
I Graduated AFF Today!

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Completed AFF in 7 jumps and no repeats. :)
My Instructor (Josh) was awesome, He spent ALOT of time with me today, before the jump and after the jump. I hadn't gotten the amount of time I got today on my other jumps. I had harness room time and a little bit of debrief time after previous jumps. But not like today, today was awesome, I got all the time I wanted today, I got my questions answered and clarification on things I wasn't quite sure of. I left the DZ today feeling really good about my future in skydiving.

I am going to try and go back up tomorrow and do my solos and maybe the hop n pop so I can get on with my coach jumps.

My goal is to have my A-License before the end of the month! If I can get the stand up landings figured out I can do it.

I want to get some canopy training and figure out how to land this darn parachute a little more gracefully than I have been. I have not had wind for any of my jumps, so I hope it is true what everyone keeps telling me "It is much easier to land the parachute with some wind."


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And yes, LOL, I found it A LOT easier to land the parachute when I was starting out with some wind. I'm still figuring it out!!! One awesome skydiver I know gave me the best advice, might sound simple..but just CONTINUE to fly your canopy throughout the entire flare.. It's weird, but I actually started to FEEL the flare after a while (like she said I would), and landings have been a lot better since then. (When she told me that I told her, YEAH! If it was ONLY that EASY!).
*Disclaimer: I am NOT an experienced skydiver; therefore, please take the above with a grain of salt. Do not change up anything your instructors have taught you! :-)

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Your enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge is awesome,

Landing your canopy with a bit of wind always helps, but great to see you want canopy coaching anyway!

Methinks we will be seeing you in the future and in print.

p.s. There is no such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer.

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I heard about it earlier from Evelyn (and missed congratulating you personnaly by an hour or so...:().
I'll buy you a :D when we do meet.


"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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wtg ladonna!!!!!
big congratssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i wrote ya before reading here, so ignore my pm... well, half of it! i rambled a lot and hadn't seen this yet.
"no repeats" ---wish i could say the same! i can't wait to get back to hou so i can put my new tunnel skills to use. best of luck on your a-- i knowww you'll breeze right thru!:)heidi

frenchy- lies, lies, all lies!!! :P
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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Congrats on the AFF!

I did my AFF last year in 7, but for my sins in not getting all my jumps for my A, I'll have to do recurrency when I'm home in June.

At least it'll be easier to get on manifest with the coach jumps vs. instructor jumps...

... more jumps, more happy!!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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