
Weekend Numbers

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Yep, 3 good jumps on Friday at Blue Skies,no beer owed.

Planning on a trip to Snohomish on Wed. since I won't be able to jump this weekend......... dam that ground relative work. (Family reunion in Nebraska)

Ok, had to add in one more for today, so 4 jumps for the weekend........... and why couldn't I simply edit this post........... hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Goggles and Teeth

"You fall like a greased safe!!!"

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A great weekend at Snohomish. Met some new people and on Saturday I initiated 3 new Pink Mafia Sisters. Got to meet Austin a new to our DZ guy who videoed AcmeSkydivers initiation. I also Initiated FlyingSquirrel and Christy who normally jumps in Utah but was up here visiting her friend.

This evening at 730 PM I initiated the DZO’s girlfriend into the Pink Mafia. Welcome to the Pink Mafia Elaine great jump launched from the Caravan and flown flawlessly.

The AFF student that left after us had a hard pull and then line twists and had to cutaway. Luckily I took a bearing on some trees to where in the JUNGLE to the east of the student field the canopy came down and after stumbling thru the blackberries and salmonberries and stinging nettles.. I found it just as the sun had set. Great ending to a wonderful day at Snohomish.

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6 jumps all freefly, and 2 parties this weekend - at two different dropzones.

I had wayyyyyyy to much beer Saturday night. We called it quits close to 5am and I think it was about 19 beers I killed off!
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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We had a really nice weekend for a change up here at Sky Knights. Got to the DZ late Saturday afternoon, (My daughter Sarah and I both work Saturday mornings - ) did a couple 4-way dives, and Sarah made three jumps through AFF level 6. One more AFF jump then I can start taking her up on coach jumps.

Met TJ Landgren and partied with him Saturday night. Very cool dude! We had such a blast!! He vidoed Sarah's Level 6 jump. She looks GREAT! Spending an hour and a half in the tunnel while beginning AFF make such a world of difference! She's catching on to canopy control very well - (Right now she using the clubs' Clipper main-)

I beleive Scott Miller will be up at our club sometime this summer and I will be signing her and myself both up for his course. In the meantime I promised I'd spend a day with her doing Hop-n-pops out of the Cessna, so she can OD on canopy skills.

It was a very good weekend!

Easy Does It

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went to arkansas for a wedding with a hot guy in a tux this weekend. Met up with Kris and drank wayyyyy too much beer, saw some she-males, took Galen to the gallows and went to a real rodeo.

Wedding was uneventful, but the after-party was great, since another girl and I ran out with the rest of the keg!!! :ph34r:


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one fun jump saturday, finally started on my rw endorsement for my A sunday. had a hard pull, dropped the pilot chute handle, reached again, grabbed a mitt full of pilot chute and whipped it out. in the saddle at 2k.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Kick-assest weekend I'd had in a VERY long time (without involving cat.1).

Earned my Coach 1 rating (case)
First head-down (part of the course)
First spinng mal (altitude disappears VERY quickly ...)
Flew a Nimbus 1986 (...I hear the 2000 models are da bomb) -
Got a chiropractic opening under a Sabre 210 on my final certification jump.
Had the lesgstrap ball up while flying a Bluetrac (painful enough to avoid a right hand pattern)
Round reserve ride - 24 ft of Lopo is NOT enough unless the spot is good enough to drift to the peas.
3 way Horny Gorilla with the DZO and the other successful coach candidate that hit 169 mph before things got wooly :):|[:/].

Our plane threw it's alternator bracket Friday night and cost us 3 hours of jumping/coaching. The weather bit us on Saturday and took out another 6 hours. Sunday afternoon at about 5, our tanker truck ran out of 100 LL and, without fuel, we all went for Chinese food.

8 jumps and 9 canopy rides in 48 hours, a new rating, and a lot of beer owed. Weeeeeee that was fun (and damn I'm sore today). I wonder if my Instructor/Jumpmaster course in July will be ablte to beat this weekend?


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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1; 9; 1

1 - night sharing the Winnebeggo with Clay!! All sheep were safe. Clay makes a great addition to Skydive Tecumseh. Glad he'll be back for more! B|

9 - great skydives on Friday and Saturday!! Jim Harris was up for the weekend, so was Clay, and of course my WrongWay. Sunday we went to see Adrenaline Rush since we had some wind issues. That was fun!!! ;)

1 - :D owed for my first 6way HD dive!!! :) But it's great to know my flying is finally coming along. That was so freakin cool!!!

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Did the Bridge the Gap event at Lake Elsinore this weekend. Outstanding event! Spent 20 min in the tunnel friday and got some body position issues I developed after surgery sorted out with Tammy. She was a great coach. Jumped with Hamo and Lou for coaches on the weekend. Really great stuff.


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Congrats girl.:)Good to have you back in the blue.:)

3 jumps

Did my first hop and pop. Failed my first level. Got an F on my level F :( but did it again and passed.
Lots of fun. There was rain everywhere but the drop zone. God was smiling down at us.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Ok so I met a hottie this weekend..actually several hotties.. but no humping though...;)

2 great jumps..thanks for the big smiles Dan and my sweet Katie.

First time on the wing...yes this was an incredibly big deal for me...and first jump at new DZ. WHAT a GREAT DZ by the way!!

My weekend could not have been more perfect!

Do it Again!
P.M.S. #22
LaLa Gang #4

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Hop n pop then got two decent jumps in before my head wanted to explode. I even flailed around with Scottbre! Really bummed that I missed out being on the 5 point hybrid :( (4 way belly, 2 hangers, really impressive moves by the 4-way guys)
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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The jumps were ok this weekend, but more importantly we finally had some decent weather. Went out saturday night with dumpster and a buncha others from our club for one members birthday and to show the two guys in from out of town a good time. Learned quite a bit about how to improve my sit from TJ Landgren... good coaching goes a long way.

I know saturday night was a blast cause I was dragin on sunday :SB|
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Went to "Taste of Pinellas" Saturday. Live bands and local restaurants with booths. Heard Kenny Loggins. Old school talent. He did the theme from Top Gun (Highway to the danger zone), the theme for Caddyshack (I'm alright), and a zillion others.

Sunday, spent all day on a floaty in the pool at a friends.

B| <--- I looked like this.

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171 is how many jumps behind my logbook was when I started trying to catch it up yesterday.
5 jumps (3 tandems, 2 four-ways)
1 case of beer bought for no particular reason

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Cell phones dropped in toilets don't work

What is it with you and electronic gizmos??????

I lied! It works! :D

My coworker is convinced that everything I own will be dropped into a toilet.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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