
Pet peeves.

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Skydiving pet peeves
- getting bumped off a load
- getting to your slot and realizing someone is there..which means either they're in the wrong slot or you have no idea where you're going. :P
- Being grounded due to weather or airplane issues

Non-skydiving pet peeves
-turning on the radio just to hear the last few notes of your favorite song, immediately followed by your least favorite song
- Thinking "i have enough gas to just make it to the next gas station"...only to be proven wrong :o
- (_!_)holes that don't say 'thank you' when you open the door for them, say 'bless you', etc.
- people that stand around exercise equipment in the gym yapping the time away, but when you ask them if you can work in they say 'no we're all taking turns' and then you watch them yap for the next half hour

What's your pet peeve? :ph34r::P

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People that drive slow in the left lane.

Waiting in line at a store while broke-ass MFer's buy lottery tickets.

People who pick up their phone and then tell you they can't talk.

Corporate bullshit

I could go on....sometimes even I become my own pet peeve.

Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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People who call me and ask who I am...

No, sorry, it doesn't work like that, you called ME, who are YOU?
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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people who smack gum, or anything for that matter.

when someone calls you and you barley miss it, then call them back (literally) 2 seconds later and he/she doesn't answer.

when someone pulls out in front of me causing me to slow down a lot, then will make the next left turn 100yards down the road and make me wait.
"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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People who muzzle sweep me or others.:|

Thanks for that one. I HATE careless gun handling. I can't believe how much of it I see from members of my gun club. I've even seen instructors waving handguns around like ass-hats.:| And yes, I talk to them about it.


People who take advantage of someone because they think someone is dumb, not just kind and appreciate them for that.

A great measure of a person is how they treat someone below them in status, power, rank, etc., someone to whom they don't have to be polite. That will often show a person's true character.

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People who fill out their profiles incorrectly? ;):)

You can blame PhillyKev & AggieDave for that.:ph34r:

Mine isn't filled in with wrong information, it's just not filled in.

You can't find my FB profile unless you're a friend of a friend either. There are some really low down folks out there that take the internets way too seriously/personally.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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DZ.Com peeves:

1. People that post their planing to put on an event and and leave out important details people need to know, like where it's at.

2. Dropzone owners who place wanted ad's for seasonal staff and don't or won't give the dropzone name or location, like it's some big f'ing classified info as to what state or city their in. Midwest DZ needs staff, pretty big fucking area the midwest is......

Peeves in general, stupid people.
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Just put your address down as the 300yd target line at the range.;)

Yeah, could work.

But then someone might get all upset, then try to figure out which department I work for and try to get me in trouble over a whole bunch of nothing. Implausible? It has already happened and not just to me from DZ.com!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Since it's the day after the Super Bowl:

People singing the Star Spangled Banner or America the Beautiflul thinking it's all about them instrad of the song / anthem. I've seen some unconventonal versions that were very nice and some reall BAD "conventional ones. Like who ever it was yesterday screeching.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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Since it's the day after the Super Bowl:

People singing the Star Spangled Banner or America the Beautiflul thinking it's all about them instrad of the song / anthem. I've seen some unconventonal versions that were very nice and some reall BAD "conventional ones. Like who ever it was yesterday screeching.

And forgetting the words on top of it.

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Since it's the day after the Super Bowl:

People singing the Star Spangled Banner or America the Beautiflul thinking it's all about them instrad of the song / anthem. I've seen some unconventonal versions that were very nice and some reall BAD "conventional ones. Like who ever it was yesterday screeching.

Could not agree more. It's not a gospel song so dont sing it like it is.

my own pet peeve- when hot singers get chubby and look like Snookie when singing the National Anthem
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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recurrent peeve - people who work primarily using email, but do not understand email.
example - asking a question that should be specifically answered by one person. possibly answerable by 10 of the 25 people on the email list.
then, not specifying a person, and clicking reply all.

my new interview question "give me examples of using reply and reply all while ignoring the large stick".

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1. When people bitch about someone starting a particular thread or re-post but still go out of their way to read the thread and then bitch about it. (does not apply to simply stating the fact of a 're-post') :D:D

2. In line with #1... self inflicted anger towards others.

*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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