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Yes, it's true...I brought her home yesterday, I kept her out all night, and I just had to ride her again today.B|

2002 Suzuki GSX-R 600 Fuel Injected.:ph34r:

Since the weather is windy as hell today, I think I'll go take her for another spin around town. :)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Suzukis rock! I used to have an older GSX-R 600 -- pre-fuel injection. That engine could rev. I understand the FI models scream even higher...enjoy. B|
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Yes, it's true...I brought her home yesterday, I kept her out all night, and I just had to ride her again today.B|

2002 Suzuki GSX-R 600 Fuel Injected.:ph34r:

Since the weather is windy as hell today, I think I'll go take her for another spin around town. :)

Generic variety Crotch rocket, all Speed and No soul;)
I'm a V Twim man myselfB| Guzzi's Duke's, Early Harly's and Indians etc..
Even the Yammy TRX 850 and Suzuki SV650S are good
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Yes, it's true...I brought her home yesterday, I kept her out all night, and I just had to ride her again today.

2002 Suzuki GSX-R 600 Fuel Injected.

Ahhhh... You B**ch!!! and I mean that, with nothing but respect and admiration..*grumble*

Seriously, Congrats man! Still the best bike I've EVER ridden, I miss the hell outta my 93' 750 :( Ah well, one day I'll get me a new R1000. :D Have fun, and be safe brutha!


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My friend had one of those, but a 750, and I saw him do some things that seemed scarier than skydiving to me. Wheelies at 100mph+ through traffic and around corners (even over a bridge in one case), for miles at a time, stoppies starting from 100mph. He said the scariest thing by far though was taking it to 160mph on a long straight empty road... he'd have to focus on the horizon because any bumps, etc in the road would only be visible for a split second before he had to react, and he literally had to hang on for dear life as the wind tried to take him off the bike. He only wrecked it once, in a really funny way, doing a wheelie by some girl's house he was mad at, going about 80mph in a residential zone with no helmet while mooning everyone... he couldn't slow down enough for a turn coming up and laid it down at about 40mph and rolled into the grass unscathed, with his pants still down. After getting 12 points on his license in one year he decided to sell it...

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VERY nice buy bro, VERY nice!! I ride a 2001 R6 and I have been on the 2002 GSXR 6 as well.. I can say that its a Night and day difference with the fuel injection! I get a chance to take my buddies GXR6 02 in the twisties and holy crap, what a bike! To bad you don't live close, enjoy and wear you're GEAR GEAR GEAR!!!

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Nice choice....I had an 02' GSXR 750. Dayumn I miss that bike. I could bounce up wheelies at 80+ like nothing.....and even clutch them up too....though not to healthy on the bike.:P

Ride her safe......and keep the rubber side down.

PS-175 on a bike feels pretty fast......yet....very under control.B|
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
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i had a tdm 850.the trx isnt avaliable in the us is it?i dont care much for the v twins.lousy engine design.im a bmw fan myself

Tediums are NOTHING like the TRX:D:D:D:D;)

A Beemer is just a Guzzi with sagging heads;)

I have a CAFE'd 1000 GuzziB|
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Never saw the point in riding one of those babies in the States, too many straight roads to really have fun - compared to the UK that is!

Knee down action at a roundabout near you - bwahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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don't hit a deer riding that thing.


Drive it down to Dallas. I've got a lonely porch and 12-pack of Shiner.

I am never going to live down killing Bambi, am I?[:/]:ph34r:

Okay, here's the whole sordid dealio on how I ended up with this bike...

The pilot at Skydive Hinton made the mistake of letting me drive his '03 Yamaha R6 a couple of months back. I had owned a Ninja 600 about a decade back, but thought I was over the bike bug until I took his for a spin down the taxi-way.

Well, I didn't have the money to get a bike and thought that was the end of it.

The plot thickens... Two weeks back we had a vicious hail storm come through while I was at work. My car didn't look bad, so I didn't think much about it.

I took it to the ins agent on a lark this past Tuesday to have them look it over anyway. I walked out of there with a check for $4K:o:oB| *giving mad props to State Farm*

I saw a couple of low-end 600's, but nothing that didn't look like ass or wasn't rode hard. A 750 is honestly way too much bike for me.

Well, a dealership that I was looking at earlier in the week called me and told me a damn funny story...

It seems this idiot bought this 02' Gixxer 600 new, and within having it a week, layed it down and rashed up the left side. Apparently, he scared himself pretty good on it several times after that.

He brought it by the shop two days ago and tried to sell it. They weren't looking to buy any used bikes at the time so he was going to take it down the street to another bike shop. In the parking lot, doing about 10mph, he lays it down on the other side and rashes up that side and bloodies his hands up pretty good. The owner went out and bought the bike off the guy to keep him from killing himself and called me.

It needs the plastics on both front lower fairings either repainted or replaced, and a new gas tank (which I found on eBay for $110 shippedB|).

I walked out of there with the bike (which only had 3600 miles on it), matching helmet, and an order for an armored matching jacket for.....$3650. The same bike in good condition can't be found for less than $6500-7000.

So, that's my story, sometimes timing is everything and having a positive balance in one's Karma account pays off big.:)
*ducking because I know Merrick is really going to have it in for me now after reading that one*:P
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Never saw the point in riding one of those babies in the States, too many straight roads to really have fun - compared to the UK that is!

Knee down action at a roundabout near you - bwahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

You've obviously never been to Oklahoma...the roads here were laid out by alcoholics. I have a nice set of 4-mile long twisties less than 10 minutes from my house.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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