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  1. ryno1972

    Reno Air Races

    More accurately I am the one confused! I am by no means an aircraft mechanic!! glad to be here!!
  2. ryno1972

    Reno Air Races

    I have a friend that has actually worked on P-51s for a couple of museums. He told me that the tab on the elevator really isn't a trim tab, but an actual control surface that makes the elevator move. How I understood it was (I am NOT an aviation mechanic by the way!! ) as the pilot puts input into the elevator, the tab moves, therefore moving the entire elevator. Does this sound right??? Or am I waaay off?? Thanks Ryan
  3. For Real???? Trust me, you will not be discriminated against for not having "Veteran" on your license. Do you feel left out because I have an Active Duty ID card??? Dont see your point of view at all.
  4. Felt it very faintly in NE Georgia....pretty cool. glad to be here!!
  5. They look hot to me!!!! glad to be here!!
  6. I had a retired Colnel tell me once "That no matter how hot a chick is....someone is sick of her shit!" glad to be here!!
  7. OHHH no...I'm not that lame. Its been several days with no commo. Very irritating. I am fine with it....just annoying! BE HONEST! glad to be here!!
  8. Was that what that was??? NO....i know you guys are right. It's just irritating. All I've gotten today is a "All is cool! Can't make it tonight". No explanation. Whatever glad to be here!!
  9. Why can't people just be honest?? Going out with this cool chick...went on several dates etc.....now blows me off. WTF?? No texts, no calls nothing. I hate dating!! I'm gonna buy a Flesh Light. glad to be here!!
  10. A tornado hit my hometown of Kalamazoo MI when I was 10 or 11...so that would be 1981 or 82...cant remember excatly. It was scary, the tornado missed my neighborhood, but we walked through the hardest hit. It was devasting. Just seeing the houses torn off foundations, the way the mud splattered everything and the smallest objects became projectiles. I saw the tornado touch down and I was frozen with fear. I was standing in front of a huge plate glass window too....wow that was not a good idea. Im glad you are ok. My prayers are with you. glad to be here!!
  11. OMG that is the coolest thing I've seen. Went below 2 grand one time..scared the shit out of me. I might copy that idea.....at least I admit it!!!!! glad to be here!!
  12. The FLESHLIGHT!!! Its the best $60.00 I've ever spent. My marriage is circling the drain so sex is not happening at all. The fleshlight is the bomb.......feels really good. glad to be here!!
  13. Wow, that is a good line-up of aircraft. I am surprised none of them are from the Kalamazoo Air Zoo. I volunteered there for 5 years from 87 to 91. glad to be here!!
  14. That is some of the funniest shit I have read in awhile. I am a platoon sergeant, and i here all the bullshit troops try to say or use to get out of the crap they get themselves into. That was AWESOME!!!! Ryan glad to be here!!