
Super Bowl commercials?

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The Doritos ones were pretty good. I didn't know Doritos dust would bring Grandpa back to life :D:D:D

The Bridgestone ones were pretty good too. The "Beaver" one was my favorite.

The Bud Light ones really sucked.

There are a number of movies coming out this year that I may have to go see. ;)

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I think it's an indication of how weak they're getting that no one's really talking about them the next day anymore.

The VW ones were great, but IMHO they weakened the impact of the ads during the game by releasing them last week to go viral on YouTube. So when I saw them during the game it was "Oh yeah, been there done that."

My personal favorite (though I definitely did not see all of them) was the Budweiser nod to Almost Famous, just because that's one of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies.

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I think it's an indication of how weak they're getting that no one's really talking about them the next day anymore.

The VW ones were great, but IMHO they weakened the impact of the ads during the game by releasing them last week to go viral on YouTube. So when I saw them during the game it was "Oh yeah, been there done that."

My personal favorite (though I definitely did not see all of them) was the Budweiser nod to Almost Famous, just because that's one of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies.


i really liked the scene in Almost Famous and was emotionally charged
because it pulled everything together. in the context of the beer commercial, it made no sense except to link it to a scene that worked. copying isn't a sign of creativity.

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The beetle commercial was visually spectacular, but still focused on the bad sort of bugs (eww), not the good (cars). The Doritos ads were kinda funny. The beaver commercial was a sole shining light...the only one I'll still remember 3 days from now. It seemed to me by the number of Fox network and NFL ads that maybe they priced too high and didn't sell out, then filled the gaps with their own fluff. We also had a LOT of local ads here (and terrible ads at that...I could do better with my helmet cam & laptop).

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I thought the Budweiser one was stupid, but I didn't get the Almost Famous nod. I just knew it was an Elton John song that they started singing and couldn't figure out why that song, of all songs.

The VW one was probably my favorite, but I also saw it before the Super Bowl so it wasn't as big of a deal.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
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I was amused with the Bud commercial, but I didn't connect it to "Almost Famous." I'll have to watch that show again. The little girl Darth Vader was funny, but Valinda had seen it and told me all about it prior to the game, so it was deja vu. None of the commercials really stood out like the Doritos Girl in the Laundromat did. Meh, I actually watch the Superbowl for the football. Weird, huh?:D

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Noteworthy ones?

I thought the Groupon commercial with Tibetan reference to fish curry was VERY insulting to their current situation and culture.
Tibet commercial
Apparently I wasn't the only one that didn't like it...

Weak ones?

I liked it, not because of the Tibet thing, but because Timothy Hutton admits he's a preachy pain in the ass on these things essentially.

"Oh god, here's ANOTHER commercial with a cliche hollywood actor pretending to be all sincere and judgmental and save the world - maybe he'll insert politics too, ((golf clap))"

as for everything other than the game itself? (commercials, pregame, halftime, anthem, etc.....) YAWN

good game though - and the players all acted like they liked each other - but still came out competitive and gave a good game.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Yeah, I think the intention was to make fun of Hutton, not the situation in Tibet. I guess it's one of those things that can be taken both ways.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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i ABSOLUTELY... thought of you Normiss , when they played that... and it DID bug me.... I even commented to those around me, about it..
I liked the one with the Beaver and the Bridge,,, a take off on the story of "Daniel and the Lions Den"

the snickers commercial was fun cause i like Richard Lewis much MORE than i like Roseanne!!!!:o;)

i liked LAST years doritos "you keep your hands off my mama AND my doritos " better than this years..

the Game was good and the second half was a nailbiter...
I was dead even on the 2 teams... BUT.... roethlisberger's Off field antics,,,, had me rooting against HIM,,
( sorry iluvtofly)

OH... i DID not care for the Pepsi commercial where the jealous woman THREW that can,, and clocked the "other girl"....
I literally flinched!!! when i saw it.. My daughter said... "What would the reaction be??? if the couple was white and the other lady was Black"???
.. and the coke commercials were better than the pepsi ones.

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I thought the pepsico ones were best, especially doritos. But then I work for Frito Lay so I'm a little biased. lol. I don't know if everyone realizes it, but all of the pepsico spots are those that were made and submitted by consumers. They got sick of paying money to ad agencies that just made mediocre ads that weren't well recieved. (bud this year?) So a few years ago they asked consumers to submit commercials that they made themselves. They are voted upon and then the winners are aired. If your commerical is ranked in the top 3 in the voting on super bowl day than you win $1 million. If the top three are pepsico commercials than the creators of the three commercials get awarded $5 million to split three ways. Check out "crashthesuperbowl.com" to see all of the ones that were submitted.

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just now realized it...
The reciting of the Declaration of Independence maybe 10 or 15 minutes before kickoff made me glad that i had tuned in a little early.. It was sort of a Commercial for the Country...:)
true enough some of those who Recited /Read the words were a little stilted, but the Idea was good, and the Editing was good and the variety of people in the video monage was Excellent. It Honored the Troops, Our Country and The Sport...
and was a refreshing surprise...
It's amazing what can be done nowadays , in the way of creativty...

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just now realized it...
The reciting of the Declaration of Independence maybe 10 or 15 minutes before kickoff made me glad that i had tuned in a little early.. It was sort of a Commercial for the Country...:)
true enough some of those who Recited /Read the words were a little stilted, but the Idea was good, and the Editing was good and the variety of people in the video monage was Excellent. It Honored the Troops, Our Country and The Sport...
and was a refreshing surprise...
It's amazing what can be done nowadays , in the way of creativty...

Eh, I've never understood what sporting events had to do with the country, the military, or the flag. Not sure why we sign the national anthem. Were I being cynical, I'd say it is the league cynically trying to cash in by exploiting people's sense of patriotism. Maybe that's just me.
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The best part of the Super Bowl, aside from the Green Bay win is...

:oBrett Favres name wasn't mentioned once.:o

“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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I thought the Detroit/Eminem/Chrysler commercial was awesome. If there was ever a town that needed a boost...

advertising strategy - when the facts are in your favor, discuss the facts.
if not, come up with an illogical emotional appeal.

detroit is using a rapper instead of an automobile engineer.
i prefer hot chicks for my car ads.

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