
The Bytch Boogie!

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beach jump list

bendywendy (if she can get away)
sunnydee123 (beer beach jump) ;)

ground crw
bodypilot90's wife
bodypilot90's daughter

what we need
So who is interested? We will also need a few people (depending on how many jumpers) with vehicles to pick us up and play ground crew. Maybe some of you who don't have c licenses but want to come see the fun would volunteer. You can have a drink at the bar while waiting for us to land. (Us as if I will be able to get away from manifest)

friday early play list


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do you still need a tent?

Yes! I looked into buying one, but they're expensive! Do you, or anyone for that matter, have an extra land abode you wouldn't mind loaning for the weekend?

Oh, and count me in on the Friday group as well. I may get there late that night, but I expect to get there on Friday. :)
And about the beach pickup...I have a jeep cherokee. I don't know how many I can fit in there with gear, but that's what I'll have with me.
Doesn't someone want video of their beach jump and landing, too?
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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*SNICKER* Mike saw the new tent this weekend at Lake Wales and si now referring to it as "the condo"

Princess Andrea hasn't seen anythign yet. we even got a queen sized bed that sits off the ground on a fold up platform. *neener* !!!! :ph34r:

there's standnig room in there too for lot sof people! Anyone got a disco ball to hang??



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I invited someone at DeLand this weekend to the boogie, they asked me if I had a hotel room yet, I said no, I'm planning on sleeping in my tent, she said to make sure that I reserve a site for my tent... is this really necessary?! DeLand is the only DZ I've ever been to and there's usually a few measly tents and tons of room for more. And I figured other DZ's would be like this. But I guess if I need to reserve something I should figure it out now...

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Call manifest! Wendy is da bomb, as are all the other cool manifest ladies, and they'll fill you in on the dz camping policy.

There is a sign that says all campsites or campers or something like that must be registered at the manifest, but I'm not aware of having to reserve space. There's a lot of available space....well, maybe not so much if there are a lot of those special, two story, pool in back, everything but the kitchen sink condo-tents (;))! Seriously, though, no worries, mate...you won't get turned away at the door. (or parking lot...whatever the case may be!)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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stock up on the Red Bull and vodka!

Never have tried that combo....heard mixed reviews about it....but I've got a bottle of vodka and some rum from the VI's I'll bring...maybe some JD and good beer, too.....damn, I'm gonna be a rolling liquor store..


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Never have tried that combo....heard mixed reviews about it....

The only place I ever had it was at Raeford! It's not my favorite, it gave me a stomach ache.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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