
To my friends....

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I originally had no intention of posting anything, but I feel as though I want all of my friends to know where I am with things and figured this was the best way. I don't have emails for many of you and just wanted to express my feelings to ALL who care about me and have supported me in everything I do. This is a very special community of people and the friends I have here are so very important to me. That is why I am posting.

After spending the 3 day Memorial Day weekend away from skydiving and having the greatest, most fulfilling time in the world with Brennan and Cindy, and then getting the news of our dear friend Shannon's death, I have decided to take a step away from the sport. Since the birth of my son, skydiving has not even come close to comparing to the joy and happiness I find with my son and wife, and the way I am feeling right now, I just cannot justify the risk of leaving what I have behind, nor missing the time spent with them to go skydiving. The thought of my wife getting a call saying I was killed and the thought of her and Brennan finding themselves in an empty house, just plain scares me. Plus, for me personally, I am just not willing to risk what I have for the thrill of jumping anymore. There is just so much more I want to be there for and share with my son and I don't want to miss it. I realize that life is risky and skydiving is not the only way I could leave this earth, but I have always said to myself that when the day comes that my heart is no longer in it, then I will walk away. Well, my heart is still with skydiving and all the friends and family I have made through the sport, but my heart is also telling me that there is something more important to me and even the time away from that when I am skydiving is not worth missing, let alone the risks.

I am not sure if this will just be a "break" or actually a final decision to not jump anymore, but what I am sure of is that I am going to listen to what my heart is telling me and take a step away. And this is NOT a negative thing at all. I am as happy as I have ever been, besides the loss of Shannon, and feel as though this is a step forward to something bigger and better, and not a step back at all. That is why the decision is an easy one for me. I am happier spending time with my son and wife than I have been skydiving lately and when I am away from them, I long to be with back with them. Yet, when I am with the two of them, I have not been longing to skydive. I have found joy and happiness like I could have never imagined, and THAT is where my heart is now.

I wanted to tell you this because you are important to me as friends and it is important to me for you to know what I am feeling. I know my true friends will support me, and I cannot thank you enough for your love and support over the years. Please do not look at this as a good-bye in any way. It is not meant as a drama post and I don't want to be talked out of it. Like I said, I am as happy as ever and have no intention of walking away from my friends in this sport. I am just walking away from the jumping for now.

Thank you for everything. My love to you all.


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Takes a strong man to say and do what you did. Good call.

Hug that beautiful boy and your wife and enjoy your time w/ them. The sky is always here, your time w/ them isn't...

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Good post, and good reason. You have a very enjoyable life without skydiving. Good luck. The sky is always there, and you always have your experiences.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Its ok Chris.. I understand completely. I took a break like that ... but I finally came back to the sport. Do what you have to for your family.. and do it without looking back.. the sky will always be there and there will be new things and new equipment to learn when you do come back .:)

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Takes a strong man to say and do what you did. Good call.

Hug that beautiful boy and your wife and enjoy your time w/ them. The sky is always here, your time w/ them isn't...


Great post Micro! Couldnt have said it any better!;)
Breathe out so I can breathe you in...

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Chris, you know I love you man... and I think you are making a lot of sense. I'm glad you are not calling it quits for good, and realize that things can and may change down the road.

You know what... if I had something as ridiculously cute as your son waiting at home for me every day... I would probably do the same.

:DCheers to you, my friend!


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Poo on you! Do you know how hard it is to find someone to share a room with at boogies who doesn't snore? Ugh!!!>:(

(j/k to anyone reading this. Chris and I have already talked about his decision and I support him 100%:)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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good for you :)
Personally, I think I could have written that. Having spent the last 3 months watching my daughter cling to life has certainly given me different perspective.

Being up at 3 AM (when she's most awake, go figure) with her and looking in her big blue eyes sends chills up my spine. I thought freefall was a great feeling, but the looks she gives me are far better.

Not sure what the future holds, but right now I'm enjoying time with her.

Good luck - you don't have to leave here - there are lots of people who could benefit from your advice and experience.

Arianna Frances

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I agree. People without kids constantly ask when we will be jumping again.... my son is our priority now. Our lives are filled with taking him places and watching him grow. It is our job as his parents to be consumed with his activities! I would have it no other way!

