
How did fate introduce you to the love of your life ?

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Date - January, 1994. I had just started school again (having taken some time off due to substandard academic performance) and moved into a dorm. Erin was one of the people living on my floor (the International Hall - lots of exchange students and a few Yanks mixed in). She was this brunette granola girl, into trying out Zen meditation and expanding her mind. And I was upright, square, and within a few months woul djoin ROTC.

On paper, we were the two people who seriously would not work. Me, Orange County conservative military type, her a Fresno granola extremely open to the idea of expanding her horizons from the pastoral existence of Fresno to the sun, beach and foreign influences of Santa Barbara. I knew then, that this is a woman that I could never handle. Neither of us had any romantic thoughts about each other.

What did strike me, though, was that I could see the quiet drive, ambition and intelligence in her. Not just her outgoing personality and all-around niceness, but "this woman is gonna do great things in her life." She was someone that I respected immensely right from the start, and one of three people I wondered, "Whatever happened to?" from college.

The last time I saw her was June, 1995. I'd heard later that she'd moved to Spain and gotten married. I knew she didn't speak a word of Spanish, but it sounded just like her to do something so impetuous. It also took balls, according to me.

In Feb., 2003, I was practicing law. I knew some people who were taking the California Bar at that time. On February 25, I was scrolling through the Pass List for the November, 2002 Bar Exam to see whether a couple of people I hadn't heard from had passed it. In scrolling through the list (over 3,500 people) her name appeared. I scrolled back up and thought, "Hmm. Same person?" I did an attorney search on the State Bar website and found her information as graduated from UCSB in 1995 and working in Fresno. It must be her.

Fate? How the hell did her name jump out out of all of those other names? I wasn't looking for it - it found me. Erin says she called for someone, and it was me that answered.

I fired off an e-mail to her asking if it was the same person and requesting an update, and a p.s. that if she wsn't the same person, please accept an apology from someone who was gonna feel pretty stupid. She responded that night:
Yes, it is me...but I am having trouble placing a face to the name...
Help me out here!

I was obviously memorable! :P Once I sent a pic, she recognized me and we started e-mailing. A couple of weeks later, she sent me a pic (attached). That somewhat homely girl I knew before was an incredibly beautiful woman now - she was all grown up. Still no sparks.

We met up in Santa Barbara at the end of March with one of her guy friends (she'd invited Efren along as security - Efren and I got along pretty well). On the morning of Sunday, March 30, we were sitting by the hotel pool, next to some hibiscus trees, and that's when the warm fuzzies hit me.

The highlight of my days were instant messages with her. Our first kiss was June 7, 2003 in San Luis Obispo. I moved to Fresno six weeks later.

If someone would have told me five years ago, "Jerry. In five years you will be:
1) part-owner of a law firm;
2) with your attorney wife;
3) in Fresno;
4) with a house;
5) and two kids;
6) oh, yeah, that wife/mother/practice partner will be that granola girl from college you haven't even seen or heard from in 7 years; and
7) you'll be the happiest man in the world with all that

I would have told that person, "You are HIGH!" No skydiving? No golf? No more gigging? Barhopping? Huh?"

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Well, it turns out he wasn't the love of my life, but I do have a funny story about the guy who was my love of ten years :P

I was managing a commercial property, he had a lease. I went up to collect rent and his roomate had a dog. I leaned over to pet the dog, not thinking about the fact that my green dress was a bit low cut. He always told his friends I had him at "Hello Puppy".
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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I was eleven years old, and found a Penthouse Magazine. At first I fell in love with my right hand, then my left (it felt different)...

No, for real, I met my wife at 75 cent Pitcher night at the Country Club in Statesboro. I was on active duty in the army and she was in College. Been married for 13 years!!!

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Reminds me of the kids I used to tutor--10-year olds. And they were SO obvious about trying to sneak a peak, even if the V-neck barely came down below your clavicle bone.:D

Boys never grow up about those things.:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I'm losing faith that fate will step in and save me from a life of singledom. Tell me your stories so that I know it's still out there working hard to bring people together.:)

I was having sex with a crack whore prostiture when ... wait wrong story.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I was having sex with a crack whore prostiture when ... wait wrong story.

I told you not to talk about that in public!!!! >:(

I know.. I heard ya... I just wasnt listening. :P
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I was standing in the parking lot of a Nor Cal DZ, having a beer and chatting with a relative newbie. His girlfriend walks up and we're introduced. WE talk for a while, then she heads into the hangar. I mention to him that he has quite a nice girlfriend. His response: "Well, she isn't really all that."
We married a year later and just had our 5 year anniversary last month.
NEVER say that about your girlfriend!

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Rohypnol - For when you really can't rely on fate to pave the way to happiness.:)

Yeah, but that just gets expensive. After awhile you can't afford to get them dosed up... then they sober-up and leave
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Aw, I love telling this story!

The first time I ever saw him was in a picture my mom (skydiva1998) showed me from the 2002 Skydive San Marcos Halloween Boogie, where he dressed up as my stepdad (kevlarsxs).

Fast forward to September of 2003, I was working a booth for Skydive San Marcos at the Texas Ski Ranch demo. I was watching the guys land on this little island in the middle of a lake surrounded by wakeboard cables, thats where I really noticed him. He came in swooping like a bad ass, drug his toe in the water, and landed perfectly on the island. I remember thinking, whoa, that was HOTT!

After I officially moved to Texas, I didnt have many friends and I spent all my time hangin at the DZ and my mom kept telling me I should hang out with him because we would get along so well and have a lot in common. So we would talk at the DZ and then one day he invited me to hang out with some friends in Austin, and we hit it off really well. So we started hanging out, and then one thing led to another....:)
3 years later and I still cant get rid of him :D JK, I love him and he is my lobster :)

my body, my choice

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I had just moved 120miles away from my family and everyone I knew to attend college in a new town.I spent exactly 1 month in the dorms before I decided I'd kill my roommate if I had to stay any longer.So I got out of my contract with the college residence people and found an apartment.

While settling into my new apartment I was struggling with moving my furniture in alone.He happened to live in the same complex, noticed my predicament and offered to help.Since living alone gets very old quickly,especially when you spend alot of time at your apt alone,we started calling each other to see if the other wanted any company.So we'd have dinner or watch movies and all that sort of stuff until it just got to be a habit and we just automatically expected the other to come over every night when he got off work.

There were sooo many times we flirted and each wanted to take it a step further but he was too gentlemanly to do so and I was just waiting on him to make the first move.Finally I said to hell with it and as he was leaving one night,told him he could stay at my place even though it was a short walk to his apt.He did and we've been together ever since.After my lease was up we consolidated our 2 apts into 1 and we just celebrated our 1yr wedding anniversary this past June.:$

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Simply: I needed a ride to the dropzone, and Chad ( whom I had never met, only talked to a few times online at a private skydiving forum, for locals) offered to come drive 2 hours to pick me up. :)
He's always going out of his way to help others out.

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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