
Vending Machine Anger Management

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So, I walk into the kitchen at work, and there is this guy that I thought was real relaxed and cool standing at the vending machine, shaking the shit out of it and beating it with his fists. He was all red in the face and swearing at the machine.

I didn't know whether to laugh, show sympathy, or run away fast.

Are you a vending machine shaker???

Do you just give up and walk away??

Or, do you put more money in and hope for two??

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A malfunctioning machine is an inconvenience to the customer, but a gold mine to the seller. The owner collects money without dispensing a product. The owner has an incentive to not fix the machine.

If I don't receive any product, I put a note on the machine that it is not vending. Then, I jam the coin slot to make sure that others don't waste their money and ensure that the vendor takes the time to fix it.

Oh, when I was 18, I drove a route truck for 7-up. I've been on both sides of this.

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We have a crappy old machine in our lunchroom at work....they are usually quite fast to repair it and return monies when it breaks down.............Of course I also work in a shop with torches,porta powers, 5 foot pry bars etc.....dosent take long to pop open a vending machine when the "right" tools are there;):P;)

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A malfunctioning machine is an inconvenience to the customer, but a gold mine to the seller. The owner collects money without dispensing a product. The owner has an incentive to not fix the machine.

If I don't receive any product, I put a note on the machine that it is not vending. Then, I jam the coin slot to make sure that others don't waste their money and ensure that the vendor takes the time to fix it.

A-ha, good idea! Then you could call the vendor (that usually list their # on the side) and tell 'em they aren't getting any $$ until they fix their damn machine! :)
No weege I didn't shake machines in school. I couldn't use the 'pay again and try to get 2' approach either, I was too broke. :ph34r: I'd just slink off all disappointed. :(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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That guy has a good reason to get fired. [Crazy] I do get mad sometimes at the coke machines when they steal my money, but it's mostly expletives muttered under my breath. I'd had enough of the machine at work taking my money that I put a note on it that I refuse to put any more money in this machine until they fix or replace it. As for the snack machine, if something almost comes out but doesn't, I can shake it just enough to get my prize to drop, nothing more. If not, I get my refund at the time office.
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If you're talking about those vending machines with the twisty metal bar that rotates when you put money in: Sometimes things get hung up on those & don't fall. if the problem is 1) you selected something where the package is more than one twisty revolution from the edge, you're f*&ked. but if 2) the package was on the edge, but now its just hanging by a little toe-hold, well, I have become the expert at tipping the front end of the machine up, and then letting it drop back down to the ground. sometimes it might take as many as 4 drops.

but its fun to do that. gives you a sense of accomplishment when you finally get it.
Speed Racer

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A malfunctioning machine is an inconvenience to the customer, but a gold mine to the seller. The owner collects money without dispensing a product. The owner has an incentive to not fix the machine.


This same thought dawned on me one day when I realized that almost 40 YEARS ago we had the technology to put a man on the moon, but here in 2005 we still can't produce a vending machine that works with 100% reliability.

You're right, when the machine fails to work properly they get the money and get to keep the product. As long as the failure rate isn't so high that it pisses off the customers, it's pure profit.

Hm.... I think I'm in the wrong line of work...

Elvisio "vending machine inquisitor" Rodriguez

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Actually had a veding mal. this morning. Went to the train station and went to buy my train ticket on the machine, it took a $10.. I calmly went to the window and told the lady my situation. She made me fill out a form and told me that they'd have to mail me the refund. She then waited for the train to pull up and told them to let me on without a ticket.

I think sometimes remaining calm is the best way to go. Gettin cranky will not solve anything.

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....I think sometimes remaining calm is the best way to go. Gettin cranky will not solve anything.

And THIS from a New Yorker? I'm impressed! ;)

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I...... if shaking doesnt work. >:(

nooooooo don't do that!! vending machines kill 2 people a year
yep, just passing along more useless info;) heidi
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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So, I walk into the kitchen at work, and there is this guy that I thought was real relaxed and cool standing at the vending machine, shaking the shit out of it and beating it with his fists. He was all red in the face and swearing at the machine.

I didn't know whether to laugh, show sympathy, or run away fast.

Are you a vending machine shaker???

Do you just give up and walk away??

Or, do you put more money in and hope for two??

At 5' 7" and 165 lbs, I have often envied those 6'3" 250lb guys who can bounce the machines around.


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Had a vending machine at my last job that would take your money about 50% of the time.

I finally lost my patience and grabbed the thing by the sides, rocked it up on one corner, and commenced to beating it against the wall...Hard!

I was well into shaking all the candy out of the slots when the owners wife stuck her head in from the office (on the other side of the wall:D) and asked me if I would mind cleaning up the glass from the pictures I shook off the wall when I was done.

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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