
Letting go of Everything to Gain Something?

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Yep. Ended up with a two lawnchairs, a cooler, one lamp, 15% of my clothes, and a wonderful life. (My list of furnishings has improved :ph34r: )

...and you're happy now, right?;)

As a friend of mine told me, "I can't believe it. It's like you're stupid happy mate." (Translated into English from British, it's kind of like being too dumb to recognize the obvious issues) :D

I've got health (fall-rate enhanced, but not concerned), a cool place to live (in the boonies), awesome friends, and I look forward to every coming day (not just the weekend).

I can't imagine that life gets better than this.

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I recently chucked a very respectable (and profitable) career to go back to school to earn a lesser degree that will earn me about half as much money and about ten times as much happiness.

Being only 1/4 of the way through the transformation, I am at the moment a penniless bum who would have neither roof overhead nor food in belly if it were not for the warm and generous (and unendingly PATIENT) love of my life.

Oh yeah, and by the way, the sacrifice was SOOOOO worth it...

Elvisio "yeah, I'll probably keep her" Rodriguez

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I think being tired makes me go post-happy! Third one tonight:$

Anyway, this one if veryapplicable to my current situation...so I thought I'd give my .02.

I just gave up a great (in other people's minds anyway) career, a house I owned, and living with my spouse, to move 800 miles from everyone I know, take a pretty significant pay cut, and rent again.

So far it's been worth it. It's defintely scary at times -- but I just try not to second-guess myself-- or think about how scary it really is.

The thing that keeps me going (aside from the fact that I love going to work!) is that although a lot of my friends and all my former coworkers said "what the hell are you thinking?" -- when I told my mom what I was doing and that I was scared she said, "good...scared is the best place to be." I didn't really understand what that meant in the moment...but since I've been living "untethered" for the last three weeks, it's started to sink-in. Before I was comfortable...now I'm not. I don't know if this makes sense, but right now life seems more real to me.

Sorry to ramble (I usually don't stay up this late!) but I just felt like sharing what "letting go of everything" has been like for me. In all honesty, I wish I'd done this earlier.


Oh, and one more thing...Ninjas ARE way cooler than pirates.

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I recently chucked a very respectable (and profitable) career to go back to school to earn a lesser degree that will earn me about half as much money and about ten times as much happiness.

Being only 1/4 of the way through the transformation, I am at the moment a penniless bum who would have neither roof overhead nor food in belly if it were not for the warm and generous (and unendingly PATIENT) love of my life.

Oh yeah, and by the way, the sacrifice was SOOOOO worth it...

Elvisio "yeah, I'll probably keep her" Rodriguez

I did the same thing when I was 30, I was earning 1100 nett a week working as a construction rigger, I chucked it all in and became a fulltime student for 5 years. Now I earn 600 weekly (12 years later) but I work with "at risk" kids and well... my life Rocks, how's yours going ;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Well?...have you? How did it go? Was it worth it? What did you give up such as your home to gain something such as your sanity to live in a tent with an airmattress?

I quit my job, my 22nd floor office overlooking the park, my abode, left my friends behind, quit skydiving, and moved 250 miles north to Fresno.

ABsolutely, it was worth it.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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This is quite recent for me. I am not sure, as of yet, exactly what I have given up. A passionless existence?? Don't think I will miss that. Kept the big house...but it will be for sale soon, I have reached a point in my life that it all seems so overly complicated by "things"...I no longer want all that!! I don't want to continue to just live life, I want to FEEL it as well! It is bound to be worth it!

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I gave up a good job and the entire life I knew to work for $7 an hour and live in a tent on a dropzone for two years.

It changed the entire way I relate to the world.

Although I no longer skydive, and although I'm now back in the "real" world, my perception of what I need to survive and be happy is rooted in that patch of ground where I pitched my tent.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Yep - went from a very nice salary to having sold almost everything that I own and working part-time (new job though B|) in pursuit of my dream of becoming a vet. It's tough but it'll be worth it in the end. :)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Well, I quit my 50K a year job to go to law school. I gave up financial security and independence, and right now I'm dependant on my parents to co-sign on loans and leases. I've been wanting to move out of my current apartment because it's so damn expensive ($1500/mo!) because my roommate moved out because of a job transfer, but my dad wants me to stay where I'm at, and without his signature, nobody will lease to me. So, my parents are paying part of my rent because they want me to stay in my current apartment because it's a very safe area, but safe areas cost a lot of money here in sourthern california. I'd found another apartment in an okay but not as nice area that was the same size but $600 a month less, but my dad didn't like it, and so he wouldn't co-sign, so they wouldn't rent to me. My parents having that degree of financial control over me has been extremely frustrating, and they hold it over my head sometimes, which can be really annoying, but they are helping me out a lot, and I am grateful for that. It's just very frustrating going from being financially independent and comfortable to depending on my parents for some things, stressing over money, and counting pennies. I'm working two jobs just to have the utilities paid and a little bit of pocket money (amusing thing here is that one of the jobs is paying me more per hour than I was making at my job with the LAFD! It's only a few hours a week, though, so not enough to make a real impact).

So far, I like a lot about law school. I enjoy the reading and class discussions. What I don't like is that the administration insists on treating the students like they're in high school, but I get the feeling that may just be unique to my school. When I was an undergrad and grad student at a different school, the way that school treated their students was 180 degrees different. They had the idea that we were adults, and we would come to class if we needed to, we would do the reading if we needed to, and we would do what we needed to do to learn, because, after all, we were adults and actually wanted to be there, so they trusted us to know what to do to succeed and provided support when requested. My current school takes attendance, punishes and penalizes us by marking us absent if we don't do the reading (more than 5 absences and we get a failing grade!), and has sent out over 700 emails this semester alone full of hand-holding and unwanted advice, and unfortunately, there's no opt-out option.

So, I guess that while I do enjoy law school, I really wish I'd picked a different school. The school I'm at offered me a scholarship, and I took it, instead of going to a school I really wanted to go to.

I'll let you know whether it was worth it after I graduate and get a job.

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Let's see here 5 and a half years ago I left Venezuela after selling everything I had to come to the US and work my behind off, now after this much time I have as much as I had before I left worked twice as hard but I would not change it, it been a great adventure, now I teach architectural drawings to adults and kids, coach soccer and invest in property here in FL, I can say is worth it, but by not means easy.

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