
Stimulate my brain.

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So, I saw the doctor. He told me he wants me to do things that stimulate the brain such as crossword puzzles. I honestly hate crossword puzzles.

Since I've received so many pm's stating "anything I can do, just let me know."; well here it is. Stimulate my brain.:P



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Here's a couple of links for ya.

This is Whizzball, its on Discovery Kids, its a puzzle game sort of like the old board game "Mousttrap." Sure its on discovery kids, but some of these things aren't easy and they are a lot of fun, give it a try:


This next link is for the other side of your brain, use caution while at work:



--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Lousy. I was probably in the gutter before you were. Sometimes the gutter is more fun.

Humph! okay then...
tell me how to distinguish male from female Orca. Then tell me what the true definition of dork is and what is the average length of a blue whale?
What is the primary distinguishable difference between being a fish and being an aquatic mammal?
class dismissed.OH and this is for Chris so nobody else answer...we are trying to stimulate his brain here:P

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Here's something for you to do .... write a short report for us on the space station..
I want to know who is up there and when they are coming back and how they are coming back and when the next shuttle launch might be. Just a few short questions to look up. You have until 2 pm to get 'er done.
I sound like a teacher who wants to take the day off or something. You stimulate OUR brain... were busy. ha

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Here's a logic game:


Logic Mazes:


Math Puzzles:


If it gets too stimulated, you can numb it with some just-have-fun games:




Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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If you don't like crossword puzzles, there are a lot of good logic puzzles. Some of my favorites are classified as "lateral thinking puzzles". You can find them at any book store.

Example: A man is found out in a field dead. He has an unopened package. No one else was involved in his death. How did he die?

Answer: skydiving.

Another possibility is physical challenges. Take guitar lessons or learn juggling.

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There are five jars containing 100 pills each. All 500 pills are the same size, shape and color. The pills in one jar are poison pills which weigh 9 grams and the pills in the other four are vitamin C pills. Using only ONE weight measurement, figure out which jar contains the poison pills.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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There are five jars containing 100 pills each. All 500 pills are the same size, shape and color. The pills in one jar are poison pills which weigh 9 grams and the pills in the other four are vitamin C pills. Using only ONE weight measurement, figure out which jar contains the poison pills.

If the Vitamin C pills weight 9 grams too, you're fucked! :D

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They say guys have 2 brains to think with; the little one and the big one

So -- which brain needs to be stimulated :):):)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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