
I hate those Lance Armstrong wanna bes

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You know those guys who buy the bicycle for recreational pourposes that cost way more than they need. Then of course they have to buy the matching outfits. And heaven forbid they wear a pair of regular shorts over their lycra. They ride around stop to talk to their buddies, and they are all compairing their sweaty nutsacks. "Hey check out my sweaty nutsack." It really is appauling.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Yes, they are annoying. But I didn't know they were talking about their sweaty nutsacks - I thought they were all complaining about how that little, skinny, pointed seat was going up their ass!!
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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Can't have it both ways ... can't mock the overweight for being lazy slobs and yet make fun of them when they are getting some exercise.

I know a lot of overweight folks who are afraid to go out and exercise on bike paths or running trails or at gyms because of just that attitude - being afraid someone is going to make fun of them.

Sigh. [:/]

As for the "wannabees," well, they're there in every sport - the people who have to have the "look" and all the latest toys. Look around you, they're at the dropzone, too. :P
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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When I was 19, I bought the first generation Stumpjumper FSR 15" frame for the specific purpose of riding "stock trials"... Two days after I bought the bike, my boss asked me if I wanted to "go to Maine". I looked at him and said, "How the fu*k are we getting there"? His eyes lowered to my bike, and he just smiled.... 19 days and 1900 miles later we were in Bar Harbor... A year after that, I was a sponsored Trials rider in Colorado.... Well, it's been 13 years, and about two weeks ago, I bought the cheapest mother fugging bike I could, which had the components I needed, so that I could "work" the bike the way I wanted. I went to a local trail about a week ago, and trailed behind the two guys who built it, both of which were riding bikes which cost many, MANY thousands of $ more than mine.... They both just shook their heads as I smoked their asses over, across and up every single section of "their" trail, most of which, I was on one wheel, half drunk and with a ciggy hanging out of my mouth.

it was neato.
Fuck richies who don't get it....


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You know those guys who buy the bicycle for recreational pourposes that cost way more than they need. Then of course they have to buy the matching outfits. And heaven forbid they wear a pair of regular shorts over their lycra. They ride around stop to talk to their buddies, and they are all compairing their sweaty nutsacks. "Hey check out my sweaty nutsack." It really is appauling.

Here's a pic of non wannabes....they do the AIDS LifeCycle every year from San Fran to L.A. And the tall guy did the last leg of the Tour De France last year...they are not all slackers....(that's my mom's b/f btw B|)
Be yourself!

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Can't have it both ways ... can't mock the overweight for being lazy slobs and yet make fun of them when they are getting some exercise.

and we have a winner!
about 18 mponths ago I was up at Mt. Charleston (las vegas) we hiked up this crazy trail to ge to the top. it was easily a 40 degree steep trail (but it zig zagged so we could hike up it) when we got to the top there was a guy who was pushing 400 pounds. a few of my friends made comments abou this weight and I told them they were out of line.

I ended up talking to him for quite a while, which is how I know his weight. He had tried all kinda of tuff to loose the wieght but got bored with the walls of a gym etc. so he decided to go hiking. he said he had lost about 30 pounds already.

I'll tell you what, Is was a rough trial to climb for all of the people I went with I can only imagine how rough it was for him. I hope he kept at it.
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You know those guys who buy the bicycle for recreational pourposes that cost way more than they need. Then of course they have to buy the matching outfits. And heaven forbid they wear a pair of regular shorts over their lycra. They ride around stop to talk to their buddies, and they are all compairing their sweaty nutsacks. "Hey check out my sweaty nutsack." It really is appauling.

Here's a pic of non wannabes....they do the AIDS LifeCycle every year from San Fran to L.A. And the tall guy did the last leg of the Tour De France last year...they are not all slackers....(that's my mom's b/f btw B|)

I can't get the pic to attach :(
Be yourself!

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I can't get the pic to attach :(

it's probably too big. If you can get the photo editor software that came with your computer (most likely) you can downsize it to just under 100 kb...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Great story, JT! Thanks for sharing that. :)
Also, I can sympathize with what Krisanne said about bigger people being self-conscious with how they look while exercising for fear that others might mock them. That feeling sucks. Hell, I am under 100 lbs, and I also feel self-conscious about my body at times. I have to give major kudos to those, who can hold their head up and know that they have just as much right to be there, as the chiseled hard-bodies next to them.

