
At what point do you become a skydiver?

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God youre easy;)

If you make a jump and save your own life by pulling stuff... I think it qualifies.. some people have some stringent rules... me.. I think when you make a skydive.. and do stuff for yourself.. you qulaify..

BUT a whole lot of people who only do that one tandem jump claim skydiver status....ok.. the DID a skydive.

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The action you describe above is "making a skydive" not "being a skydiver."

The trouble with strict definitions is that they don't describe real life. And most of real life is very much about attitude and state of mind.

Naw, see now you're describing a "real" skydiver. A "real" skydiver knows why the birds sings, spends all day at work looking out the window at the sky, gets all excited when they smell nylon, and name their cat Swoops.

It's a different distinction from those other guys that jump out of planes just for shits and giggles.

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There's a certain ..... call it "understanding" of the "Why" (and not the "how") of skydiving that separates someone who no longer is a whuffo from somone who is. Remember, "whuffo" means "Whuffo you do that?" A whuffo has no idea what the answer is to that question, and often feels compelled to ask.

I totally agree. I think being a skydiver is a state of being. It could happen right away, or still after hundreds of jumps you still may not have it. I guess I have formed my oppinion based on my own experiences. After my first tandem the DZO (who chased me on the tandem just for fun) said, "You'll be back, I can tell you are a skydiver." I have always felt that being a skydiver is something that is inside of you that you set free by jumping out of airplanes.
It isn't what it could be, or it what it should be, it is what it is.

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somewhat related but I thought it needed saying.

My wife comes to the DZ with me every weekend, she's doing her AFF next year, but learns what she can on the ground.

She's always been embarassed when asked how many jumps she has. Her traditional answer has been a sheepish "only 2 tandems", one of the coaches at the dropzone responded "it's never "ONLY", you have two jumps".


TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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I think you can be called a skydiver as soon as you believe you will be coming back to do more!

And definitely after you start enjoying yourself or relaxing when you are doing it!

(For some this happens early and for others takes a lot longer - remember the comfort level happens at vastly different times for most people otherwise we would be rather friggin boring individuals, wouldn't we?? :)

BSBD!! -Mark.

"A Scar is just a Tattoo with a story!!!"

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Ok, I have 4 jumps into what will hopefully be a long skydiving experience. I passed each AFF so far. When would it be acceptable to refer to myself as a 'skydiver'?

Bro...youre a skydiver because I say you are.
Read what Quade and RL wrote. Both those posts sum it up.
I accept you. Welcome.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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I am truly honored.

I don't feel like one yet, though. I want to jump out of the plane on my own - maybe I will feel like one then. I still have the 'training wheels on'. I have nothing but the best things to say about my AFF instructors.

My next tattoo will be skydiving related.........
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
Blue Skies Forever

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I think that you are a skydiver when OTHER skydivers recognize and/or acknowledge your commitment to and respect for the sport and all it entails.

If you are a moron or DGIT - regardless of your jump numbers - your peers will view you as a moron, not a skydiver.

I like your answer. I remember an instructor telling me that first you are a survivor, then you become a skydiver.

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I was just wondering at what point do you stop being a Whuffo (used affectionately) and become a Skydiver?

I have the same dillemma:|

Even after gettin' my "A", I still feel awkward wearing a DZ or skydiving shirt away from the DZ because someone may ask if "I" am a skydiver. When asked, I immediately confess that I am a jumper who jumps for fun and that I am in no way someone to ask for advice or "Cool Stories".....Yet!

I have several friends/peers who are what I consider "Skydivers". Some are pro-rated demo experts, some are head down record holders, and some are just great people with the heart and spirit of greatness who take the time whenever asked to lend a hand or give advice as it relates to the sport.

I skydive, but, am I a skydiver? YES. I just haven't convinced myself of it yet;)

Blue skies, and the next person who disagrees with you when you say that you are, just say "Thank You" and consider the source.
Anvil Brother #69

Sidelined with a 5mm C5-C6 herniated disk...
Back2Back slammers and 40yr old fat guys don't mix!

