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>but I will tell you loud pipes does help keep you safe on the road.

So would coming up behind motorcycles and honking your horn and flashing your brights. Better yet, we could all wire our horns to be on at all times; that way motorcycles would hear even quiet cars coming. And the flashing brights would help bikers see cars at night.

Flashing brights save lives!

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the most annoying thing is to hear a bike that is breaking a noise ordinance.

Since you obviously walk around in a park while holding a certified db reader and know for a fact that they are breaking a noise ordinance.

That's very elitist to state that since you don't like motorcycles that you assume they're breaking noise ordinances.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Thats like saying you hate the sound of cars.

Yes, I know...a generalization. Generalizations often exist for a reason, though.


Straight pipes are way over the top with loudness and I dont like
that much either.

I especially hate it when people try to show off how loud their bike can get. Louder doesn't make you cooler. Louder just annoys people.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Yup, Bill, I also drive my truck with my lights on.
Get out of your steel cage and put a few thousand miles on a bike, you'll figure it out.

At the end of the day, some people are idiots behind the wheel, no matter what they're riding or driving. I personally know that people quit trying to change lanes on top of me when I changed my pipes.

Hell, my truck is fairly large and I've still had people try to change lanes on me though.

Instead of just bashing, think about it for a bit Bill.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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That's very elitist to state that since you don't like motorcycles that you assume they're breaking noise ordinances.

Well, I have seen people cited for breaking noise ordinances.....uhhh...so, I guess I was assuming based on that. I've seen people cited for their bass in their trunk being too loud as well.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Oh and another thing. In addition to all Harleys not being deafening, all deafening bikes are not Harleys. :)
Actually the loudest bike I ever heard was a Suzuki :S

I'll bet you would leap right in if I made some ridiculous sweeping generalization about women B|

I like my Harley loud. I dont like my Harley absurdly loud though ;):S

My mighty steed

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>Get out of your steel cage and put a few thousand miles on a bike,
>you'll figure it out.

At this point I've got about 10,000 miles on mine. Been hit once and came _very_ close two or three times.

>Instead of just bashing, think about it for a bit Bill.

I am - and constantly flashing your brights WOULD get more attention than leaving them off. As would honking your horn continuously. Both are just as valid as using loud pipes to announce your presence.

But that would be annoying, you say? Well of course. But why should we worry about that, if the issue is safety?

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Well, I have seen people cited for breaking noise ordinances.....uhhh...so, I guess I was assuming based on that. I've seen people cited for their bass in their trunk being too loud as well.

I agree about ordinances. I think if they're are actually outside of the ordinance then they should be ticketed. However, simply assuming that since you think they're loud that they are breaking the law.

That's like assuming that someone with a low rider caddy deals drugs. Stereotyping people is wrong, you know that.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'll bet you would leap right in if I made some ridiculous sweeping generalization about women

:D Touche!!!

Although, a better analogy would be to bring up another object rather than a person. :P It would be like saying, "I can't STAND the taste of Dunkin Donuts!"
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Very few sportbikes are that loud - and they're just as annoying. Just like the honda civic with the coffee can on the back - it doesn't serve much of a purpose other than perpetuate a negative stereotype of bikers. It just seems the the majority of Harleys are stupid-loud. I like a good-sounding bike as much as the next guy. Loud does not equal good. Loud does not equal fast. Loud does not equal safe.

I've been riding for over 10 years. You will never sell me on the 'loud pipes save lives' arguement. For the sound to be heard in front of you at any decent speed, the pipes are entirely too loud to begin with. If noise equal safety, then why don't you just run stock pipes and put a siren on the front of your bike?
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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At this point I've got about 10,000 miles on mine. Been hit once and came _very_ close two or three times.

I'm guessing you ride some sort of BMW touring bike, right? Nice bikes.

I've got about 10k on mine as well, the first few thousand were the bitch, with the stock pipes folks kept trying to get me, came *real* close a few times.

Put different pipes on that are significantly louder (not illegal loud) and literally instantly my incident rate dropped to about once a month (and I ride nearly every day).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I have about 4000 miles on it. Last weekend I opened it up to 148

One of our TM bot a bike and thought it was awesome to go 110 around a corner, too bad he hit somthing in the road. Good news is he went straight into a field (less road rash), bad news is he broke EVERY rib on his right side, punctured a lung and broke clavical. He is at home now recovering but plans on being back working in a few more weeks. :S

I think I'll stick to jumping out of planes.

BTW - I have no problem with bikers as long as they drive responsibly. I don't like reckless drivers of any kind.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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For the sound to be heard in front of you at any decent speed, the pipes are entirely too loud to begin with.

Infront of me isn't what I was refering to, I'm refering to those on the highway beside me or in a spot where I'm not too easily seen due to traffic.

Hey, on the flip side, those "loud pipes" are a performance boost over stock pipes on many many bikes. Even straight pipes perform better then stock pipes. If you want, I'll link some dyno tests on a few different bikes (not from manufactures of pipes) that show the same.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I am - and constantly flashing your brights WOULD get more attention than leaving them off.

Which is why some bikers install headlight modulators on their bikes. That way they can be seen and heard. I've got relatively loud pipes, but I'll leave the visuals as they are....B|

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Although, a better analogy would be to bring up another object rather than a person.

I know, but I dont know you well enough to know what object might
seem appropriate. B|

How about "All dancers make sweeping generalizations!" ;)

My mighty steed

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psst...."Gold Wing." They're also nice and quiet. I do have a BMW on my down-the-road wish list. Would love a touring/sport touring bike.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Hi Val' ....I'm sorry you feel that way.... but you are missing the art, the music, the poetry of the V engine... Maybe, just may be it's a Y chromosome thing.

Ah, a big bore V engine on full song is a thing of true beauty a symphony for the industrial age.

A Ducati, a Harley a big block Chevvy..... nothing, nothing can touch the magic of that sound.........

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I hate the sound of people whining.

There are two kind of loud pipes, loud and deafening. As long as you don't cross the deafening line, the improve safety for riders and other people.

If the pipes break a noise ordances, they will be ticketed. If they don't, then lobby your local lawmaker. Or stay inside your padded house and knit.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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Vance and Hines makes some nice pipes for the Gold Wing.

Actually I can see myself getting a full on dresser/touring bike later in life. That it would be a fun and practical ride for Morgan and I to road trip on.:)
I've come to the conclusion that I "need" 4 bikes.

1. A basic in town/short trip bike like the one I have now.
2. The custom chopped bike that I want to build.
3. A full on dresser/touring bike.
4. A sport bike for the fun/twisty rides and track days.

Sure, you can get bikes that can do a couple of those things ok, but not as well as each bike can do what it was designed to do.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Infront of me isn't what I was refering to, I'm refering to those on the highway beside me or in a spot where I'm not too easily seen due to traffic.

I've never had that problem - I'm never in a blind spot or even a 'hard to see' spot next to someone for any legnth of time. I'm sure it pisses people off when I refuse to get next to a semi until the car in front of me is completely clear of them, but oh well. I do the same thing when passing cars on a multi-lane road.


Hey, on the flip side, those "loud pipes" are a performance boost over stock pipes on many many bikes.

... and for every one you show me, I'll show you two where it actually hurt the performance. If you're doing it for performance, you probably already know what else needs to change. If you're doing it for loudness, you're probably decreasing your performance - we both know that ;)
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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