
American football is for poofs.

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Never work - the football players aren't used to pulling each other's pants off like the rugby gays guys. :P

How many times have you posted that pic now?

You seem to be worryingly fond of that guy's arse;)
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Isn't it a bit strange that only people who come from countries which play rugby that are the ones calling american football pussies? How many NFL games have you been to in order to make an assumption?

Uh, dude, I said basically the same thing as you - rugby players are built for rugby and american footballers for NFL.:S
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Without a doubt Rugby is a tough sport and you need to be in excellent shape to play it. But football tackles and rugby tackles are completely different techniques. In football you want to get the guy down on the ground as soon as possible and there are often big collisions involved in football. In rugby, the goal isn't to get the guy down ASAP, but the goal is to stand him up, stopping forward momentum and getting your other players in on a ruck.

When I was younger I played 4 years of football and 4 years of rugby. In my 4 years of rugby, not once did I ever come out of a game not bruised and battered. But I never suffered anything serious. In football I managed to get through 4 years with virtually no injuries until the last game I played when after an interception I chose to cut in towards the field to possibly score a TD (versus just head out of bounds) and I was pile drived into the ground doing a severe number on my left shoulder. This injury immediately ended my football and rugby careers.

Both sports are tough physical sports. Football is harder on knees, concussions and broken bones where as rugby doesn't have as many severe injuries. It just allows you do donate blood more often. :ph34r:

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John...there are dumbasses and geniuses in football just like skydiving.


Well of course. The smart ones wear pads.;):P

Very nice story. There are some very gifted scholar-atheletes. Rolle is obviously one of them. I congratulate him on taking advantage of the chance to be a Rhodes scholar. What an exemplary young man. B|

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Both sports are tough physical sports. Football is harder on knees, concussions and broken bones where as rugby doesn't have as many severe injuries. It just allows you do donate blood more often. :ph34r:


modern rugby has rules in place to prevent the more serious injuries like not being able to take someone out in the air or if you take them up in the air in a tackle you ahve to bring them back down you cant just drop them upside down. another one is if the doctor says you suffered concussion you must leave the game and i think you have to sit out 4 weeks.

people still break necks and backs in the scrum though in the lower leagues due bad technique.

i am from a rugby country and have seen one american football game live but have followed the playoffs for the last number of years. they are both physical games and you can get seriously injured in either i just think that if it was a bar fight between the irish rugby team and say the patriots starting offense or defence team id be glad i was on the irish teams side

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John...there are dumbasses and geniuses in football just like skydiving.


Well of course. The smart ones wear pads.;):P

Very nice story. There are some very gifted scholar-atheletes. Rolle is obviously one of them. I congratulate him on taking advantage of the chance to be a Rhodes scholar. What an exemplary young man. B|

I remember some time in the last year listening to an interview with that guy on Radio 4 (the 'serious' BBC station). I went to the University with the biggest sports programme in the UK so I've known a lot of people balancing degrees with world class athletic training but even so, he sounded extremely impressive. A high achiever in a proper bastard-hard subject combined with a full on sport. I seem to remember that all of his older brothers were already forging impressive careers in law, investment banking, medicine etc. He mentioned that his parents had drummed a strong work ethic into them all from day one - they obviously did something right!
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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fair enough...only thing I know is that they could kick my ass in a bar fight...that was until I got my concealed weapon license. :)

It had better have at least 11 rounds . . . and that's just for the special teams.:ph34r:
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Isn't it a bit strange that only people who come from countries which play rugby that are the ones calling american football pussies? How many NFL games have you been to in order to make an assumption?

I've played a few, we had a Yank sports teacher in high school, i still prefer a game where the players STAY on the pitch for the duration of the game.
Shit a couple of our AFL players are kickers for you lot:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: their single one purpose is to hopefully kick a ball once or twice a game:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: then off the pitch and on the bench:ph34r::ph34r:
nice way to make a million:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Isn't it a bit strange that only people who come from countries which play rugby that are the ones calling american football pussies? How many NFL games have you been to in order to make an assumption?

Im from america, home of football, and im saying that rugby players are tougher than football players, yes ive been to many football games, here in the states and had the luxury of traveling to austrailia for a month and got to see a few rugby games, live in person as well. not saying that football players are pussies per se, im just staying that taking the same style hits, as football playere with out pads, and playing much more time per game makes them tougher.
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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Never work - the football players aren't used to pulling each other's pants off like the rugby gays guys. :P

How many times have you posted that pic now?

You seem to be worryingly fond of that guy's arse;)

Y'all seem to be worryingly fond of a sport where that occurs so often. ;)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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i just think that if it was a bar fight between the irish rugby team and say the patriots starting offense or defence team id be glad i was on the irish teams side

I played rugby back in the eighties and early nineties. Back when the ball was leather and tackling the player in the air, spear tackles etc were all still legal. I played for CBC in my school days. The Brothers were Irish. So to fix your comment

i just think that if it was a bar fight between an irish junior school girls rugby team and say the patriots starting offense or defence team id be glad i was on the irish teams side

Oh and as for Ireland taking the world Cup from South Africa next year......I think you drink too much Paddy :P:P

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I would happily put any top line Rugby (Union OR League)player against ANY Gridiron player.
Only caveat is the Gridiron player HAS to play Defense AND offense,for the ENTIRE game. not pussy out from either.

AND can't wear anything more than uniform, cup, and shin guards.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Rugby is cool. SOCCER is for poofs!

and Cricket is for gentlemen

Football (soccer) is a gentleman's game played by thugs, rugby is a thug's game played by gentlemen.

Cricket is, well, it's a bit special:P
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I'd love to see one of those really big steroided up fat guys (tackles?) run even a couple of lengths of the pitch.

Lol. In most cases the lineman are mostly just really FAT. lol. There is some muscle under there, but a lot of fat. They probably take 20 seconds to run 40 yards. But they will put you on your ass if you are within 5 to 10 yards of them. :D:D

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Rugby is cool. SOCCER is for poofs!

and Cricket is for gentlemen

Football (soccer) is a gentleman's game played by thugs, rugby is a thug's game played by gentlemen.

Cricket is, well, it's a bit special:P

I agree ..... like Care in the Community .... special:P

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Isn't it a bit strange that only people who come from countries which play rugby that are the ones calling american football pussies? How many NFL games have you been to in order to make an assumption?

I've been to several, I thought it was an interesting game until I saw it live. OMG, tedious is not the word, 5 mins of play lasted 45 mins as they kept changing one team for another. I doubt that they have the stamina to play rugby. As for crash helments and massive padding what the hells that all about?
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
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