
I seriously need some prayers and/or vibes right now...please.

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I know some of you don't believe in sending vibes and that's OK. To those that do, please. My symptoms from my recent head injury are deteriorating fast now. My neuro did say I would get much worse before I get better. It is much worse this time around. I will be going in for an MRI and an MRA to rule out...god forbid a blood clot and/or aneurysm.

My speech is going fast. I can no longer walk unassisted. Up is not up and down is not down. I have been in various levels of chronic head pain since the 6th. I am vomiting constantly. My thinking is getting more and more confused by the hour. My meds are starting to no longer work. I am fighting despair with everything I got. I know I got through this before, but it's still hell. And this time it is worse.

Anyway, if you got any prayers or vibes to spare, please send them my way. Look how you helped Michele's dad.

Thanks in advance,


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Wow dude. That is some serious stuff. I can't imagine. I am not going to give you vibes, because I don't personally belive in that stuff. What I will say, is that you have the power of belief. It is much more powerful that vibes. I know you truely believe that you will come thru this, and for that I do too. Your mind is a very powerful thing, and thou it isn't completely doing what it is supposed to right now, you cannot destroy the personal power and will that you have.

Good luck dude.


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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*Vibes sent*

I believe in the power of positive thought. It's worked for me throughout a number of very serious injuries.

I know it's easier said than done, but you should let go of the your fears and your uncertainty. In a lot of ways, it's like learning to skydive. Let go, relax, and think strong positive thoughts about healing.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hang in there.

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Chris, when I first started posting here, you were the one who set me on the path to enlightenment: follow (read: stalk) Aggiedave and post after everything he does. :D

I'll send you all the vibes I've got, mutiplied a million times over. In other words, I'll keep you in my thoughts always, except when I'm in the potty. That would just be wrong. :P

Seriously, sending you everything.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
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No i don't believe in vibes, but i do believe in keeping you in my prayers. You have always been such a wonderful friend to me. If you ever need to talk (or serenade me with piano man) just call. Much love and hugs to you my dear friend.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Who you are is still there, obviously, from your post. Just remember that -- who you are is still there.

And yes, many vibes and prayers.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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All my love, hope, faith, and prayers are yours. You know that.

Anything I can do from the West Coast, let me know. It will be done completely.

Like Wendy said, you are still you...and you are a wonderful, amazing person. Hang in there, fight through, take the time to smell the roses...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Aw, Chris.....you know you have all the vibes and prayers I have to give. If ever you should need anything, I'm here for you. This has been such a long, long struggle for you. Hang in there for another go around, okay?

Hugs, Jan

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I am fighting despair with everything I got.

Keep fighting.

It should be obvious to you that everyone cares and everyone is thinking of you. What is obvious to me is that as bad as it is for you, you still appear to have a grip.

Don't let go.

There's probably nothing worse than chronic pain, chronic anything. Of all the troubles in the world, it makes one not want to get up in the morning, because there seems to be no end in sight.

You know that it's supposed to be worse before it's better. With that in mind, focus on what you can still do, instead of what you can't, and remember that this isn't forever.

It isn't forever. And you can get through it and past it. Don't let the fear of it make you suffer more than you already are.

No vibes, no prayers--not my style, exactly--just a strong hope that it will all pass sooner rather than later.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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