
what keeps you going back up?

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For me, it's a million reasons.....the adrenaline rush, 60 seconds of complete freedom, the feeling of living my life instead of watching it go by, but most importantly, the people are what keeps me coming back.

I've played just about every sport that there is to play. I've never been bonded with people so quickly in any other sport like I have with skydiving. I kind of compare it to being in a combat zone. When you put you life in the hands of others and others put their life in your hands, bonds are made that will last a lifetime.

Oh yeah, there happens to be a lot of hot chicks that skydive also.....that could be my #1 reason, who knows ;)

The Original Cabana Boy!

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The serenity. When life on the ground gets hectic, flying around in the air gives me that peace and focus! It is a definite escape!

T ;)

That's what it used to be for me.....however life got in the way this past year (money, old injury, etc) and I haven't been full time active since Rantoul. I made a couple jumps at Freaks and a couple in November...but that's it. I've developed a really active social life with my whuffo friends again....it's helped me lose focus on jumping, esp since I am having such a great time and having fun.

I still dream about flying a couple nights a week. I know my heart is still there....but I need to get back up there to remind my head why I love to do it.....to rediscover that reason again.

I do know I really need that escape again. The peace and quiet of freefall.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Originally, I did it to piss off my ex-wife, but I found out it didn't piss her off. Then I discovered I liked it, it was cool, it was really fun, the people were great, I liked it (REALLY A LOT). Now I can't stop.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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It's the happy place, that's the way I heard two people talking about it the other night at Taft. It really is. No bills, no taxes, no job or boss, no President Bush. Just you and your friends in this huge weightless sixty second happy place. And that's not all, as soon as you open you get another adventure all over again, flying your own private wing, and that's another happy place. And when you get down, the dropzone is usually a happy place too, full of happy people like yourself.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Sorry to hear about your injury. I sometimes wonder what I would do with myself if something stopped me from jumping...then I have a few beers and try to forget thinking about it. ;) I would definitely have to find another release.

I am not sure what your injury is, but I hope you find your serenity whether in the air or through another means.

Tam :)
Let's have fun! :)

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Sorry to hear about your injury. I sometimes wonder what I would do with myself if something stopped me from jumping...then I have a few beers and try to forget thinking about it. ;) I would definitely have to find another release.

I am not sure what your injury is, but I hope you find your serenity whether in the air or through another means.

Tam :)

The injury isn't jump related and it will eventually keep me out of the sky for good from the looks of it. How soon that will happen is up in the air. (pun intended):P

I have other things to keep me happy in life. Skydiving is only a part of me. If I have to quit the sport I will take that cash and finally put it towards flight school (can you say acrobatic?). I've been around aviation my entire life, I doubt that will ever change.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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we all know why we jump for the first time. the thrill, the novelty. but what is it that makes you want to keep going back up?

for me, it's the feeling of really being alive. Of knowing that most people will never take any sort of risk in their lives and here i am dancing with death up until the point where i pull.

speak your minds, this can be a very broad topic, so go for it!

Dramazone.com . . . It is because of DZ.com that I keep going back up.
I have to do SOMETHING to peel myself away from all the wholesome "Family" humor that never offends anyone.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Because for a very brief moment that feels like eternity, there is nothing more important that that particular moment. There is no worries about work, debt, stress..... For me, the jump removes all other aspects of my life for just the briefest moment, and that is why I jump
ignorance is not bliss

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here i am dancing with death up until the point where i pull.

Don't let it fool you. You are "dancing with death" until you are back in the packing room. I feel the most dangerous part of the skydive (can be) after you have pulled.

For me...Like others have said..it's that sense of peace. It's being under canopy alone at sunset just flying around...no cell phones..no annoying drama...nothing. Just you, the sky, and your canopy. It's beautiful. :)

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I'm still a newbie and I'm sure my opinions will change, but for me its the freedom and tranquility (despite the howling wind). I like the idea of having freedom of movement with no restrictions. Plus, I've always loved the sensation of falling. I jump off the highest step possible when going down stairs. Its that butterfly feeling you get from - or + G. Its sort of been a habbit all my life to jump off things.

I guess that sounds REALLY stupid?[:/]

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Because for a very brief moment that feels like eternity, there is nothing more important that that particular moment. There is no worries about work, debt, stress..... For me, the jump removes all other aspects of my life for just the briefest moment, and that is why I jump

I could not agree with you more, that is how I feel and why I will keep going up.


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I'm still a newbie and I'm sure my opinions will change, but for me its the freedom and tranquility (despite the howling wind). I like the idea of having freedom of movement with no restrictions. Plus, I've always loved the sensation of falling. I jump off the highest step possible when going down stairs. Its that butterfly feeling you get from - or + G. Its sort of been a habbit all my life to jump off things.

I guess that sounds REALLY stupid?[:/]

That does not sound stupid at all. However, I have not gotten any sensation of falling unless it was from a helicopter. But I understand the freedom of movement part. ;)
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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but what is it that makes you want to keep going back up?

It's a condition of my parole :P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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what is it that makes you want to keep going back up?

I can forget all my troubles for a while, bills/family/work, all that fades for a few precious moments.....
there is always another newbie to share their excitement with.
Big way RW - the excitement of completing one is electrifying.
Freeflying, just horsing around with friends, or getting serious and turning points.
CRW, a skydive with high energy that lasts for minutes.

and last..... cause I havent gotten as good at everything as I think I can.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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