We will jump again.... but we'll wait until the time is right. Good choice for great reasons!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Don't worry bro - I'll still coach you on FF techniques when you come back to the sport. You've done pretty good with what I've taught you up to now!!!


I used to think there was nothing greater than skydiving. Then I got hurt, and I realized just how much this sport affects other aspects of my life. Since I've been back into the sport - I have had a greater appreciation for not forgetting that life has many facets, and jumping CAN be ONE OF THEM. Since the birth of my second nephew, I too have thought long and hard on what it would be like to miss critical aspects of his maturity and growth.

I respect your decision - I completely understand your motives - and I wish you NOTHING BUT CONTINUED HAPPINESS IN LIFE.

Just don't go preventing Brennan from jumping when he turns 18...don't be 'that dad'!!;)

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and all your free time!!

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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I know just where you’re coming from, man, ‘cause I did the same thing when my wife got preggers with our first. Becoming a parent for the first time, especially the first several months, is an absolutely magical time. Watching you post about your son’s birth & how he’s developing, etc. brings back all those memories.

Yes, the sky will always be there. I figured I’d never get back in, but here I am, I got back in a couple years ago once my kids got into their teens. When I first started, RW was the rage, but now the freeflyers bust on it. So maybe in 15 years or so, you’ll get back into it, and the “youngsters” will be amazed that old-timers like you still freefly like “back in the day”. You’re doing what’s best for you, and that’s always the right thing to do. Best wishes.

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But, but...you can't Chris...I haven't been able to jump with you yet. :(

Anyway, I respect your decision. It's awesome you realize what is truly important in life. Yes, skydiving is incredible, but what is more incredible is the relationships we have with those we surround ourselves with. Kudos to you for making a decision for your wife and son. ( I am just sad I may never get to freefly with you! :P)

Take care,

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Ya know, it is funny. I was actually a little scared to post this because I wasn't sure how it would be taken. Just goes to show that I was being stupid. I should have known that everyone here would be supportive, but I could not have been prepared for the amazing support I have been shown thus far.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and who have taken the time to respond with such kinds words of encouragement and support on here and through email. I cannot tell you how much it means to me and how it warms my heart.

Just affirms the fact that this is an amazing community made up of wonderfully caring people. Thank you all!

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....from a stranger,
who has raised 2 sons while skydiving.

Just wanted to express congratulations to you, for following your inner instinct,...


My boys were 2 1/2 and 5 when I first took my first jump training. With my family as first priority I was able to log 100 jumps a year- for first 5 years.

My first step away from the sport was after my 1st. reserve ride (boogie in Arizona) my boys 5 1/2 and 8 were running towards me when I landed safely. My oldest was yelling.. "Mom, you used your reserve and your still alive....." Regardless of advice to get right up and make another jump- I decided to go with my gut instinct and step away. When I returned a few years later I was only able to do so as a "recreational jumper" (average 2-3 jumps per week per season)

My second step away from the sport was with the death of a close friend in this sport. Returning to the sport was acceptance of his death and celebration of his life.

My third step away from the sport was with my sister's death- the sense of "ecstasy and exuberance" associated with skydiving- had come to a dead end. Time was needed and an attitude change before returning.

20 years in the sport- logged 1389 jumps total-
my sons are all raised and left home now- I feel a new freedom but still continue in this sport- with the same balance.......

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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and then getting the news of our dear friend Shannon's death, I have decided to take a step away from the sport.

Shannon died base jumping, not skydiving.

Apples and Oranges my friend.


I am not sure if this will just be a "break" or actually a final decision to not jump anymore,

Ohh pleeeeze!

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...when the day comes that my heart is no longer in it, then I will walk away. Well, my heart is still with skydiving and all the friends and family I have made through the sport, but my heart is also telling me that there is something more important to me and even the time away from that when I am skydiving is not worth missing, let alone the risks.


We never met...but that statement tells volumes about you. You are obviously a man with intelligence, integrity and high values. The 'sport' will be less without you, but the 'world' needs more parents with your values.

There is nothing more important than family!

Keep following your dreams, you'll not regret it!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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