
Possible Midwest DZ.com event, post if interested

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I say we invade skydive san diego. its a small dropzone and they have an otter and a 182. It would be perfect. After jumping all day, we can get shit faced in mexico:S

Few things wrong with that...

1.) Unless every jumper who wants to go has a cypres, it won't work, because I am pretty sure cypreses are mandatory at Skydive San Diego.

2.) Tijuana sucks. Why anyone would want to spend any time there is beyond me.

3.) San Diego, while it does have great weather, wouldn't really qualify as part of the Midwest.


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I say we invade skydive san diego. its a small dropzone and they have an otter and a 182. It would be perfect. After jumping all day, we can get shit faced in mexico:S

Yeah, I don't think that's in the Midwest either...

Anyways, just curious to know if there are any dzs that lease their turbines out for a weekend. The dz that we may host this at has already been in contact with a few about getting a turbine for a couple of weekends, but they are still looking for other deals.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Too bad Sky Knights isn't an option - We'll have a Twin Otter all season this year, and arrangements to bring a King Air in also shouldn't be a major task- Then you've got options - 182, King or Otter - And I know the board is interested in increasing our exposure-

So is the tenative location going to be Chicagoland or in Indiana somewhere? Depending on the timing I can be at either one-

Easy Does It

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Cool! Yeah, Sky Knights is awesome. I had a great time there for the state record attempts! Unfortunately, it isn't much of a central location for anyone. However, I'm all up for a dz.com gathering at Sky Knights! Very cool dz...
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Anyways, just curious to know if there are any dzs that lease their turbines out for a weekend.

Might be able to get something from Fayard. Or SGC has a Westwind or two they lease out.
Search through wreck-dot too - You usually see people posting there that they have a plane you can use.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Anyways, just curious to know if there are any dzs that lease their turbines out for a weekend.

If this is going to be a dropzone.com boogie you don't want just any turbine. You need Mullin's King Air. Serious fun requires serious aircraft. :)

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Anyways, just curious to know if there are any dzs that lease their turbines out for a weekend.

If this is going to be a dropzone.com boogie you don't want just any turbine. You need Mullin's King Air. Serious fun requires serious aircraft. :)

That's why one of my ideas was to just have it at West TN ... but some cry-baby doesn't want to drive that far....
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Hehe! Hinckley is a great choice, especially since TD and Doug are willing to work with us on anything we want to set up.

However, it would be nice to have more of a central location to get the Ohio and possibly MI people in on it.

I guess we were just trying to figure out if people were even interested before planning anything.

Hell, I'm coming from Wisconsin, and I'll drive to Indiana! Let's do this!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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And REVJIM! Speak up for the WI folks!

Ok OK!

Central IL, to the SEMO area, over to central Indiana, and I'll be there! West Tenn is nice, but driving 14 hours, to compete with all the people that are there every week to ride mikes plane, um, nope. Big DZ? Not really. I'd prefer, as was suggested earlier, to find a small DZ, and bring in a turbine or 2.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Has anyone thought about Skydive Fort Wayne?

That is pretty damn central for Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois. Just a thought. Looks like a small double 182 DZ. However, it would be sweet to be close to Ft Wayne (stuff to do) yet have a small DZ like that.



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Im sure that Richmond would love to have us all there. There is a big landing area, camping area, local hotels of wanted, good aircraft, good vibes....just say the word and I will make it happen! I got conections! ;)

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Mary B
Sandillas Rodriguez
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Im sure that Richmond would love to have us all there. There is a big landing area, camping area, local hotels of wanted, good aircraft, good vibes....just say the word and I will make it happen! I got conections! ;)


I could go for that too. :)
However I'll go anywhere (not too far away) for something.

Just be sure that I don't have to work that day!! ;)

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Yup, Richmond is a great idea. The only problems with that are that the WI and MI folks may not come and SGC is only 1/2 hr away and has a tailgate! (mmm...tailgate....)

We have something in the works....in IN (for those clever enough, I'm sure you've figured out which one by now!) Big airport, small dz, really cool owners, and a great central location. They've been wanting to host a boogie, so this could rock!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Yeah... and Richmond already has a boogie. I like the idea of going someplace you wouldn't normally go. If there's a small DZ that has the capability to handle a lot of visiting jumpers for a weekend, I think that'd be cool
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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I like the idea of going someplace you wouldn't normally go.

Hmm. I don't. There's a pretty extensive list of places that I want to go, and I tend to use boogies and 'gatherings' as an excuse to go there.

It did not take much of an excuse to get me to Perris last week. I can't say the same thing for a tiny 182 dz in the middle of nowhere.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Right, but they'd be bringing in a turbine....so you wouldn't have to worry about jumping a Cessna.

And, you kinda made his point even clearer. Without all the fancy gizmos, some really cool dzs get overlooked. You miss out on meeting some wonderful people.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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It did not take much of an excuse to get me to Perris last week. I can't say the same thing for a tiny 182 dz in the middle of nowhere.

Spoken like a true big DZ turbine snob there, Andy.

Get out! Meet your "family". Contrary to popular belief, they do not all hang at big DZs.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I'm one of the DZOs of skydive wichita we are making plans to bring in a turbine in april or may for a boogie we would love to host a dz.com event. We have a couple showers and a bunk house. you don't get more central than wichita ks.

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Turbine snob? hello! We're talking about bringing turbines in! Are you paying attention?

It's not about what kinda plane they're flying, its who I'm gonna meet up with. Like just last week, I met up with Gang Green Bob from Skydive Minnesota, did about 35 jumps with him all week. I hadn't seen him since an MSL meet monthes ago. You really never know who you're gonna meet up with, who you'll hang out with. I also ran into 'Lemonhead' - another canuck, he's one of the organizers atWFFC and a blast to hang out with. I jumped with him all week, too.

Actually, I ran into a few from Minier I met when I went down with sunshine and val last year. That was neat, too.

You don't need to lecture me about small DZ's. I guarantee the ones I come from are smaller then yours.

Little dz's are cute, but given the choice I'd rather go big - and it's got nothing to do with the planes.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Actually, I ran into a few from Minier I met when I went down with sunshine and val last year. That was neat, too.

That was fun. Just need more people this year to keep the plane running!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Turbine snob? hello! We're talking about bringing turbines in! Are you paying attention?

Hello! Do you know the difference between a Big DZ Turbine Snob and a Turbine Snob? The Turbine Snob goes where the turbines go. The Big DZ Turbine Snob goes to big DZs that have turbines. That makes me a Turbine Snob, though I have no problem riding 45 minutes in a Cessna anytime.


You don't need to lecture me about small DZ's. I guarantee the ones I come from are smaller then yours.

Possibly. 20 or so club members on a grass strip with a 182. Smaller? Maybe, but when it gets that small, it doesn't really matter, does it?


Little dz's are cute, but given the choice I'd rather go big - and it's got nothing to do with the planes.

Cute? Ha! Little DZs have been the backbone of our sport for a very long time. It's part of the culture. A part of the culture that seems to be lacking from "some" of the larger DZs. So, if you don't go to the big DZs for the planes, what do you go for? Personally, I go where I can jump, regardless of size or planes.

p.s. If you re-read, you'll notice I didn't call you a Turbine Snob. I simply stated it was spoken like one! You happen to be the one who said you "couldn't say the same thing for a tiny 182 DZ in the middle of nowhere."

It's the people I'm interested in meeting, jumping with, partying with, not the DZ.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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