
Weekend Numbers, 21-22 Oct 2006

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made three at the bridge on saturday, one solo and two with the love of my life, great pics, met a few old friends and made a few more, thanks to jason for another wonderful event.

drove all night saturday with tammie and jared to get back and made four tandems, one with a wonderful little girl who's time is limited.

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Wissota's P-Toss Weekend! A wee bit cold and cloud cover was crappy. Almost all either launch and tracks or hnp's. Road Show Saturday night was awesome as usual. If anyone else was there, I'm still trying to find out at who unhooked my bra and at what point in the night that happen!!

An next year I know to double the jell-o shot quantity.

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:Dwell duh!:1:1

Married to Vskydiver

One jump from a BE36 Bonanza, 7500 feet in Idaho.

And I owe beer for . . . . .

An aerobatic ride in a P-51 Mustang! My wife arranged it for me to go with a friend of her parents. What a great guy and a great pilot. It was my first time in a Mustang and my first time doing aerobatics (other than rolling in a Twin Beech, but we won't talk about that one;)) All in all a pretty excellent weekend. B|B|B|B|


I had pretty much the same weekend as JohnMitchell. (duh) except I declined the ride in the Mustang. I'm not much of a flyer. There is a reason I get OUT of the plane at altitude!

Here are some pictures of JohnMitchell getting in that awesome airplane. Some of you might recognize it if you have ever been to an airshow. ;)

They have a whole museum of working, flying WWII aircraft at the airport in Rexburg Idaho. If you are ever in that area it's well worth a stop and look.

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Bridge Day BASE jumps. I did my first gainer from the platform that went pretty well. Then I tried to do another one for my 1st time off the diving board and failed to rotate enough, got stuck on my back, kicked and did a half barrel roll, and deployed facing the rappel lines, but I got my canopy turned around quickly.

I then did a nice 2-way with SBS, he did a running front flip and I did a standing facing the bridge backflip, and I think I pitched a little too soon during my rotation and I got the bridle under my arm, but it cleared quickly.

I did a quick 15 minute packjob so I could try to get in one more, and just made it with 3 minutes to spare and got on the diving board again. This time I did a front flip, pitched a little too late and overrotated into a head down, and felt my packjob hit the back of my foot on the way out.

Besides the fatality and injuries it was a fun Bridge Day. It was good seeing lots of friends again, meeting new people, trying new things off a relatively forgiving object, and going back to where I did my first BASE jump one year ago. flygirl1 appreciated the fact that the trees had a lot more fall colors this year than last year.

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...got stuck on my back...
...deployed facing the rappel lines...
...I pitched a little too soon during my rotation and I got the bridle under my arm...
...pitched a little too late and overrotated into a head down, and felt my packjob hit the back of my foot...
...Besides the fatality and injuries it was a fun Bridge Day...


(drink Mountain Dew)

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dude, you scare me...frequently...but you're alive and well, so that's good.:)
The last AFF Lvl1er on Saturday (there was a whole class) ended up not flaring or something and tubled hard...resulting in two probable broken ankles. I felt bad for him.

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Starting with the balloon jump on thursday morning
chased my buddies tandem on saturday morning and 4 most excellant rw jumps with the Z-Hills locals from 6-15 way

great weekend
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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well duh!:1:1

Married to Vskydiver

One jump from a BE36 Bonanza, 7500 feet in Idaho.

And I owe beer for . . . . .

An aerobatic ride in a P-51 Mustang! My wife arranged it for me to go with a friend of her parents. What a great guy and a great pilot. It was my first time in a Mustang and my first time doing aerobatics (other than rolling in a Twin Beech, but we won't talk about that one) All in all a pretty excellent weekend.

What a sweet post! Congrats on the ride!
Let's have fun! :)

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Flew two bi-planes with WaltAppel. On the first one, we landed about 5 miles off the dz. It was a new dz for me, so I was a little disoriented. We landed in a cow pasture, and my canopy fell between two piles of cow dung. Wow was I lucky. We flew a second bi-plane and made the dz this time, but way on the back 40. I spent my third jump attempting to dock on Walt, all the while being frantic about finding the dz.

Here's a shocker....on the last jump, Walt and I actually did RW!!!!:o:o:o Everyone on the plane was in disbelief.
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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