
What do you REALLY find sexy?

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I find you sexy. Right now, you are out at sea, again...so I can write this for when you return. I find sexy a great sense of humor, a giving spirit, infinite kindness, loving thoughts and especially loving actions, a nurturing spirit, uniqueness, excitement/zeal within one's life, positive outlook, happiness, lust not only for life, but for me shown through a totally raw/lustful sexual chemistry (that all together is rare, I think)...oh, and a great body doesn't hurt! :)
In myself, I find sexy my happiness and lust for life (as you put it) and especially my quest for more within this life and/or to be better as person, as there is soooo much that I find within myself that I constantly want to improve.

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may by it's cause I'm a girl, but

I find it sexy when a lady can wear a tshirt and no bra.. To me that is confident and sexy as hell..

I HATE THIS!! Sure, if a girl has perky A cups - fine, but anything bigger & they're swaying around. Blech - get a bra!!
I have a friend that pretty much refuses to wear a bra under any kind of shirt that may possibly show the straps - around the dz, she's swaying away, hanging down. The nipples aren't pointing down, but the boobs hang. Then she throws footballs or plays volleyball - [:/]. Wear something, even a bikini top will help.

Anyway, sorry - back to sexyness.:D

Rhino, your love of your children makes you sexy as hell.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I'm with you guys. I can't stand seeing boobs that are big bobbling around like that. It gives me sympathy pain since I'm a D and wear sports bras all the time just to keep those babies strapped down and still. Can't even stand normal bras. Of course, I'm getting old now and gravity is taking its effect, which doesn't help any. After I pop a kid may get them perkified a little. But I still won't go around without a bra. I'll freeball it a lot (if I had balls, anyway, but you get the gist), but not freeboob it.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I HATE THIS!! Sure, if a girl has perky A cups - fine, but anything bigger & they're swaying around. Blech - get a bra!!

Not to mention how uncomfortable it is....

I agree with the ladies. Actually, my first thought when I see a braless woman wearing just a t-shirt and no bra is that woman looks trashy/tacky (sorry Rhino) and must want some attention. My second thought is OUCH!

I read that if breasts, even perky "A" cups, are not supported by a bra when running or exerting physical effort, a woman can tear breast muscle/tissue that will cause the breasts to hang and take on a saggy appearance. This is true for even the tiny "A" cups. My breasts do not sag (due to my genes, but mostly probably due to rigorous rock climbing, which will tighten any chest!), but I wouldn't try to run around without a bra repeatedly while running and/or exercising. I want to keep things on the up and up, if you know what I mean! :ph34r:

Anyway, I really disagree that it takes confidence to wear a t-shirt and no bra in public. It just takes a lack of good judgment and a need for much attention/olging from men. :S (Of course, that's just my opinion.)

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Wow! Lovin' the Yum2 pic. Yum is right! But I'll take the delicious round ass on the first guy. *sigh*

Yes, I love a great ass. But what I really find sexy in a guy is intelligence, great sense of humor, creativity, kindness and capacity to love and be loved. Where is he?

Probably dating the guy with the ass you like so much. :D

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Name something that you find sexy in others, and name something that you find sexy in yourself.


What I find sexy in women, is their ability of expression, creative expression if you will, that displays the true nature of their soul. It could be how she glances and something of interest, or how she smiles, or even when she's upset. The way in which she expressess it is so sexxyB|

Now I say this simply because this is a nature that will last thoughout her lifetime. A womans material possessions will only last so long and are subject to change, however her true self will always be the same.

As for what I find sexy in myself(RLMAO) :D
Please are you kidding? There is nothing sexy about Zulu :D:D:D:D

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Sexy is the dinner already finished when I walk in the door from the two hour commute home. It is the hug that greets me every night and starts each day. It's the way he moves and smiles. It is the certainty of knowing that his heart is completely mine forever, that I am his angel, and that my desires come before his own. It is every 'what do you want for dinner' conversation that never really ends since we both care more about each other than ourselves. It is feeling safe and taken care of. It is the memory of one of our first dates when he touched my chest with one finger and told me that the outside is nice, but he wants to know everything in my heart, that is what matters most to him.

I could go on forever about everything I find sexy in a man. Perhaps what is sexiest is that every other man looks like a shadow in comparison to the light in my husband's eyes.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I don't like it when it's on display when it's 35 degrees out, but that's just me . . . :D (Sorry, inside thang).

Anyway, what I find really sexy is intellect and sense of humor. If one or both are not present, then there's nothing there for me. I've dated all types (hot, but no brains, smart, but not funny, funny, but a FREAKIN' IDIOT, etc.) and none of them have cut it. But I've found that two or three separate men can, together, easily possess all the traits I admire. :P Now if only I could find everything in one package. ;)


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[(hot, but no brains, smart, but not funny, funny, but a FREAKIN' IDIOT, etc.) and none of them have cut it. But I've found that two or three separate men can, together, easily possess all the traits I admire. :P Now if only I could find everything in one package. ;)


I think I fit in that everything in one package

1) I have been running a bit of a fever so I am hot
2) I think I am smart as hell
3) I keep myself laughing all the time

sounds like I might be a winner:D:D:P


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But I've found that two or three separate men can, together, easily possess all the traits I admire. :P Now if only I could find everything in one package. ;)

LOL :D ~ oh kel*, that reminds me of the movie: Splendor

this movie depicts this EXACT wish coming true! except the twist is that the Girl does in fact end up with TWO Men!

a GREAT movie that allows you to believe something like this could Happen! B|*

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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I've dated all types (hot, but no brains, smart, but not funny, funny, but a FREAKIN' IDIOT, etc.) and none of them have cut it. But I've found that two or three separate men can, together, easily possess all the traits I admire. :P Now if only I could find everything in one package. ;)

you haven't dated me yet... I have everything you mentionned :
no brains, not funny and a Freakin' Idiot :P

you have my phone number.... ;)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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