
When "I" grow up...

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Last night I cried...

I'm looking at 50 coming at at me with light speed, but I lost it like a fucking 10 year old.

As some here know, seven years ago we adopted three kids from Russia. I can say without reservation that it's the only true thing I've ever done or WILL ever do in my life that's really mattered.

We're proud and amazed at all three kids...who they are, what they do, how they see things...It's wonderful.

The youngest boy who is now 13 is an inspiration to everyone he meets. The kid just oozes charisma,
and has touched my heart since first moment I layed eyes on him...

He's one of those rare people you occationally meet that just has a glow about them, he's great at everything he does, not because he's a natural...

But because he works as hard as it takes until he's the best he can be. I've never 'pushed' him toward anything, but help and support his efforts as best I can.

His motivation and heart are without rival in my lifes experience.

I look at the things he's done and how he does it with jealous admiration...I honestly wish I could be more like him when "I" grow up!

At the start of the summer he decided he wanted to play football on the 8th grade team at school. He's a really 'little' guy! He's fast...but quite small for his age. I was of course concerned about injuries.

I played Football for a big 10 school and STILL have aches & pains...and I'm 6'4", & 240lbs. when I played.

We talked about it for a while and he convinced me,
he bought himself a weight bench with his birthday money and worked out an hour a day ALL summer.

We worked together in the Texas heat for hours at a time, I was teaching him the game, some of the moves and little 'tricks' I remembered from 'back in the day' so to speak.:ph34r:

Well school started, and I'll be damned if he didn't make 1st string Full Back! The kid is 86 POUNDS!!!

Last night was the first game...

It's been a LONG time since I've been to a game that wasn't played by Pro's making millions, and was
enjoying the excitement and fanfare that goes along with school events like this.

My little guy is standing with all the other players near the bench prior to the game...

It was almost comical!

His helmet comes up to everyone else's shoulder pads. I'm looking at him with the trepadation only a concerned parent can have over something like this.

I'm thinking to myself no matter WHAT happens when he gets knocked on his ass, as long as he's okay I couldn't be prouder of him for trying.

Genuine concern like that, put some 'weird' thoughts on a loop within my minds eye...

I remember the first time I hugged him in Russia, dropping him off the first time at school and the terror in his eyes that I couldn't ease.

The tears in his eyes when he got that dirtbike for Christmas that he wanted sooooo bad, but knew it was to much to hope for.

I'm kind of looking off in the distance thinking about these things sitting alone there in the stands.

I'm brought back to the present as the announcer broadcasts the coin toss.
Looking down at my son, I'm speechless when for no apparent reason, he turns around from the bench and looks directly at me, mouthing the words in exagerated fasion...

"Thank You"

That was enough to get me choked up!:$

But I pulled it together enough to smile at him and give the old, 'thumbs up...'

Thumbs up....
One of the hand signals he gives me shit about all the time.

"It's NOT COOL" ;)

For some reason, for photos of the members of the demo team I jump with...it's become a tradition
to all stand there with our Thumbs Up...I have literally hundreds of photos of myself and the guys standing together 'Thumbs Up'...

Another hand signal the kids give Mom & I a hard time about, is the symbol in sign language for 'I love You'. Mom and I throw it to each other all the time in crowded places like airports, airshows, whenever we're to far away to whisper it to each other...

The kids all laugh, roll their eyes and say it's 'Hokey':ph34r:


.......2nd play of my son's FIRST football game they call a play that has him running around the left side toward the flat as a receiver on an option pass.

I know football...

I can see what's about to happen and my whole body tightens up for the blindside hit that's about to cream my kid before he ever really gets to 'enjoy' the game.

The ball hits him in the numbers, right between the 3 and the 9.
My mouth is hanging open as I watch him..
Head back, knees churning, covering the ball with both arms, lowering a shoulder to give a hit not take one...
Just like I showed him 100 times this summer.

The collision knocks the other guy, 50 pounds heavier..into the next Zip Code!

He runs another 20 yards before two other defenders bring him down.

I'm jumping up and down, screaming like an idiot!
Just like all those 'other' parents I use to think were over emotional crazies...

As my little hero jumps up from the pile across the field from me...He takes a moment to find me in the stands...

We made eye contact and I'm just Beaming...

THAT'S when the little bugger GOT me!:)

He points at me with his finger, and then shoots me the "I Love You" hand sign...

Two heartbeats later I'm
Balling like a fucking 10 year old...:S

GOD I hope I can be more like him...When "I" grow up!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I love your skydiving stories, but this one blows them all away. Thanks for sharing. :)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Omg! That was one of the cutest things I have ever read!!!

My favorite part....

I'm jumping up and down, screaming like an idiot!
Just like all those 'other' parents I use to think were over emotional crazies...

I don't have kids, but I have two nephews that I love as if they were my own, so I completely understand! :D

Your son sounds like an amazing young man, and you sound like a terrific father!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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My sons and I shot the "I love you" sign also.

When my boys were younger and I dropped them off at school, I'd shot the sign to them as they were walking away. They in turn would try and hid the sign back to me.

Fast forward, and now with pride both my boys will say "I love you" when ever they are leaving the house, or we are ending a phone conversation.

One time my son was walking out the front door with a couple of male friends, as he's walking out, he says "I love you." I tell him, "I love you too." As the door is closing I hear one of my son's friends say, "Ugh, you say that out loud to your mom?" My son tells him, "Yup, don't you love your mom? I love my mom, and I will always let her know."

That conversation left more then a tear in my eye.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Another hand signal the kids give Mom & I a hard time about, is the symbol in sign language for 'I love You'. Mom and I throw it to each other all the time in crowded places like airports, airshows, whenever we're to far away to whisper it to each other...

The kids all laugh, roll their eyes and say it's 'Hokey'


Now that puts your sig line in a whole new light!

Great Story!B|

The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!"
The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"

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Totally, totally awesome :)
Sometimes your heart feels so full of happiness it wants to burst, doesn't it

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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