
Sunshine's Broken Ankle

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Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

Assistance in the shower is much needed. It was terrible trying to take one last night without any help. I was crying cause i was in so much pain trying to stand on one foot and not fall over. I had to get on my hands and knees to crawl into the shower cause there was a part i had to step over. Ugh, i hate this. Thanks again for all you did. I wouldn't have made it through yesterday without you.

Dave has lots of shower assistance experience, if you need him, I can spare him for a couple of weeks, just let me know.....
[email protected]

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Dayum broken ankle??? That sucks Sunny but you'll be healed up in no time... Major Vibage girl.:)
Now for some more gutter talk for us peeps stuck in our crummy little miserable office jobs:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:...

Just kidding!! argggg!

SUNNY YOU WILL BE OK!!! GET WELL...............

Woop woop!:ph34r:

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*** The pain is a lot worse today than yesterday. Thank god i have good friends here in CA that took care of me. And iwan is being so awesome about letting me stay here an extra few days to rest before going home.

Here's what I suggest. First drink like 2 beers then take a vicodin...then another couple of beers. I know they say don't mix vicodin and alcohol because it damages your liver but honestly I don't think we really need a liver anyway.

I find that mixing a few shots in there helps too.

In all seriousness Sunshine I'm really sorry you're hurting and we all wish there was something we could do for you. It'll get better soon. Hang in there.

I have a bruise on my hand from where ya squeezed it when they were jabbing you with that needle.... :D


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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*** The pain is a lot worse today than yesterday. Thank god i have good friends here in CA that took care of me. And iwan is being so awesome about letting me stay here an extra few days to rest before going home.

Here's what I suggest. First drink like 2 beers then take a vicodin...then another couple of beers. I know they say don't mix vicodin and alcohol because it damages your liver but honestly I don't think we really need a liver anyway.

I find that mixing a few shots in there helps too.

In all seriousness Sunshine I'm really sorry you're hurting and we all wish there was something we could do for you. It'll get better soon. Hang in there.

I have a bruise on my hand from where ya squeezed it when they were jabbing you with that needle.... :D

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Hope you get your Vicodin pain meds filled, then take them like they say, 1-2 every 4-6 hrs hours,, even if the pain isn't to bad for at least the first several days round the clock. For the DVT be sure to wiggle your toes and keep that leg elevated!! I mean way up, like buncha pillows off the couch up. It'll help with swelling, throbbing, and venous return too! And ya ask before taking ASA or any other blood thinner for that. As far as the drinking goes, be careful, the Vicodin and alcohol will have an additive effect and could make it even more tricky to,, say,, go pee, w/o stubbing your toe!! Not to mention respiratory depression bla bla bla... Don't be impatient girly girl, things will work out. I would love to meet you at Lost Prairie and volunteer video for that bikini jump!!

Natural Born FlyerZ.com

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I"m kinda fucked in the head right now. I honestly have no desire to jump again. Maybe i'll change my mind, i dunno...

Ohhhh hugs to you. I felt the same way when I was lying in the hospital after I smashed my pelvis.

I'm sorry this happened...let me know if you need anything.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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I"m kinda fucked in the head right now. I honestly have no desire to jump again. Maybe i'll change my mind, i dunno...

Hi Sunny

Don't worry be happy! Getting hurt kind of goes with the sport it's that gravity thing. A lot of us have been there:( Welcome to the broken bone club:)

You'll be back!

BTW Don't scratch inside your cast when you leg get's itchy, once you start you'll never stop:S.


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Huh? Lol...what does that mean, Jeannie?
Some people have to worry about the amount of material/suppot for the girls...and opening shock and stuff
Yeah! My boobies were a full 3 inches higher before I started skydiving. It's a serious issue.

Hmmm... GFD? Are we talking about boobies on Sunny's ankle thread again?
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Huh? Lol...what does that mean, Jeannie?

Some people have to worry about the amount of material/suppot for the girls...and opening shock and stuff

See...that is what I wondered about, but Sunny assured me that it would be fine. She seems to have done it many times before. However, in your case, those could kill someone if they were let loose unexpectedly! (They are probably 3 times the size of mine...lol) Perhaps you could wear something else and jump with us, anyway. :)
Btw, speaking of breasts...I was in the tunnel on Friday night for 15 minutes (YAY...my first time in Perris' tunnel...BEER), and now my breasts (breast muscles?) hurt. WTF? :|

Edited: Actually, it makes sense...I should have stretched (arm stretches) every single limb first. I did not. [:/] I am lame.

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I have a bruise on my hand from where ya squeezed it when they were jabbing you with that needle....

Sorry about that, but it hurt!! It was funny as hell when you asked for an IV too. So sorry i freaked out when i saw the spider on you and started screaming. :D

Seriously, you, tim and iwan were so good to stay in the field with me til the ambulance came. Iwan's shoulder was bugging him yesterday and he still helped carry me back to the parking lot. You byron people rock!!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Sky or Sunshine did they say that you will need surgery?

I shouldn't need surgery, yay!! Right now i'm just in a splint because of the swelling. The ER doc couldn't put a cast on yet. I have to see an orthopedic doc as soon as i get back to IL on thursday.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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What parts broke? And don't say ankle... I know that much

It's the fibula that broke. I suck at walking on crutches. It would prolly make good video though.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Sunny is saying that her ankle is hurting worse. Is this normal for a broken bone?

It's just because it all swells for a couple days afterwards. Chances are a fair amount of the pain is from the tender tissue around the break is swelling, pressing against the cast.. Ever push on a bruise? Same type of thing. In a couple days, it'll be fine..


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What parts broke? And don't say ankle... I know that much

It's the fibula that broke. I suck at walking on crutches. It would prolly make good video though.

Many years ago I broke my tib/fib in a landing accident....I ended up in a cast for 8 weeks(4 weeks of it in a "walking cast").. It hurt like hell for the first week or so, then the pain subsided...but still hurt when bumped hard. Keep your weight off it - that's the most important thing to help it heal quickly and properly.

First Iwan hurts himself on landing, now you do...I think you two are meant for each other.. ;)


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