part(in bold) do you not recall a certain two buildings that were taken down and the 5000+ killed!!??? or were you still in bed that day? ask ANY soldier what they are fighting for....i bet not one of then says that they dont know.

Jesus H Christ - How gullible can people actually be??? Even Colin Powell will tell you that there is NO connection between Al Quada and Iraq. And it's not for any lack of trying. Try reading a paper once in a while, even watch Fox News!

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forbidding of even pictures being taken of their coffins

This is the first I've heard of that. Can you source it, please?

Bush forbade the press from taking pictures of the returning war dead solely to keep the left wing press from sensationalizing their return.
The government did the same thing during the Vietnam war...for the same reasons.
Dont tell me I dont know what I'm talking about.
I was there.
USN Graves Registration 71-72

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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Jesus H Christ

From http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a1_033.html


Dear Cecil:

How come people always say "Jesus H. Christ"? Why not Jesus Q. Christ or Jesus R. Christ or something else? Does the H really stand for something? My future peace of mind depends on your answer. --W.B.T., Chicago

Dear W.:

The H stands for Harold, as in, "Our Father, who art in heaven, Harold be thy name" (snort).

Actually, I've heard numerous explanations for the H over the years. The first is that it stands for "Holy," as in Jesus Holy Christ, a common enough blasphemy in the South, abridged to H by fast-talking Northerners. Other colorful Southern epithets include Jesus Hebe Christ and Jesus Hebrew Christ, which abbreviate the same way. The drawback of this account is that it is so boring I can barely type it without falling asleep. Luckily, the other theories are more entertaining:

(1) It stands for "Haploid." This is an old bio major joke, referring to the unique (not to say immaculate) circumstances of Christ's conception. Having no biological father, J.C. was shortchanged in the chromosome department to the tune of one half. Ingenious, I'll admit, but whimsy has no place in a serious investigation such as this.

(2) It recalls the H in the IHS logo emblazoned on much Christian paraphernalia. IHS dates from the earliest years of Christianity, being an abbreviation of "Jesus" in classical Greek characters. The Greek pronunciation is "Iesous," with the E sound being represented by the character eta, which looks like an H. When the symbol passed to Christian Romans, for whom an H was an H, the unaccountable character eventually became accepted as Jesus's middle initial.

(3) Finally, a reader makes the claim that the H derives from the taunting Latin inscription INRH that was supposedly tacked on the cross by Roman soldiers: Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Hebrei (Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Hebrews). Trouble is, the inscription is usually given as INRI: Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum (J.C., King of the Jews).

Nonetheless, this is the kind of creative thinking I like to see from my Teeming Millions. With every passing day, my mission on this earth comes closer to completion.


"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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but that isnt to say that Iraq didnt pose a threat to other nations.

And there seems to be quite a few "Foreign Terrorists" that come to Iraq to fight. I say.....what does it matter if we shoot them in Iraq or Assramistan....as long as I don't have to smoke them in the airport or the mall!

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All I know is that we have some friends whose son is finally O-U-T of Iraq. He's been rotated back to Germany. While he was there he had two close calls with Baathists or Al Qaedas or whatever they were (they're Al Deada for their trouble), who were trying to kill him and his friends around him. One of the dumb fucks blew himself up with the grenade he was about to toss. The other one shot first and then they shot him. We're just glad he's out and back with his girlfriend in Germany. We hope everyone else's kid gets out of there too.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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