
GM Cars are pretty tough

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My wife got into a whiteout condition today on a busy highway north of Toronto.. Got rear ended not by one car but by 2 cars. Surprisingly she walked away with minor aches and pains. The car did not fare as well. Fortunately GM makes a pretty tough car. 2002 Chev Malibu.

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo

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My wife got into a whiteout condition today on a busy highway north of Toronto.. Got rear ended not by one car but by 2 cars. Surprisingly she walked away with minor aches and pains. The car did not fare as well. Fortunately GM makes a pretty tough car. 2002 Chev Malibu.

Crumple zones in action.

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A buddy of mine was recently involved in an accident, possible drunk driver nailed him at highway speeds, rolled the SATURN 5-7 times. He was ok, just bumps and bruises, the car... well... the engine was found a distance away.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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Disclaimer: I formerly owned for years a company with a fleet of sales/service vehicles - in Canada

What I learned the best for my operation, in the rough-country, was...

Cars: Who the fuck knows. the Chinese, Korean and Russian shit get's lower every day.
SUV's: Hyundai/Ford/GMC
Pickup's: Toyota/Ford

Cars: GMC
SUV's: Dodge (Jeep)
Pickup's: Ford/Dodge

Cars: Toyota/GMC
SUV's: Dodge (Jeep)
Pickup's: Ford

Cars: GMC/Toyota
SUV's: Dodge (Jeep)
Pickup's: Ford/Dodge (tie)

Cars: GMC
SUV's: Dodge (Jeep)
Pickup's: Ford

Cars: GMC
SUV's: Ford/Dodge/Jeep
Pickup's: Ford

Buying a car for your wife? Get her a GMC.
Buying a vehicle for your child? Get him/her a FORD or DODGE pickup or a Jeep SUV! (Twice, my only-child's vehicles kept him alive, through no fault of his own. Last one, he walked/limped away from a $52K write-off T-boned in his driver's door on a red-light by an illegal alien trying to outrun CBP)
Buying for yourself? Oh, maybe a Porsche/Lamborghini/Ferrari/Stryker :)

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How about just not driving in whiteout conditions?

Reminds me of German drivers on the autobahn.

Picture this:
Autobahn - no speed limits, cars hauling ass.
Fog bank at the bottom of the hill in the valley.
Cars coming over the top of the hill.

Slow down you might say?

NEVER! Say the Deutchlanders.

We'll blast into the fog bank and pile up until a mass of metal protrudes from the fog bank!

Piss on them pansy 1-2 car fender benders!
We want 30-40 car pile-ups!
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Thats a good idea,,it was nice and sunny when she left Barrie tho, storm just came up suddenly,,,,weather people are blaming lake effect for the sudden snow squalls.

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo

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Thats a good idea,,it was nice and sunny when she left Barrie tho, storm just came up suddenly,,,,weather people are blaming lake effect for the sudden snow squalls.

I think Popsjumper was dire3cting that to HCVader, who did a similar thing in white out conditons
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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My wife got into a whiteout condition today on a busy highway north of Toronto.. Got rear ended not by one car but by 2 cars. Surprisingly she walked away with minor aches and pains. The car did not fare as well. Fortunately GM makes a pretty tough car. 2002 Chev Malibu.

Glad she wasn't seriously hurt, I hope those "aches and pains" only remain "aches and pains" and don't reveal themselves to be anything more serious.

Nice pics too. It's neat to see the real world example of crumple-zones at work.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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That looks like highway 11 north of gassoline alley
by Heidi's trailer sales.
If it is, it's the Canadian version of the autobahn right to the Muskoka's.
I've done 100 klm through there and the BMW's, Mercades, and even seen Bentley's go cruising through like I'm sittin still.

It's amazing how people like follow close even in bad weather.

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Um, you know GMC only makes trucks - right?

I would guess he means GM Corp.

Those lake effect snow squalls can be truly evil.

As the OP's wife found out, slowing down can be as hazardous as maintaining speed.
Keep going, you hit someone who slowed. Slow down, you get rearended by someone who didn't slow.:(

Glad she's ok. The crush zone engineering makes a lot of nasty accidents a lot more survivable, well worth the cost/hassle of making repairs from lesser accidents a nightmare.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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That Chevy did pretty good, glad everyone was ok!

Two cars have always impressed the hell out of me in accidents. Volvo's and modern VW's. I cleaned up the mess of a Jetta a few years ago that left turned in front of a Ford F-350 loaded down with oil-field stuff, with a Ranch Hand replacement front end. The truck was traveling at a stated 50mph (its a 55mph road). There was no damage on the truck (Ranch Hand, baby!) and the VW was highly damaged. However, the passenger compartment only moved in about 1-2" and there was an incredible amount of airbags that had deployed.

No one was hurt, just shook up. I wish I would have taken personal pictures, but that was before cellphone camera's were prevalent.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I agree with you, I rear ended some asshole that slammed on his brakes because he decided to panic that his prius would not accelerate to the speed limit fast enough AFTER he made a right turn on a red on a highway.

I ended up with a craked bumper cover and a lens off my fog lamp.

He has the rear of his car pushed into the back seat and touching the backs of the front seat.

1995 Jeep grand Cherokee's are built like a small tank.

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>>I agree with you, I rear ended some asshole that slammed on his brakes because he decided to panic
Sorry, and no offense intended, but I'd save "assholes" for the rammers, not the rammed.

People can stop short for any number of reasons, and if you hit them from behind the result is you screwed up.

NickD :)

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Thank You all for your good wishes, just got finished at the doctors, she's got minor whiplash and starined muscles, doc report has been sent to insurance, just going to monitor how she is for the next week or so, so far so good

yeah that was on Hwy 11 North, just down the highway from Heidi's Trailer Sales, can be pretty treacherous in that area.

Again thank you everyone for your support

Chris and Linda.

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo

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It isn't just the Prius although it is a catchy phrase.

It is related to many underpowered cars which drivers are scared that they cannot accelerate fast enough to match traffic speeds.

Watch while you are driving and you will see it, drivers failing to accelerate on the ramps and also after a right hand turn on red with traffic coming.

I realize the prius is capable of going pretty fast once it has a fair amount of time to gather speed, but a sports car it is not.

Here in the Chicago area people tend to drive a little more than the speed limit.

And that is an intentional understatement.;)

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Those 70's Porsches are pretty damned tough too.

I was riding in a friend's 914 and we were cruising at 55 mph when some teenager pulled out in front of us. T-boned the fucker right behind the driver's side door and spun him at least 270 degrees. The impact only crumpled the first 6 inches of the front bumper/hood, but sheared the engine/transmission mounts clean off. We pretty much scraped to a stop a block away since the impact took out the brakes too.

It was kinda funny though, it was a convertible, and while we were still scraping down the street, another convertible pulled up next to us and the guy driving it asked if we were okay, we nodded, and he drove off.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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My wife got into a whiteout condition today on a busy highway north of Toronto.. Got rear ended not by one car but by 2 cars. Surprisingly she walked away with minor aches and pains. The car did not fare as well. Fortunately GM makes a pretty tough car. 2002 Chev Malibu.

It was probably the skydiver sticker on the trunk lid that saved her :D.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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