
The NHL playoff thread!

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Yup. [:/]
I'm really questioning the officiating in this series! The Red Wings were second lowest in penalty minutes during the regular season. Suddenly, the Wings have somehow gotten 36-penalty minutes. There were at least two questionable calls in the third that led to a 5 on 3 for the Sharks. Bertuzzi gave one of the Sharks a little shove and the refs charged him with 'holding'. That's just one example. I'm not trying to sound like 'sour grapes' but the officiating throughout the league has absolutely stunk... all season. The Sharks did play very good but the refs gave them this one!!!


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You got that right. I've seen the Wings dig their way out of this situation before but the way the Sharks have been playing... it ain't lookin' good! I couldn't believe, the wings got 10 penalties! That is a rarity for them. I gotta' believe they can pull it out, though.


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You bet they did! I forget which Wing it was but he was trying to get the puck from one of the Sharks and reached with his stick. the Shark went flopping on the ice like a fish out of water and the Wing got called for tripping! The bad part of this officiating thing is, if a coach or player says anything about it, they get fined for it! >:(


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I'm not trying to sound like 'sour grapes' but the officiating throughout the league has absolutely stunk... all season.

That's not sour grapes, that's how it is. Granted I'm happy that the bad calls were in the Sharks favor last night, but damn, some consistency in the officiating from minute to minute (much less game to game) would be nice.

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I'm not trying to sound like 'sour grapes' but the officiating throughout the league has absolutely stunk... all season.

That's not sour grapes, that's how it is. Granted I'm happy that the bad calls were in the Sharks favor last night, but damn, some consistency in the officiating from minute to minute (much less game to game) would be nice.

Thank you, thank you... Here I thought maybe, my bi-focals were failing me! Seriously, The Sharks playd good, solid hockey. I thought the Wings did too but, we need to get the refs out of retirement to officiate these games. Don Kohorskey... where are you when we need you? That dim-witted little gnome, Gary Bettman either doesn't care or doesn't have a clue. All we can do is see how it all washes-out and hope for the best for our teams.
Before I forget... congrats for your team.

Depressed in Texas!

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some consistency in the officiating from minute to minute (much less game to game) would be nice.

It's gotten much better. I don't think I've seen a single instance this year of 7 men on the ice for 40+ seconds without the refs being all over it. :)

Well, the Wings have been here before.......I believe they'll play Game 3 like they have a lit stick of dynamite up their collective a**es.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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the Wings have been here before

Detroit is running out of lives. But they are not done yet. The Fat lady still does not know what city she needs to travel to. The Wings must win 4 of the next 5 games. But while Shark fans can be somewhat happy today, they need to be reminded that many teams have come back from 2-0 series deficits.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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the Wings have been here before

Detroit is running out of lives. But they are not done yet. The Fat lady still does not know what city she needs to travel to. The Wings must win 4 of the next 5 games. But while Shark fans can be somewhat happy today, they need to be reminded that many teams have come back from 2-0 series deficits.

Only 2 have come back from 3-0. If the Wings lose the next one they are nearly as good as done.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Ok I didn't have a real problem with the officiating until just now watching the Bruins/Flyers game. Savard gets slashed and punched in the face with the Ref standing right there watching the whole thing. He gives Savard a 2 minute minor for slashing. His stick never left the ice. He got slashed and sucker punched before he could do anything. This all happens after the play is over and the whistle has blown. Un fucking believable! I wonder if the officials get reviewed after the game and if they have to answer to someone for their poor performance. Well at least we survived the penalty and scoreed a goal.
Rodriguez Brother #1626
Dudiest Skydiver #1962
DPH #-2

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Ok I didn't have a real problem with the officiating until just now watching the Bruins/Flyers game. Savard gets slashed and punched in the face with the Ref standing right there watching the whole thing. He gives Savard a 2 minute minor for slashing. His stick never left the ice. He got slashed and sucker punched before he could do anything. This all happens after the play is over and the whistle has blown. Un fucking believable! I wonder if the officials get reviewed after the game and if they have to answer to someone for their poor performance. Well at least we survived the penalty and scoreed a goal.

Not no but HELL NO! The refs are the final word and coaches and players had better not say a damned word or they get a stiff fine! Welcome to the 'new' NHL. I see that kinda stuff all the time, watching the games. Makes you wanna throw a brick through yor t.v.!!! The Wings have had that happen to them quite a bit. I do like the way the Bruins turned-around and scored.


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Yeah I don't know what is up with the refs, but at least all fans have someone to dislike (unless they are helping you out hahaha)

Since I was at the game I didn't have the benefit of seeing replays so I can't comment on the calls, but lousy officiating is no fun.

PLF-getting nervous yet??

Oh! Did you guys see the dead leopard shark thrown on the ice? So funny. It had a octopus sewn into it's mouth hahaha

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