
Your Work...what do you love/hate most

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Do you love the sales aspect of your job but hate the paperwork? What do you love/hate about your job?

Me?...well I love love love to sell and I love the relationship aspect of my job but I hate the paperwork and sales reporting part..sucks mofo ass!!!


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I have a love/hate relationship with the travel. I'm still new enough with the company to be withholding judgment on the rest of it.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I love helping people out but I am sick of ungrateful people.

I totally understand. I want to help people and enjoy doing so and feel unappreciated when people don't appreciate it. HOWEVER, I can't do what's genuinely in my heart with the expectation that it'll be appreciated. People are selfish...expect that and you won't be disappointed. Do what is in your heart and you won't be disappointed.:)


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I love the work.... I love fixing any issues that come up....I do not love my management that has no clue what it takes to actually make the customers happy.. since they do not understand the work.

We have far too many levels of management that do not value the work.... I would just like to see one level of LEADERSHIP amoungst all those levels of management.:(

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Right now I don't have a job, but I consider going to school to be my "work." I love everything about it... even doing homework is fun.

I know, I'm wierd.

Lisa, you're not weird at all...you're living your life and that's awesome! B|


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There are so many things about my "work" that I love, and very few that I don't.

I absolutely love homeschooling...and enjoy being a mother. I do not HATE the multitude of cleaning that comes with it....but it can be quite draining at times. Keeping up with the finances is another part of my job I'm not crazy about.:P
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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I love helping people out but I am sick of ungrateful people.

So you've noticed....lolololololol...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

But then there are the really cool times when YOU, without any doubt, save some completely ungrateful person's ASS, and even though they threaten to sue you for all of your future earnings, you know they're only alive because of YOU!

YOU the man...
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Work love = when it all goes like clock work. No wammies.
work hate = taking 6 before and 6 after pictures of every yard i tweak. Then put them on a cd and mail them..... knowing they will never be viewed. Takes a lot of time i could be using here to post whore with you my pretty.

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Me?...well I love love love to sell and I love the relationship aspect of my job but I hate the paperwork and sales reporting part..sucks mofo ass!!!

You and I together would make one happy employee. I couldn't sell an oasis to a guy dying of thirst, but oh, how I love the paperwork. Just leave me alone to do my job, and I will amaze you.

Last week the SEC came to our office for a surprise audit. They had me performing like a trained seal in their quest for records, but I was thrown fish and applause in return.

Yeah, give me the details...
What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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I like helping people. The paper work is starting to grow on me, you learn how to make the paper work work for you. If that makes since.

Anyways, I thought when I first read the title that you said "Yard work...what do you love/hate the most."

For that I was going to say 1. I like the beer. 2. I hate the yard work.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I love my work, I love the people, I love the open plan office, I love all my little trinkets and stickers all over my desk, I love that I can wear sneakers and jeans to work each day in the office, I love that we have a ping pong table in the middle of our office for afternoon championships, I love how on fridays sometimes we'll just put a musical dvd on one of the big macs and sing along to the old songs, I love how we have morning tea cake for anything and everything possible (we celebrated with cake, the birthday of someone who had already left the company last year), I love how sometimes I have to spend half a day sourcing waterpistols or pens on lanyards or baby seals that make a seal noise when you press them, I love when I have to write copy for a promotion, I love choosing who wins a competition and then telling them they've won $5000.

I really do like my job... there is nothing I really hate about it.

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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I like cloning things.:)
Once I made a virus that causes cells to turn a bright green. I cloned in the Green Fluorescent Protein gene (from a glow-worm) into a human adenovirus. When you infected human tissue culture cells with it they would turn green .
That was cool!B|

someday I will clone Salma Hayek. That will be REALLY cool!B|B|
Speed Racer

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What a great thread. :)
I love sitting down to a radar scope full of airplanes and getting the traffic all squared away, helping those pilots go where they want to go and helping out the lost student pilots.:D Give me a pattern full of planes wanting multiple approaches and I'm set. And of course, jump planes get anything they want.

What I hate is the adversarial relationship between management and labor now raising its ugly head in the FAA. With the blessing of the Bush administration, it's gotten pretty bad. Morale is the lowest I've seen in over 20 years. We even have little recourse with safety issues, IMHO.

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