
Are you the "Black Sheep" of your family

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I was all the way untill my cousin got arrested by the FBI for some computer thing he was involved in. He is lucky that his dad is the AZ District Attorney or some high up shit like that. He only got house arrest for awhile. But as far as immediate family lets just say BBBAAAAAAA :D

***Glory Favors the Bold***

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Similar to the Rookie, don't really know - maybe there isn't a "black sheep".

Except for skydiving and imbibing more alchohol than I should in social situations (well, more than I should, even if it is way less than others), I'm the most like my Dad in how conservative I am in social/political/religious views.

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I am the black sheep and the middle child (black sheep tend to be the middle kid i think)

Been arrested a few times, been drunk more than my fair share and basically made life hell for my dear mother who wont watch me jump but supports what im doing

Safe Jumping


People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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I am the black sheep and the middle child (black sheep tend to be the middle kid i think)

Been arrested a few times, been drunk more than my fair share and basically made life hell for my dear mother who wont watch me jump but supports what im doing

Safe Jumping



Similar here, but I avoided the arrest part.
Don't know how ... as I distinctly remember conversations with three different cops when I KNEW I was drunk-driving.
All my brothers and sister and their spouses have respectable gov't jobs in Ottawa. They all have mortgages and 2/3 of them have kids.
I am the only professional skydiver in the litter ... and the only one living on the West Coast.

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I don't know about black sheep....

I was the middle child. Older brother and younger sister did no wrong. Somehow all the bad shit got blamed on me...along with the punishments. Between 10-13, I went through a shoplifting stage. my sister would blackmail me and tell me if I didn't steal something for her...she would tattle. Had a boyfriend who tried to commit suicide under my bedroom window after my mom made me "break up" with him. Hmmmm...was that really MY fault?

Always tried to be a good girl and seek approval, denying myself what I wanted. Didn't rock the boat and would back down when someone objected to what I was doing. When my sister moved to Florida and my brother disowned family, I became the soul "helper" when Dad got sick and mom doesn't drive.

I started skydiving in 2001. Everyone thought I was nuts...and it was just a phase I'd "grow out of." In 2003, I took my first CRW jump and fell in love with it and my skydiving took a HUGE leap for [B]ME! Spouse, parents hated it. Claimed I loved skydiving more than my family. OK, so I lived, breathed and ate CRW and it was all I talked about. But I think it was that they didn't like the fact that I was starting to become a new person....and I LIKED the new me.

Now, I'm moving to Texas. I think if I've ever been the "black sheep," I am now. Family is [B]NOT being supportive and playing every guilt trip in the world on me.

But isn't it time I lived for [B]ME for a change?

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I'm very lucky. My family doesn't have a black sheep. People went different ways at different times, but our parents loved us.

That said, I was always a good girl. When I was seen climbing over the fence to get out of high school one afternoon, it was so out of perceived character that I was never called in for a "discussion" because, after all, that couldn't be Wendy! :D

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Nina, treating people with love, kindness and respect doesn't mean only doing what they want you to do. You owe your son (and I'm willing to bet you're doing the right thing by him). You owe your parents in a different way.

Consider -- what is one of our greatest wishes for our children? That they have the tools to make themselves constructively happy. You're showing that.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Most definatly, ever since I was a little kid. But as I got older they were more accepting of everything that I like to do. I didnt start skydiving till last year and the way I brpke it to my parents was by showing them my AFF level I and VII videos. They didnt act surprised, they wondered why I waited till last year to start, think they saw it coming.
"Once you find a job that you like, you never have to work another day in your life"

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I don't know if you could call me the black sheep but I am definitely the "crazy" one. :D

Black sheep, sheepfucker, it's all semantics. :P
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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so ummm.. does "black sheep" mean you're crazy? :S

No, it means the rest of the fam thinks you're crazy.
Honestly i think we are a mentally stable group of people. sort of . Ok physically stable, well ok,
financially stable yea we're all broke from too much skydiving.

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As children we are so very brainwashed.... I grew up hearing (and believing) that one of my uncles was taken away by the monks in some far eastern religion, and he was the black sheep, even though everyone else in the family was either a drunk, drug addict, or MUCH worse. Then I grow up to find I am the new black sheep of the family cause I am unmarried and have provided no grandchildren and I .... drum roll please... skydive!
Well, that and my uncle left his monastery. Now that I've gotten to know him, I realize he is the MOST SANE of the entire family!! How bizarre things can turn out once you grow up and start seeing the world with your own eyes.

And and BTW, I am completely miffed my brother stole my title last year and I have yet to win it back >:(>:(>:(


"I know it's friday night, but come on. Surely there's something better to do than yell at people on the internet?" - Tom A.

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In high school my younger brother David was considered the bad boy of us 3.Later,after we started skydiving and drinking we both ran neck and neck for the title.Now,it's mostly me holding the "Bad Boy" rep.Now that I think about it,I've mostly mellowed in my old age?Except possibly when I'm working?Like the "Happy Bunny" says,"Thank you very much for not making me kill you today!"rabbit

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