
WFFC stories/pics

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Ok everyone, Rantoul is over. Attendance wasn't as big as usual, but there are other threads to complain about that. Let's see pics of the good times you had! Let's hear about the awesome jumps you got in, who you met, crazy shit you saw, the late night partying, or whatever the hell else you thought was noteworthy.

I myself will submit stories a bit later since I'm at work right now. This is the only pic I have on me right now since I brought it to work to scan it. I'm the one in the blue freefly suit with the blue muffs on. It was my Muff Brother jump with Johnny Gates in the back, HappyThoughts geeking the camera, Tink1717 in red, Dave DeWolfe flying in the background, and a few others. The rest of my pics are on my digital camera back home.

So come on people, let's see the fun you had!!! :D:)


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i was thinking the same thing, marc! johnny gates (muffbrother65..yes, #65) and bill (happythoughts) are my heroes. :PB|

BGILL, you couldn't have had better wingmen on your MB initiation dive. congratulations...



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i had a fuckin blast with those assholes. they really showed me that i'm number one ;)

"I would like you all to know that you mean absolutely nothing to me. You will never amount to shit. You are all equally useless. So in other words: Hoorah for ME, and FUCK YOU! Or better yet, hoorah for YOU and FUCK ME, PLEASE!!!!"


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are you my daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddy?:D

hey, as long as bill didn't try to dress you up as that sheep, you should be alright.... ;)

honestly, those guys rock. they are full of shit, but are really two of the best and good-hearted people that you'll meet. god bless 'em. B|

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I had a great time this year. One of the highlights was meeting you!

I spent a few too many nights laughing hysterically in my booth with a dear old friend. So much so, that I'm not even sure what all that other noise was in the background.

Glad you bounced helmet found it's way back to you!

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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here's just a few of my pics from my week:

airspeed_umbrealla.jpg - Neil from Airspeed thought it was a good idea to walk around with a table umbrella in the rain... he then proceeded to drive around the team van with it sticking out the window

bonnie_me.jpg - GRAVITYGIRL!!!! Bonnie is my new favorite gear chick. she's one badass mofo. i hung out at her tent a lot, and she hooked it up with a new Aerodyne Icon and Smart Reserve that's on the way :)
cora.jpg - none other than our very own ladyskydiver! i like her, she's a good time ;)

dixie_kap3.jpg - dixieskydiver in the process of creating a massive hangover while playing Kap3 in the Hellfish tent. at some point he was seen in women's lingerie... :S:P

dz.commers.jpg - (damnit i forgot his name), cora, and myself enjoying the Margaritas and Movies night in the Rodriguez Brothers tent

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... some more...

evil_sky.jpg - i looked up, i saw this, and i fuckin ran and broke down my tent and packed up all my shit and hid in a trailer. bgill-1 storm-0

griggsy_me.jpg - me and my Australian mate Griggsy at the birdman tent. i met him jumping in australia when i hit the tail of the PAC750. it's funny how small this world can be

lewsanborn_me.jpg - i met Lew Sanborn at the beer truck!!! how fuckin cool is that????

macca_phi.jpg - our very own crazy brit Zeemax trying on the new Phi suit from Birdman. it looks cooooooolllll :)
mike1000pie.jpg - after mike's 1000th, they got him good with pie, flour, and ketchup. it looks delightful :S

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passed_out.jpg - don't pass out in the RB tent. for that matter, don't pass out anywhere at WFFC:S;)

post-rodriguez.jpg - while mexicans and jager come from very different backgrounds, the 2 of them find a home at the RB tent, with the help of the Jager Fairy of course (aka dixieskydiver)

post-storm.jpg - the ground was a little beat up after the storm, this was taken just before i left.

rev_bolas_bumpy.jpg - revjim, bolas, and a bumpy brotha, all having a good time at the RB tent.

revjim.jpg - chicks dig scars;)

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the_list.jpg - the official "List" at the dz.com tent. while no one hung out in the tent, there were obviously .commers all over the friggin place. i still don't know who half of you people are!

tink1717.jpg - our very own Tink1717, or as i like to call him, my chauffer to the convention:P thanks for the ride tink!

...and there you have it folks. those are my prime pics from Rantoul '05. let's see yours. post em if you got em! any stories are welcome too!:)

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Dude, that's not just any bumpy brother, that's Numero Cinco, my new adopted bastard parent!

She's da bomb diggety! (And she was the only one willing to re-initiate me the evening after the balloon wedding (Tuesday)). Guess what I was wearing.... LMAO! :D I'm sure pictures of THAT will surface some day.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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hey.....i NEED to see what i missed...from other pics....it looked kinda empty.....i actually saw grass in tent city!!!

I made a decision this year, no cameras. I didn't take a video OR a still camera with me. :)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Hey BGill! I'm sure I met you at the RB party along with a 100 other folks. I think everyone had a blast at that one.

passed-out.jpg- I'm glad I happened to have my "dickface" glasses in the truck! The timing was perfect!

Here's a few I took at the party.
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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cora.jpg - none other than our very own ladyskydiver! i like her, she's a good time ;)

:$ I like you too, cutie! It was a pleasure to meet you.


dz.commers.jpg - (damnit i forgot his name), cora, and myself enjoying the Margaritas and Movies night in the Rodriguez Brothers tent

:D His name is Jonno. And, damn....do I look drunk in that pic. :D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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