
What's your favorite hot sauce?

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Sorry, too many options to poll

But I found the best hot sauce a few years ago from Viet Nam.. This stuff isn't too hot but has so much flavor. It's called sriracha.

Being one of the biggest nights of the year.. for hot wings, what kind of sauce do you like?

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Best I ever had was this stuff called "Screaming Sphincter"

I don't think I'd even try something with that name!:o I like hot sauce, but really haven't found the one!

There's a place in Virginia Beach called "Try My Nuts" and they have all sorts of hot sauces. Tried a few, can't remember the names they were okay.:S
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There are entirely toomany out there to list that are worth trying. My step father collects hot sauces. He always buys two of everything, one for the collection and one to try in his cooking. I have had far to many to list. There are literally over a thousand bottles on his wall and I have probably tried half of them and found very few that were not worth using.

here's a small list that you can start with and these are my personal favorites:

These are litsted in order of hotness based on the Scoville Scale of Hotness

1. 1 Million Scoville Pepper Extract

2. Ass In The Tub Special Reserve - Armageddon

3. Ass Reaper With Skull and Cape

4. Colon Blow Hot Sauce

5. Dumb Ass Hot Sauce

6. African Rhino Peri-Peri Hot Sauce

7. Assplosion Hot Sauce

8. El Yucateco Chipotle Hot Sauce

9. Ass In Antarctica Hot Sauce

10. "F" Milk! Got Hot Sauce?

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Daves Insanity is one of the best for heat.

Good ole Tabasco is good in scrambled eggs.

Bayou Butt Burner is excellent in a shrimp marinade.

I have about 100 bottles of different hot sauce. I started collecting them when i was on the road.

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I may be lame with this one...but I just can't find a better all around tasting or more useful hot sauce that Tobasco. it goes with everything..and I put it on just about everything...it really is the good....flavorfull, not too super hot like the atomic variety using haba how you spell its..all in all a good hot sauce.:)

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Tobasco jalepeno (green) is what I like best on breakfast homefries. Stuff called Cape Fear is what I like best on everything else, wings included. I found it at a place in Thurmont, MD called the Cozy restaurant that has probably 200 hot sauces for sale. They claim it to be super-hot, but it's really not when compared to something like Dave's insanity. I like a little heat, but flavor is what makes a sauce good, and Cape Fear is delicious. Look for a skull & crossbones on the label.

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I agree with the Tobasco sentiment. For all around, multi use sauce, it is the way to go.

Take some ground beef, spice it with salt, pepper, Mojo. Make some black beans and rice, mix the beef in with the beans and throw over the rice then flavor with tobasco. Damn that is one good, rib sticking low cost meal. One of my favorite 15 minute foods.B|

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