
Hooknswoop for National Director

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OK, OK ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Everybody laugh at Derek. OK, jokes over. I'm NOT running! I don't even skydivine! I REFUSE to go to a DZ anymore! I am not a USPA member! Surely these things make me a poor choice?


I think all those thing make you an excellent choice but you will have to renew your membership. I would be happy to pay for it if you would consider running.

You wouldn't be the only one on the BOD that doesn't skydive anymore, but it doesn't mean they don't care anymore (just like you).



p.s. can you change your last name to smith.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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well with that campaign you'll never convince them to vote for you!;)

LOL, nice JT.B|

Derek, I feel that you would make a great ND, however, i would never write your name in. If nothing else than for the same reasons that you have stated. I believe you care and that is why you voice your opinions strongly. It is a shame that someone like you is not listened to more and that your voice doesn't seem to make a difference. Like i told you before, i wish you the best with whatever you decide to do.


Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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umm.....Derek....errr....you ever think that those of us that have said we'd vote for you aren't joking and are serious and feel that you'd be a good choice?

Yes, but I wouldn't be a good choice, for the reasons I listed. I don't even own a rig. I would make a very bad politician. I bet I could, w/o trying, alienate80%+ of the BOD in 15 minutes or less into the first meeting. Then I would neer get anything done.

Bill Von is smart, a good politician, skydives, is a member, write him in.


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Bill Von is smart, a good politician, skydives, is a member, write him in.


Derek - we get 8 votes for National Director. We can all vote for you and Bill Von.

Next excuse?

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Now Derek....what of the members of DZ dot who happen to think you'd be great? And what about being pro-active?
Skydivine? Yup that would be YOU!

But I don't skydive, I won't go to a DZ, these are bad qualities for a ND.

Besides the pay sucks. I've given all I'm gonna give to skydiving. I cashed out while I was WAY in the red.


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See waht you've done?:P

Write in Bill Von, he would be a great ND.


One or two people can't do it alone No offense MR Von & HS & Derek. :(

IMO It's going to take a majority of USPA National, regional directors that are commited to the challenge of getting USPA back to working for the jumpers, and encourage the DZO's to start their own organization.

I might even rejoin USPA so I could vote if there was something worth voting for.

This grass roots effort wouldn't have been possiable before the internet. Challenges can be addressed and changed as long as people will vote and there are people willing to devote their time once they get elected.

Time will tell.


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So what do you all think?

I think he'd have to, you know, start jumping again.

See! See!, I am disqualified! Vote for someone (anyone) else. Bill- You run, you would do a good job.

Maybe a few years ago, but not now. Now it's too late for me.


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In case anyone missed it in another thread, here's an excerpt from hook's campaign speech about all the things he'll work on as a national director:


1) Spin off the GM program as a separate entity to eliminate the conflict of interest and require an inspection of the DZ before awarding GM status. This inspection will include aircraft maintenance, Instructor abilities, gear, landing area, etc. The VIP program would be the starting point for the inspection. Also conduct random inspections. If a DZ fails an inspection, give it 30 days to correct the deficiencies or revoke GM status. Also revoke GM status to any DZ that fails to follow the BSR’s.

2) Make the ISP program mandatory, just as it initially was. There is no doubt that the ISP is better than old school AFF. I know several DZ’s that will not switch to ISP because the competing DZ offer 7-level AFF. The first jump student can be easily taken by a sales pitch of, “It old takes 7 jumps with us and it takes 20 jumps with ‘them’.”

3) Return the standards to become an AFFI to where there were.

4) Require an annual training and re-certification of AFFI’s, Tandem I’s, S/L I’s, and IAD I’s, similar in scope to a bi-annual for a pilot.

5) Hire a liaison tot he FAA and AOPA. It would be their full- time job to educate the FAA and AOPA on skydiving issues and work to get the FAR’s pertaining to rigging and skydiving fixed. They would also present DZ inspection records to the FAA, so that the FAA would have a warm fuzzy that skydiving is being regulated and that they don’t need to bother with it.

5) Require all incidents to be thoroughly reported similar to how the APF does it.

6) Instructors found to have violated the BSR’s have their rating(s) revoked for an appropriate amount of time for the offense. This gives the Instructor the ability to tell a DZO “no” because they will be risking their rating(s) and the associated income.

7) Have the USPA, working with AOPA go over every U.S sectional map and have removed old parachute symbols for non-existent DZ’s and ensure active DZ’s have the parachute symbol over their DZ.

8) Have USPA monitor DZ advertising to ensure it is accurate, using the inspection program data. If everything DZ’s advertised were true, there would be a lot more jumpships and bars at DZ’s than there really are.

9) Have USPA maintain a complete library, paper and electronic, of AD’s and SB’s for parachute gear. Make this information available to riggers. Also have a rigger on staff available to answer rigging legal questions and able to contact the FAA for official rulings regarding rigging issues.



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Kelly, you can stay at my place. We can do the girly

And yes, if Derek was running for ND, I would write him in:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Soooo......if I vote for you Derek does that mean you wont replace my Cypres Batteries?:D

Ps-HooknSwoop! HooknSwoop!
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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OK, OK ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Everybody laugh at Derek. OK, jokes over. I'm NOT running! I don't even skydivine! I REFUSE to go to a DZ anymore! I am not a USPA member! /

/ But listen "think " is just the reason why you would be good,,a shake up is good in every organization.....wally
smile, be nice, enjoy life
FB # - 1083

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If people are serious about changes at USPA, then vote in a completely new set of ND's that will make those changes. I neither could be nor want to be a ND. So far, the track record has been to elect people that maintaint he status quo.

I appreciate the sentiment, I really do, but I am not the right choice. There are people out there that are the right choice though.


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Besides, I think Hook would be the first ND to ever get kicked off:ph34r: He just wouldn't stand for all the BS that happens. I can just see it now. The NDs would be at a board meeting taking up a collection for a hit-man!

Derek, when you do decide to run for any office, count on my vote.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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