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Hello everyone - I just had to post a "happy note" to tell everyone that as of Friday I am officially moved back into my "no longer hurricane ravaged" house. I'm dealing with some minor issues but for the most part, everything is done and after 3 months of "stress", it appears life may actually be getting back to normal ...YEE-FREAKIN-HAW!!

I have to send much love and thanks for all the support I have received along the way, to so many people. I won't start naming names for fear of forgetting someone, but you know who you are and I thank God for special friends like you all :)
next project - sort thru my garage and see what is left to move back in (not much unfortunately) or I'll just have to start shopping ;)

Stay tuned for the big house warming party announcement. I was hoping for a birthday/house warming since the big "3-6" is just a few weeks away but won't quite be ready......I can't begin to tell you how good it feels to have a place to call my own again.

Thanks again to everyone..........xo

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Hello everyone - I just had to post a "happy note" to tell everyone that as of Friday I am officially moved back into my "no longer hurricane ravaged" house. I'm dealing with some minor issues but for the most part, everything is done and after 3 months of "stress", it appears life may actually be getting back to normal ...YEE-FREAKIN-HAW!!

I have to send much love and thanks for all the support I have received along the way, to so many people. I won't start naming names for fear of forgetting someone, but you know who you are and I thank God for special friends like you all :)
next project - sort thru my garage and see what is left to move back in (not much unfortunately) or I'll just have to start shopping ;)

Stay tuned for the big house warming party announcement. I was hoping for a birthday/house warming since the big "3-6" is just a few weeks away but won't quite be ready......I can't begin to tell you how good it feels to have a place to call my own again.

Thanks again to everyone..........xo

That is awesome Dee!
It's GOTTA feel Good!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Oh girl ~ and I bought one mac-daddy toilet paper holder with your gift :P.......You gotta come see it sometime :$

It really does pay off to be a "nag" (a nice nag of course;) )sometimes...got me a brand new house in just 3 months. I am persuasive but I also have a cute smile when needed :) to keep things moving.....lol

Thanks again to all.....Everyone should go to Lake Wales this weekend and watch the swoopers on the new pond :)

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Everyone should go to Lake Wales this weekend and watch the swoopers on the new pond

Uh.. Denise dear.. I thought I saw MOST of the state was a new swoop pond when I flew into Orlando at Thanksgiving... water water everywhere( and blue tarps roofs)

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I think "normal" is still a bit away but I can't begin to say how great it is to be "home" again, even if it is not quite "home" yet :)
Actually I am equally excited to sort out all the financial crap so I know if I can start jumping my ass off again - I got big way camps to train for ;)

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Things are going great. The handy man comes today for last few hole patches and paint touch up, I get the outside painted tomorrow (pending no rain) and all my windows get done next Friday, 2 days before my birthday.

So perhaps the BIG present will be having it ALL done for me to COMPLETELY move in to for my birthday. That would be awesome. I've got some gift cards burning holes in my pockets ;)

I'll try and snap some photos although pictures don't do things justice, just as they didn't quite portray the damage I had. It amazes me each night I get home to think I have one again....

Have a super weekend all :)

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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