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Then you have the guys who have the massive gut wearing the skin tight outfit that is just wrong

O.K, well now I thought you were mocking the posers - the guys who are more interested in talking about riding than riding, and who also want you to know they spent a lot of money. Not the people who were genuinely trying to exercise.

The guys w/the guts and us girls w/the butts have to start somewhere!:P
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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Wow that was crazy we had a phantom post here.
Let me say first off I am not against anyone getting into shape. Heaven knows I still have a bit to lose before I get to where I want to be this gut just will seem to not go away.

I am very self conscions. When I ride I wear a pair of shorts over my compression shorts, and a t Shirt. Nothing that clings to me.

The thing that I am really talking about here is those people who spend 1k on a bike and then a few weeks later it winds up in the back of the garage gathering dust. These are probibly the same type of people who need to have that huge HD plasma TV that cost so much they need to finance it. There is just something wrong about a TV that cost as much as a car.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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I am very self conscions. When I ride I wear a pair of shorts over my compression shorts, and a t Shirt. Nothing that clings to me.

So the problem really is with you?!

T-shirts suck. Shorts over riding shorts makes about as much sense. If you're going to be riding for a few hours, you might as well be comfortable, and have pockets while you're at it.

BTW, if spending for technology instread of training bugs you, avoid the triathlon world.

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Yeah, and also those idiots who spend thousands and thousands on the latest skydiving gear and the cool matching jumpsuits with the stylish Gatorz and the hottest new helmets with their camera mounted on the side! And just having a parachute isn't good enough, no they have to have the custom colors to match their trendy suit! And God forbid they just wear a pair of pants and a shirt. They have to have the $500 suit so they can stand around with it tied around their waist and compare sweaty armpits. "Hey, check out my sweaty armpits and beer gut."

It is really quite ridiculous!

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So you wanna see my sweaty nutsack?

So, if you know they're going to have a sweaty nutsack that you don't find appealing, why are you looking down there?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Dude, they are kinda stuck up too. With all that flashy stuff on. They even wear these sunglasses that look like something out of a Flash Gordon movie.

I pass by at least five of these guys every day on my street running. Very rarely do they look at you and say hello. Sheesh, we are both sweating it bigtime here....how about a motivational 'go for it' or something.

It's like a cult of sweatty nut sack people!!! :S

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The thing that I am really talking about here is those people who spend 1k on a bike and then a few weeks later it winds up in the back of the garage gathering dust.

Dude, 1k really isn't that much for a decent road bike. If it ends up in a garage picking up dust then more fool them, but if you want to ride it hard then spend the money.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I had one of those guys stop and talk to me yesterday! My kids and I just came back from a, get this 7.1 mile bike ride...we were sitting on the front porch chilling and he rode by in all his spandex/lycra glory and said, "Must be nice to sit and enjoy yourself."...I told him, "yeah after our 7.1 mile bike ride, we deserve it!" He turned around to stop, asked our "route" and tried to talk to recruit us for their "little"group. He said we meet every Saturday at 7 a.m. He lost me right then:o and there 7 a.m.!!! You got to be kidding:S...plus he had one of those couple thousand dollar bikes and I was ride a beach cruiser, my son rides a 15 yr old TREK (GREAT shape!!), and my youngest rides a Huffy...yeah we would have a really good time riding 23 miles on those types of bikes(The TREK would be just fine, but the beach cruiser and Huffy? I don't think soooooo.)! Damn bike people take all the fun out of a "bike ride".:S:D:D

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Wow that was crazy we had a phantom post here.
Let me say first off I am not against anyone getting into shape. Heaven knows I still have a bit to lose before I get to where I want to be this gut just will seem to not go away.

I am very self conscions. When I ride I wear a pair of shorts over my compression shorts, and a t Shirt. Nothing that clings to me.

The thing that I am really talking about here is those people who spend 1k on a bike and then a few weeks later it winds up in the back of the garage gathering dust. These are probibly the same type of people who need to have that huge HD plasma TV that cost so much they need to finance it. There is just something wrong about a TV that cost as much as a car.


Hang loose! Here shortly, that 1-k bike will be in their yard sale and you'll be able to get it for a song!:D
I think, it's wonderful, that folks ride bikes for health and excersize but, why do they gang-up in a wad and block traffic? I see them all the time on various thorofares all wadded-up, blocking traffic. If, you honk your horn at them, they won't look at you but, slowly form a single line. Soon as you pass them, they herd-up, again! What's with that? I thought, they were supposed to 'yeild' to cars and trucks?


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