
Whoever came up with the idea of giving personality tests for jobs . . .

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Can kiss my ass. One company turned me down because apparently, "I like to move around too much, and this is too much of a desk job".

Mother fucker, let me explain something to you . . . you give me money, I can sit still. But since you won't give me money, you can shove that "personality test" up your ass. Grrrr. >:(

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...and what about some of the bullshit you have to put up with in work? Our sales director loves this stuff called colours training. Its basically about how to judge customer's personalities and how best to sell to them. I think that if you are a good sales person you don't need this crap, but there are plenty of brown noses in the company who love to suck up to the powers at be and say how good it is. What really irritated me most about the training was that all the trainer's examples of how well it worked were entirely self validated ie he had no empirical proof about how well it worked. I've now got to pass this training on to my staff but as I haven't bought into it I am going to find it hard. At the same time I've either got to tell my manager that I think its bullshit or just lie to him!

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At the same time I've either got to tell my manager that I think its bullshit or just lie to him!

On the day you have to do it, just look at the colo(u)r of the tie he is wearing and decide then what to do.;)
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Mother fucker, let me explain something to you . . . you give me money, I can sit still. But since you won't give me money, you can shove that "personality test" up your ass. Grrrr.

Personality results-----ROUGH

lol, go watch Office Space and cool down. it will be ok. What kind of a job do you want? The company I work for is hiring.
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Nordstroms gave me one in college for a STOCK position over the holidays...like, folding sweaters and making gift boxes required some special skill?!?

Had some funny questions - ex:

If you came across a vending machine and there was change in the change drawer that was not yours what would you do?

What if you received two candies instead of one?

Have you ever tried to kill someone? (Yes, this was an actual question!!!!)
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Sorry to take the other side on this one, but we were thinking of includeing a personality test with all applications a couple years ago. We used our current staff at that time as test subjects and had them all take the test. The results were staggering. If the test said he moved around to much, then so did his personel file. If the test do not hire this person, then his personel file already read something like "consider termination at next evaluation" I can not express how accurate the results were. Since then we have had all new applicants take the test and I can say that it has really paid off.

Something else you may not know. There is no right or wrong answers for these things and therefore no way to grade them on site. They are sent to a testing company for evaluation which cost the hiring company aprox $200 a pop. So if you made it to the test, then they were very interested and probably upset that you didn't make it.

Good luck and hope you find something better than they were offering anyway.

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I have to say they were wrong in this case, though. I have no problem sitting still, unless I have nothing to do.

I'm gonna start telling them what they want to hear. Fuck 'em. I may well not be cut out for office work, but it's my only viable option.

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There are a couple.

The most popular is the Myers-Briggs. You answer how you would "like" to do your job. It is supposed to identify your likes/dislikes. Are you organized/disorganized ? Planner/non-planner? Social/non-social ?

Basic flaw? That has nothing to do with you doing your job. They pay people to show up and do their job.

The MMPI was dated 40 years ago. References to games (drop the hankie) that no one has played in (literally) 50 years.
How do you respond to questions about it?

I once worked with a guy who was identified as hard-working, an over-achiever, and assertive. He robbed nine banks before they caught him. :D

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Personality test eh? That sucks.

I had a background check, a polygraph, a physical and a complete psychological evalutation for my job.:D

I guess it just depends on what you expect for what kind of work you do.;)

Maybe instead of trying to shoe-horn your personality into a job you won't enjoy, find a job that completely fits your personality and fully enjoy it.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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But where can she find a job that lets her play on the computer, drink, party, skydive and have lots of sex? ;)

Wait a minute, screw her, I want this job. :P
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