
F1freak had an accident

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Travis had a nasty motorcycle accident this afternoon. He was on someone else's bike and went into town to the store as far as I know. He was trying to hit the clutch and hit the gas instead. He lost control and ended up t-boning a parked car. He flew over the car, across the street, and landed about 100 yards away.

He broke his left ankle for sure, most likely his right ankle as well. He fractured his left elbow and his left shoulder is dislocated. He has some fractures in his pelvis although they aren't sure of the extent right yet. They think he has bleeding in his spleen and if it doesn't get better they will have to remove it. When I left the hospital at 10:30 tonight they were getting him prepped for surgery - I assume for his ankle. They had to take him to the OR, knock him out, clean him up since he's full of asphalt, roll him over and check out the backside of his body, and fix what they can.

I'm so incredibly mentaly exhausted but I'm afraid to sleep. Maybe not afraid, but I just want this to be over already. It just started... but it already seems like it's endless. [:/]

Please send your vibes and prayers. He got incredibly lucky and it could definitely be much worse, but it's bad enough that he will be out of work and out of jumping for a long while.

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Hon, like i said on the phone if there's anything i can do be sure to let me know...until then give Travis lots of gentle hugs from me and tell him to feel better soon!! And you make sure to rest up! Lots of vibes to ya both!


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Jamie I'm so sorry!!!! if i could i'd give you that big huge hug i'v been meaning to give you for like two years now.

hang in there and give travis my best wishs[:/]
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Kristi told me abou tthis when I was at work. sorry to hear it. but I am glad to hear that he is conscious.
and not brain injuries.

from what I understand of the accident he is very lucky. unfortunately ,now you have to deal with the twisting in your brain and the worry in your heart. for that I am sorry. I hope all gets well fast.
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Oh god, I'm sorry to read that. I hope he makes it through with a full recovery. That sounds nasty. Try to be a good strong support for him. I take it he's gonna need physical therapy and that won't be easy.


"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Oh no! You two sure have had more than your share of accidents. :( Please give Travis lots of warm wishes and hugs from me too. Keep us updated on how he's doing.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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When bad things happen life just stops. Take solace in the certainty that Travis will be fine. What? 6 months to recover? So, life takes a detour.. but Travis will be fine. He will go through emotional hairpin turns as he careens through this difficult period of his life. It can be that moment when no one is around and he feels abandoned.. or the feeling that those around him should be more comforting, more empathetic to his condition. He'll want others to know the pain he feels from his injuries. He will learn a lot about himself.
He might like some cozy furry things while he's laid up; flowers, jokes, comedy tapes, hugs, pictures, cards, hugs and tons of visits from family and friends. Bring him his music, okay, headphones. Hell, get a bunch of his friends to wear his clothes and come visit him!#$% He'll laugh his ass off when they show up to see him wearing his street duds--and you wearing his favorite shirt, hat, RIG. Top it off by showing him pictures of you, his best friend, etc., driving his car, sleeping in his bed, working at his job (just plain hilarious shit!) you know--holding down the fort while he's temporarily indisposed. You're all just the Army of Travis Love taking to the parade grounds until he returns. This may sound a tad over the top, but when someone's down, nothing's over the top.
Renew his hope for the future--a brighter future once this adversity passes.. and it will. Tough times don't last.. tough people DO.
This is my vibe to you and Travis.
I add a warm stream of energy that I picture going out from me to you and Travis. And take solace in the certainty that Travis will be fine. He'll be just fine.

You're always the starter in your own life!

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Thanks for all of the warm vibes, prayers, phone calls and PMs. I am about to go back to the hospital and check on him, get an update, and see if he's still out. They told me last night they would keep him sedated for a while, but I wasn't thinking straight and didn't ask how long. I'll post again when I can.

Thanks again

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OMG, Travis you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Heal fast and strong and keep that beautiful smile.

Please keep us informed as to Travis' condition and let us know if there is ANYTHING I can do.

Love and HUGS and good healing vibes from GA.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I didn't get to see him this morning. I did find out that they did surgery last night and set his ankle. They didn't have to remove his spleen, but they are still keeping him prepped for surgery just in case. He is supposed to be in an ICU room sometime today.

I have thanked God so many times for not taking him and letting a broken ankle, fractures in his pelvis, and lots of road rash the worst of it. All I can think of is that it could have been so much worse.

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