
The ultimate movie/TV villain.

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Sam Jackson as Mr. Glass in Unbreakable. Comic book meets reality, and all that.;)

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One of the best ever was Alan Rickman as the sherif (in Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves) ... completely stole the film... which is just as well because Costner was totally shit.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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This will go back aways- No. 2 in the Prisoner. One of the coolest series ever made. Oh yeah House isn't a bad guy -just a terminal smart ass

Which No. 2?
The actor/actress changed in almost every episode.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Who's your favorite villain?

This is a tough one. It's hard to be a great hero unless the villain is really, REALLY, evil.

AFI (of course) has their list. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AFI's_100_Years…100_Heroes_and_Villains Hannibal Lecter is top of that.

For just pure evil it doesn't get much worse than their #15 pick, Amon Göth (in Schindler's List), Ralph Fiennes. However, because of the subject matter, there's really not much "fun" to him.

I dunno, this is really tough. Heath Ledger's Joker was oodles of "fun", but I don't know if I want to say that's the ultimate in villains.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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For all the wrong reasons, Julie Newmar as the Catwoman was quite entertaining.

Heath Ledger was phenomenal as the Joker.

For pure evil? Dastardly Dan was Dudley Doright's nemesis.

The Klingons were fun until Wharf made them respectable good guys.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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For all the wrong reasons, Julie Newmar as the Catwoman was quite entertaining.

In a camp way, I suppose. I liked Michelle Pfeiffer better for the pure sexy. The body double / stunt double and especially in the department store scene was . . . amazing.


Heath Ledger was phenomenal as the Joker.



For pure evil? Dastardly Dan was Dudley Doright's nemesis.

The Klingons were fun until Wharf made them respectable good guys.

Yeah, but there are still some awesome Klingons there. The Duras sisters are pretty fun as is Gowron. Although Gowron is a good guy / bad guy depending on the episodes he's involved with.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Love Dr.House!:)
Ya,NP may have a point he's not a villian but he sure is one hellva of a jerk...kinda reminds me of someone I know:)
And we both have canes!!:)

Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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HAL9000, with its creepy voice...

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."

Gives me the chills everytime! :)

"One day, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."

Dudeist Skydiver #101

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I think this guy was my favorite villain. Bonus points if you know where he's from. ;)

I think that's Terence Stamp, isn't it? Don't know the role or the movie though.

Some of my favourites:
John Doe (Kevin Spacey) in Se7en.
Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) in The Matrix.
Um... I'll think of some more.

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I think this guy was my favorite villain. Bonus points if you know where he's from. ;)

I think that's Terence Stamp, isn't it? Don't know the role or the movie though.

Nope...think 80s TV shows...villain that always came back no matter how many times he was killed. Think...someone who could create something out of nothing. Think...swiss army knife. ;)

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I think this guy was my favorite villain. Bonus points if you know where he's from. ;)

I think that's Terence Stamp, isn't it? Don't know the role or the movie though.

Nope...think 80s TV shows...villain that always came back no matter how many times he was killed. Think...someone who could create something out of nothing. Think...swiss army knife. ;)

Oh, ok. From your description I guessed MacGyver, but I never really watched the show. So that would make it (after a quick Google) Michael Des Barres as Murdoc.

He does look a bit like Terence Stamp though!

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I think this guy was my favorite villain. Bonus points if you know where he's from. ;)

I think that's Terence Stamp, isn't it? Don't know the role or the movie though.

Nope...think 80s TV shows...villain that always came back no matter how many times he was killed. Think...someone who could create something out of nothing. Think...swiss army knife. ;)

Oh, ok. From your description I guessed MacGyver, but I never really watched the show. So that would make it (after a quick Google) Michael Des Barres as Murdoc.

He does look a bit like Terence Stamp though!

Yup. Murdoc was a great villain B|

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A couple more for your consideration:

"The Operative" (Chiwetel Ejiofor) in Serenity. Nicely complex villain, since he's ruthlessly doing really nasty things for what he believes is a noble cause.

Qualen (John Lithgow) in Cliffhanger. Lithgow's done a fantastic job of playing bad guys over the years.

By the way, ever notice how Hollywood loves a villain to have a European - preferably English - accent? Not sure why. Some of us are actually good guys.

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A couple more for your consideration:

"The Operative" (Chiwetel Ejiofor) in Serenity. Nicely complex villain, since he's ruthlessly doing really nasty things for what he believes is a noble cause.

Qualen (John Lithgow) in Cliffhanger. Lithgow's done a fantastic job of playing bad guys over the years.

By the way, ever notice how Hollywood loves a villain to have a European - preferably English - accent? Not sure why. Some of us are actually good guys.

It's a shift from the 60s and 70s when almost every bad guy was a tall blond Russian with an accent. Now, Hollywood has learned to generalize and not exclude other countries in that part of the world. :P

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It's a shift from the 60s and 70s when almost every bad guy was a tall blond Russian with an accent.

Yeah, but in those days you guys were poised to nuke the West into oblivion, so a little xenophobia was fair enough. :P:D

But what have the English ever done to the US? Well ok, but in the last couple of hundred years? :)

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