
Smoker? Skydiver? Yes or No?

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that sucks! we have a couple of simple rules at the dz.

1. no smoking in the packing area, period.
2. don't throw butts in the landing area, use the butt buckets.

other than that, it's just common sense not to smoke around something expensive and nylon. if you're having a smoke and someone is approaching with an armload of canopy, get the hell away from them!
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MB4252 TDS699
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While at the DZ I've had a hole burned in a canopy. ("Oh. Sorry.") and I've been burned by a cigarette. (Ooops! Sorry.")

Are you a smoking skydiver or not?

grr...you just hit on something that irratates me. >:( I had somene burn a hole through a brand new pilot chute.
Obviously, I'm a non smoker :)

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Rule one at the DZ
Never smoke near the packing mat or anyones gear that may be around.

Good rule.

I've....cut back hahaha
but i dont smoke much anymore...thank god

The heroin not working it anymore? :P
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Thankfully I haven't had anyone burn anything witha cash value, but just because my body will heal does not mean it's ok to hit me instead of my gear with your flaming malodorous cancer producers. >:(

I have one permanent reminder of a DZ cigarette burn. All the others have healed without scars. Don't get me started on cloves.
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we haev a totaly of one, count him one smoker at my DZ. And we was smoking over me one day and was kicking ashs on my rig. I about beat him. but he is a new jumper with like 20 jumps and didnt thik to what he was doing.
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I smoke, but I keep cigerettes the hell away from other peoples gear!

If I'm outside the hanger and smoking, someone tries to walk by me in gear, with gear, etc I take a few steps to get away from them and turn the lit cigerette inside my hand to protect THEIR stuff from my little bit of smolding leaves.

I don't light up and go stand in a group of non-smokers and I try to be concious of where my smoke is going so not to offend. However, if I'm outside smoking and you as a non-smoker come up to me to talk or ask a question or whatever. Do NOT bitch at me for smoking. I was doing my thing away from you and you came to me. Your fault.

("you" is being used as a general everyone term, not directed at you Tonto...especailly since we live on different sides of the world).:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I smoke. I also stay downwind of non-smokers and away from gear.

That's really considerate of you.:)
The only thing I will get fussy about is smokin near gear. I'd hate to have my pretty rig ruined by a burn or something.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I'm a smoker, I've given up a lot of times, but started one time more.

If my smoking offends people, I will remove my offending habit from their presence. I won't smoke in other people's houses, cars, or even close proximity if it offends them.

I don't smoke anywhere near kids.

As for smoking near gear, see Aggie's responses.

I wish I'd never started, and if smoking is banned in my local pub, I will support it, ultimately it will help me stop.

What are you doing posting, why aren't you resting, or getting busy?;)

Have a good one T.

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I hate smoke. Part of what i love about SDC, is the no smoking policy. You cannot smoke in the bar there. It's so nice to hang out at the end of the day in the awesome bar and be able to breathe. :)


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I smoke. I also stay downwind of non-smokers and away from gear.

That's really considerate of you.:)
The only thing I will get fussy about is smokin near gear. I'd hate to have my pretty rig ruined by a burn or something.

Just common courtesy, is all... For that matter, I don't carry drinks around gear, either...just in case I get an attack of the clumsies and drop it.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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You cannot smoke in the bar there. It's so nice to hang out at the end of the day in the awesome bar and be able to breathe.

Oh, I love that about Deland too! I wish Eloy would impliment that policy.
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I hate smoke. Part of what i love about SDC, is the no smoking policy. You cannot smoke in the bar there. It's so nice to hang out at the end of the day in the awesome bar and be able to breathe. :)

I don't have any heartache about going outside to smoke.

To put the shoe on the other foot, (no Sunny, it's not your missing one! [;P]) I appreciate when someplace that has a non-smoking policy makes the effort to do something like a patio or gazebo where smokers can get out of bad weather.

It also keeps the smokers from congregating around the doorways....
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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