
Fake Jump numbers (its not the question you think)

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I don't have issue with people having fake jump numbers... or none at all...

but I find myself curious sometimes about why people chose the numbers they do...

I remember seeing one user that had 2 jumps (and the explaination in his sigline was (the first and the last, the rest were just filler)

so my question is this... if you have fake jump number (not like I've got 1248 jumps but write down 1200 and only update ever 100 jumps or so...) but something outlandish... why did you pick that number?

and um if you use your actual jump numbers, what number would you pick and why?

I'd probably pick something like 13000 in the hopes that I could actually get that many in my lifetime... (not just 10000 cause frankly its not as exciting :P:P)

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My actual number of jumps is 285 but I use 1 in my profile so I don't have to keep updating it.
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what are these jump numbers you speak of??


I was updating mine then I got lazy and then I figured whats the point people don't seem to take it seriously much anymore unless you are like my numbers are correct.

So I guess you could say mine are fake only because I'm too lazy to update.
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i have 285, but just am too lazy to update the last few that i've done. I know when I was coming close to 100, i used fake numbers so i could get out of being pied at 100... I'll probably try the same thing with 1000 and see if it works, but i have a while before i have to worry about that. :D

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2 = More than one. Actually its kinda a Play on (Geek Reference ahead) Dragon Lance Gully Drawfs.. All Numbers were either 1 or 2.

Actually I have just over 200 jumps.. But I started Jumping in 1992, quit after my dad broke his back under a Piglet 23 Main (Round) (Same I had been Jumping), Came back in 1997 made a few Jumps, Quit because my daughter asked me too, Came back in 2000 did a couple quit again because my Ex told me to, back again in 2002 and stuck with it.

I am not trying to mislead anyone with my numbers and always refer to myself as a newbie although I do think I have more experience than most 200 jump wonders. I have Jumped Sport Rounds, old F-111 Squares (Raiders, Griffins and such), SOS Rigs, Rip Cord Rigs, ROL Rigs and I been through every type of Training program (IAD, Static Line, Tandem Progression and finally AFF) because of all my starts and stops.

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(not like I've got 1248 jumps but write down 1200 and only update ever 100 jumps or so...)

Yes. That's what I do.:)
I see no reason to use a "fake" number, but to each their own.:P

I just got around recently to updating my profile. Notice the jump # hasn't increased enough to update, but I added another "year in sport" and finally got around to putting in my actual license #. ;)
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Two significant digits seems to be the norm. That's what I use, but I don't round up due to a silly superstition.

This makes sense, since the more experience you have, the more jumps it takes to improve.

In other words, there might be an experience difference between someone who has 25 or 26 jumps, but not much between some who has 2025 and 2026 jumps.

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