
Online repository of manuals?

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I know there was the old Parachuteriggers.com listing of manuals online but it seems that they have moved to a pay model for the manauls. Is there another online site for them or if not is there enough interest out there for me to put something together?
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A similar repository has also been suggested for the PIA Riggers' Forum.
Last thing I heard, councilman was trying to talk the web administrator into finding the space.
The next step would include convincing a PIA member to sponsor the repository of old manuals.

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I just threw 250 megs worth of manuals online at my site. I've got another 17 gigs of storage space if needed. ;)


If anyone has additional material please contact me and I'll upload it to the site and spin it off as its own domain.
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Anything else anyone can point me at?

These manuals always seem to be asked for every once in awhile.If you want them let me know and I'll send them to you:

TM 10-1670-287-23&p (this is for the MC4 and MTX series)
TM 10-1670-305-23&p (this is for the AR2 unit)
TM 10-1670-300-20&p (this is for repairs and special tools for ancillary equipment)
TM 10-670-201-23 (this is a technical and maintenace manual for the up keep of Military parachutes and systems)

Spotting class and wind calculation formulas can be downloaded from these links



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Hey Phree,

How many copyrights are you violating?:S;)

Seriously, not to be a wet blanket but recently a two cd library, (not particularly complete) was published and is for sale. The author did not receive permission to duplicate many of the manuals. Actually, as I understand it, he never asked, at least some manufacturers. And never checked with the manufacturers on which manuals should be included. He DOES include many service bulletins but not all. Also some manuals had addendums that may or may not be included.

While obviously more information is better than none, incomplete information is not good. For, instance, Sunrise has change the wings manual at least once if not more. I always have to go to the website to make sure I grabbed the right one. (one of these days I'll mark it.:$) There are Security pilot rig manuals that indicate a 10 year plus 5 with evaluation service life. There are others that don't.

I'd suggest some caution, not only with the copyright issue but with the completeness of the information and the limited scope of any particular manual.

These are some of the issues I've been thinking about in trying to decide if this was do-able.

I'm more than happy to share and often send out manuals that I have electronically. But, what about the newbie rigger who pulls a Reflex manual but doesn't know about the service bulletins? A little caution might be in order.

In the mean time I'll download everything you have up.B|
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my understanding of copywrite is around making money from other people's IP. So selling a CD would be a violation, but just having a copy of something already on the internet somewhere else on the internet should be ok. Perhaps an IP lawyer can fill us in.

On the fact that things may go out of date, perhaps it's worth adding links to those manufacturer website that have manual on them rather than the manual itself? I guess the older ones aren't that likely to be out of date ;).

And now that you're a greenie - perhaps worth making a sticky link to the repository (somehow that sounds like toilet humour, but isn't meant to be :$)

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But, what about the newbie rigger who pulls a Reflex manual but doesn't know about the service bulletins?

I'd suggest a "Here's the link to the manufacturer's website, but if it's down, here's the manual."

In addition, maybe a link to the APF SB page?

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All of these are uploading currently.

Looks to be about 45-50 manauls so far. Anyone have the Sidewinder or Raven manuals?

Here's a link to the Sidewinder Manual

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I know there was the old Parachuteriggers.com listing of manuals online but it seems that they have moved to a pay model for the manauls. Is there another online site for them or if not is there enough interest out there for me to put something together?

I have a copier at work that acts like a high speed scanner. I can make a PDF out of any old manual that is not online. I then can send it to Phree... So Phree and guys, if you need my services, PM me for my address and you will have a digital version ASAP.

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I'm more than happy to share and often send out manuals that I have electronically. But, what about the newbie rigger who pulls a Reflex manual but doesn't know about the service bulletins? A little caution might be in order.

In the mean time I'll download everything you have up.B|

Well - Phree could LINK to all the manufactures for the recent versions of the manuals and just be a great one stop domain so you don't have to dig thru the manufacturer's site but just get to the right page in one click - if the manufacture has it online. I think Phree's services are best used for the manufactures who don't have their manuals online - or an archive of previous versions...???:P

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As some of you may have noticed in my sig line, www.parachutemanuals.com is now online. I've just put the files up there. If you have additional files let me know. Some are missing since I do not have them, others have been removed at the request of the owner. This is an early version of what I have envisioned but its going to take a long time to get my vision to reality so I figured I'd go with what I have done already.

I'd love to have feedback on the site.
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But, what about the newbie rigger who pulls a Reflex manual but doesn't know about the service bulletins?

I'd suggest a "Here's the link to the manufacturer's website, but if it's down, here's the manual."

In addition, maybe a link to the APF SB page?

Rigminder stores service bulletins on their website. Several of the manufacturers have agreed to send any they get as well so Rigminder can stay up to date.


~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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As its been pointed out to me several times, I don't have all the service bulletins. I scanned Rigminder and they are short of lots of them also. The industry is lacking an effective storage location for all the SB's and documention. Its no wonder that field riggers often don't comply with some of the less publicized or older SB's, they just don't know they are out there. :S

I have a vision for where I would like my site to go towards but before I put any more time into it I would like some feedback from those that have taken a look at it to see what I need to do to make it an ideal site.
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I just learned Icarus has a reserve, I didn't know that yet.. :D.

The site is a bit boring, but extremly functional. Maybe move the manufactorers to a "manufactorer contact" page. I don't like the setup with folders etc. as a layout, but it is clear and functional.

Maybe you should add a "new servicebulletins" page.

I mised the Argus, manual can be found on their site: http://www.argus-aad.com/media/Downloads/Manual.pdf

Out of curiousity, what manuals did you remove and for which reasons? (They have every right. since there are copyright laws, just curious of why someone would want that..)
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