
I hate those Lance Armstrong wanna bes

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Yes, they are annoying. But I didn't know they were talking about their sweaty nutsacks - I thought they were all complaining about how that little, skinny, pointed seat was going up their ass!!

Are you sure they're "complaining?"

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I don't like bicycles at all. Here's why:

1) Bicycles are for kids or people who have lost their licenses and don't have a good bus route by them. If you're riding your bicycle past the age of 16, it's a problem. A motorcycle - or even a moped or scooter - is a more effective mode of transportation.

2) Bicycles are unsafe - sure, there's nothing per se wrong with unsafe things, but they aren't fun like skydiving, skiing, or unsafe sex.

3) They are undignified - At the turn of the 20th century, they were, with strict rules of riding and requirements for proper dress. But that has changed to today, where "smell my sweaty nutsack" is the standard - usually through ill-fitting and unattractive spandex worn by people with no business wearing it.

4) Bicycles aren't fair - they don't get taxed for using the same roads we do. There is no license required to ride a bicycle, despite the safety problems with them and the lack of skill exhibited by most. Why no need for turn signals or brake lights?

5) Bicycles are exercise - I stand against that. Americans should be fat slobs, going through drive throughs and burning loads of fuel with SUV's. We shouldn't be menacing the roads with anything doign with physical activity. Such things should be done in the home with a stationary bicycle.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Well not much can be done about the ones in the way of traffic. Sometimes it is warranted, other times you wonder what the hell they are doing. You just have to be patient sometimes.
Same goes for the bikes though, there are bike lanes and I see bikes riding in the street all the time. Then they don't understand why the cars behind are being all pissy.
I would hope that the ones impeding traffic aren't just doing it so that people see how cool they are. That would warrant a definite honking at.

Bicyclists are under no obligation to use a bike lane. They are required (by California VC) to stay as far to the right as possible for safe travel. If the bike lane is full of parked cars, sewer grates, and broken glass, as is quite often the case, it's legal and wise to use the traffic lane instead.

Motorists with a beef might talk to their city about street sweeping and maintenence.

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no no man, in this particular case the road was built pretty much for bikes. The bike lane is huge, no cars are allowed to park on this street and there are very few obstacles that warrant crossing over the line. I ride the line when I ride to be ready to move for runners, but there are bikers that are riding as if there was no bike lane, just on the other side of the white line like it was the end of the road. I don't get that. The road is however wide enough to still fit a car through when they do that.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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You know those guys who buy the bicycle for recreational pourposes that cost way more than they need. Then of course they have to buy the matching outfits. And heaven forbid they wear a pair of regular shorts over their lycra. They ride around stop to talk to their buddies, and they are all compairing their sweaty nutsacks. "Hey check out my sweaty nutsack." It really is appauling.

Yesterday - on my way home from the store - two guys - as you described above - cut accross three lanes of traffic to a turning lane - no hand signals - just a glance over the shoulder and then cut accross. All three lanes were full - side by side - My truck at left, minivan in the middle and a UPS truck on the right. All three of us had to slam on our brakes and norrowly missed the two of them - the POSTED speed limit is 55 - Then the foggy little bastasrds had the gaul to flip us off.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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>Same goes for the bikes though, there are bike lanes and I see
>bikes riding in the street all the time. Then they don't understand
>why the cars behind are being all pissy.

There are times here in San Diego where it's safer to 'take the lane' and ride in the right lane, instead of on the sidewalk or along a little drainage ditch by the side of the road. Cars honk all the time. Makes em happy I suppose.

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>Same goes for the bikes though, there are bike lanes and I see
>bikes riding in the street all the time. Then they don't understand
>why the cars behind are being all pissy.

There are times here in San Diego where it's safer to 'take the lane' and ride in the right lane, instead of on the sidewalk or along a little drainage ditch by the side of the road. Cars honk all the time. Makes em happy I suppose.

My example is a bad one you would have to see the road I speak of. I agree there are times a bike should be in the lane. When there were repaving the bike lane on the road I speak of I would ride down the center of the lane so that cars would not try to squeeze by. They didn't like it much, I didn't like to do it, but it was the safest thing.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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...and car drivers get tickets... sometimes.:D

you can ticket bicyclists as well. And if their behavior is egregious, they should be. The cyclists that blow through a busy intersection are the same assholes that blow through a red light in a 5000lb SUV. And the ones that slow at the sign but don't want to unclip are just like the majority of us that do 'California stops.' So long as they yield properly I don't care.

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...and car drivers get tickets... sometimes.:D

you can ticket bicyclists as well. And if their behavior is egregious, they should be. The cyclists that blow through a busy intersection are the same assholes that blow through a red light in a 5000lb SUV. And the ones that slow at the sign but don't want to unclip are just like the majority of us that do 'California stops.' So long as they yield properly I don't care.


Hear, hear!!


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I dare you to go for a nice long bike ride on a road bike with a pair of regular shorts..

Instead of a sweaty nutsack, your nutsack will be so blown up that you are gonna want to go see a doctor cause you think your guts dropped into your sack..

yes.. I do ride around in the tights too.. it's not pretty, but I care about my sack.. :P

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...and car drivers get tickets... sometimes.:D

you can ticket bicyclists as well. And if their behavior is egregious, they should be. The cyclists that blow through a busy intersection are the same assholes that blow through a red light in a 5000lb SUV. And the ones that slow at the sign but don't want to unclip are just like the majority of us that do 'California stops.' So long as they yield properly I don't care.

I had a buddy once who got ticketed for not having the required number of reflectors on his bike. The only reason that was is because he used cliples pedals, and they only have a reflective strip on the back of the shoes.

Who needs roads and sidewalks get a mountain bike and cut across everyones frot yards. Actually the thing that sucks the most about my ride to work is the wind every time I get near the beach or a farm. Wind Sucks!
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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