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.being a skydiver is not so much a matter of "how many jumps have you done?"... it's more a case of
"Has you heart and mind and most of your being, fallen in love with a most exciting, amazing and energetic sport".....
If you have exited an airplane, done a freefall and have pulled the toggles yourself, to arrive safely at the landing area,,, YOU'RE IN !!!!!!!!...B|:)also..... if you USED to have a savings account, and if your credit cards are starting to press their limits..... NO QUESTION.....you're a skydiver...;)
...And a fine fine thing it is..... To BE a jumper... cherish it.. behave according,, ( that means Safety First ) pay attention, learn as much as you can... then learn some MORE:ph34r::o:P:)
P S .. your Life just changed FOREVER!!!!...

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you may be a excellent student now, when you get your a-license you will be just another bad sykdiver or like one of the teachers i know likes to say: once you passed your requirements you are no more than the steam of the shit of a true & seasoned skydiver :P


no offence to anyone

ditto :)
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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I only have 2 jumps, and I do meet all of your requirements, and I do think of myself as a skydiver. Now the hard part - when will I be a GOOD one?

One of the great things about this sport is...
that is completely up to you, Everon B|
We each control our growth and progression in the sport,, not only in the air, but also on the ground at the DZ before and after jumping, ...A HUGE amount of information is learned on the ground,, and then "fine-tuned and practiced" in the air...
Pay attention, listen to your instructors, follow the safety example set by the "seasoned" group at your DZ and if THEY aren't "all that safe" :o:P:S[:/]
then SET the example..
and that's a GOOD start....
Read, learn, attend seminars, pursue your licenses
keep turning the pages in your logbook..... and most of alllllll
>>> be Patient !!!!!.... because this is a sport that can spank you....... if you get hasty, or impetuous, or or TOOOOO bold.....too fast [:/]..B|;):).... However it also a sport that will Reward you and enable you to experience wonderful aerial ballets with your friends, friendships which last for decades and more, the chance to travel almost anywhere and be able to speak the "common language" when you get there...It can offer each of us a set of memories which we will carry with us forever....Skydiving Helps Keep us Young......:ph34r:

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I think that you become a skydiver once you get to the point where you make such a commitment to the sport that you enroll in the most dreaded of all.. the packing class!B|

I reckon if you're motivated enough to want to learn how to pack... (and especially how to pack to get on a ten minute call..) then you're a skydiver.:P


"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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I think that you become a skydiver once you get to the point where you make such a commitment to the sport that you enroll in the most dreaded of all.. the packing class!B|

Especially if it's one of Karen's packing classes! She's merciless! ;)

Just kidding, Karen's the main reason I actually *know* how to pack.

Krisanne: Karen, I don't wanna pack. I hate packing.
Karen: Pack. You need to practice.
Krisanne: But I don't wanna pack. I'll pay you to pack.
Karen: Pack anyway. You need to learn.
Krisanne: Oh, fine. I'll pack. But I won't like it.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I think that you become a skydiver once you get to the point where you make such a commitment to the sport that you enroll in the most dreaded of all.. the packing class!B|

Especially if it's one of Karen's packing classes! She's merciless! ;)

Just kidding, Karen's the main reason I actually *know* how to pack.

Krisanne: Karen, I don't wanna pack. I hate packing.
Karen: Pack. You need to practice.
Krisanne: But I don't wanna pack. I'll pay you to pack.
Karen: Pack anyway. You need to learn.
Krisanne: Oh, fine. I'll pack. But I won't like it.

I'd rather have a bottle of Boone's Farm then that whine.:P
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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OK, I am obsessed. I think about skydiving more than sex (being a guy, that is SERIOUS!!!)

I look at the sky with new eyes - there is where I want to be. When I hang out with other skydivers at the DZ, that is where I want to be.

I have 4 jumps into the AFF, and I got my new (well, used - but new to me!!!) rig in the mail today. I just had to pull it out and look at it, feel the material, look things over - and attempt to re-pack it. I really am looking forward to learning how to re-pack a chute.

When my days off come around, all I want to do is skydive. My dreams at night are about skydiving. My life changed that first jump - and I know now what life is all about......

If everyone skydived, the world would be a better place.......
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
Blue Skies Forever

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If you make a jump and save your own life by pulling stuff... I think it qualifies.. some people have some stringent rules... me.. I think when you make a skydive.. and do stuff for yourself.. you qulaify..

Luke said I was a 'real skydiver' when I pulled my own ripcord. I was all proud of myself an' shit. :ph34r:
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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