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    West Plains Skydiving
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  1. Thank you! I had a great birthday.
  2. Oh YES! Paint them both and report back your findings! I'm thinking pink for the dog, purple for the sexy man. All I need now is a little more wine and an ambien. Thank you, Shell! You are genius!
  3. That is awesome!! I want to paint Minka's nails now! ...maybe I should wait til Todak is asleep and paint his nails too. Why can't pirates and cowboys co-exist in perfect harmony?
  4. Dave usually gets something else on Frenchy inspired birthdays, but I'm sure a cake would be nice as well. Happy Birthday, Sexy! Why can't pirates and cowboys co-exist in perfect harmony?
  5. I tried to talk someone into that recently and they said nope. Only 100, 500 and increments of 1,000. agreed.....300 is not neener neener neener! I'm with Doc. Anytime we have an excuse to cover a hot chick in whipped cream we should take it. As Solid would your back. HeHeHe!! Why can't pirates and cowboys co-exist in perfect harmony?
  6. You two are awesome! I have a vague idea as to what you're talking about, but I have absolutely no clue what the hell you're saying. I *heart* my geek. He protects me from flaming skeletons. Why can't pirates and cowboys co-exist in perfect harmony?
  7. The caravan isn't back yet...few more weeks. We do have our 182 though. We are jumping this weekend. Come play.
  8. Todak-XL Muttley-Small Thank you, V! Can't wait to see you and your hubby! Why can't pirates and cowboys co-exist in perfect harmony?
  9. What Krisanne said. Most of us jump in Ritzville, WA now which is about an hour and a half-ish from the TriCities. We're holding our Safety Day this Saturday (April 4th) and are planning on opening for the season then as well. Stop by, we'd love to have new people to play with.
  10. I only kicked the dog because he was biting my dog.... Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!!!! I love you too, old man.
  11. Jessica Rabbit. Why can't pirates and cowboys co-exist in perfect harmony?
  12. Of course it's reasonable, but when have you ever expected to find that quality in a woman? Shoot a load in her left eye on the one day, her right eye on the next, and sign the card twice. Blues, Dave Thats it Todak! Aspirin for you if you ever get a kidney stone That's ok, Cindy. That's why I wear goggles to bed. Why can't pirates and cowboys co-exist in perfect harmony?