
Do we need a men only forum?

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I got nothing to hide.

I can just see the postings -


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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yeah, but if you go in and act up, they'll either string you up by your bit and pieces, or cut em off. Talkback is a noisy bar. Women's is more like a marykay party with an undercurent of "we love em but we REALLY HATE THEM."
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I got nothing to hide.

I can just see the postings -


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! well, at least you won't have to worry about female lurkers with subjects like THAT!!!! bwaahhahahahahhahaha!

boys only... ha!... have fun! :D

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yeah, but if you go in and act up, they'll either string you up by your bit and pieces, or cut em off. Talkback is a noisy bar. Women's is more like a marykay party with an undercurent of "we love em but we REALLY HATE THEM."

I think they resent that we don't mind that well. That's why women love their dogs better. They obey commands and if they are neutered, they don't hump strangers legs.

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yeah, but if you go in and act up, they'll either string you up by your bit and pieces, or cut em off. Talkback is a noisy bar. Women's is more like a marykay party with an undercurent of "we love em but we REALLY HATE THEM."

I think someone needs a spanking...B|

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I really don't even see the reason for a women only forum.

You don't have to go there if you don't want to, but, personally, I love the Women's Only Forum.


It's not even password protected, the guys can still go in there and read about everything that is posted. lol

Are you kidding? The Women's Forum is heavily moderated. Women can write things about breasts and chest straps. for instance, and not have men make sexual comments to them about it. Some men may lurk, but others don't bother going in there. It isn't because we don't want men to visit our forums that we have the Women's Only Forum. It's because we don't want men flirting with us or making wise cracks when we post certain things of a more serious nature. It's a safe environment for women to talk about female things with each other and ask for advice or support, especially when it comes to skydiving, as we are a minority. I know that I have often been comforted and/or helped by suggestions in this forum.

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You don't have to go there if you don't want to, but, personally, I love the Women's Only Forum.

Really? I was under the impression I was required to post there. :P


Are you kidding? The Women's Forum is heavily moderated. Women can write things about breasts and chest straps. for instance, and not have men make sexual comments to them about it. Some men may lurk, but others don't bother going in there. It isn't because we don't want men to visit our forums that we have the Women's Only Forum. It's because we don't want men flirting with us or making wise cracks when we post certain things of a more serious nature. It's a safe environment for women to talk about female things with each other and ask for advice or support, especially when it comes to skydiving, as we are a minority. I know that I have often been comforted and/or helped by suggestions in this forum.

Maybe you misunderstood when I said they can "read" what is posted. I didnt say anything about them posting in there. What is the point of having a womens only forum, when a guy can go in there and read the "serious" things we talk about. If it is that neccessary to have a forum because of the nature of the topics.... dont you think it makes sense to keep the men from reading them at all?

It's just my opinion, dont take it to heart. I just don't see the need. :)

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What is the point of having a womens only forum, when a guy can go in there and read the "serious" things we talk about. If it is that neccessary to have a forum because of the nature of the topics.... dont you think it makes sense to keep the men from reading them at all?

The point is exactly as Rosa stated. The women's forum is here so we can post about breasts without forty three replies saying "heh she said breasts oh how I love them". So we can post about IUD's without similar comments. So we can discuss various issues from the female viewpoint (and we do have a different viewpoint than men on many issues). And so we have a place where we can talk about whatever we want without the nearly constant "hitting on" that goes on in Talkback; many of us have outgrown the need to be constantly hit on to feel that we are sexy and/or wanted so we appreciate having a place where that type of behavior isn't tolerated.

Personally I don't care if guys read any or all of it or not. I do know that some men lurk there specifically so they can learn more about how women think. I've heard from enough of them to know that at least a few men find it to be a valuable resource for them.


I just don't see the need. Maybe I'm just more thick skinned than normal.

Maybe so. Or maybe you just don't know what you're missing out on by not being a part of that forum. I love my guy friends a lot, don't get me wrong. But the women's forum has allowed me to develop new friendships with women (that I likely would not have developed if that forum wasn't here) and to bond even more with the female friends I already had.

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Oh, Lisa, I love you! You wrote exactly what I was going to write, but I felt that she may not understand my points or even read my post, as evidenced by her earlier reply.


many of us have outgrown the need to be constantly hit on to feel that we are sexy and/or wanted so we appreciate having a place where that type of behavior isn't tolerated.

EXACTLY! Thank you!!!


Personally I don't care if guys read any or all of it or not.

Me too. It's fine with me if men read my posts in the Women's Only forum.


I love my guy friends a lot, don't get me wrong. But the women's forum has allowed me to develop new friendships with women (that I likely would not have developed if that forum wasn't here) and to bond even more with the female friends I already had.

Once, again, beautifully written, Lisa...my exact sentiments! Even though most of my best friends are male, I have developed some beautiful relationships with my female friends in this forum. :)

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