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If your ever in new orleans go visit the d-day museum really nice place!
been there twice omce with a fmr 101st airborne(glider div.) the man told some real good storys.
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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Not only was D-Day significant in WWII, it serves as a reminder to Virginia, my home State, of the sacrifices that were made by its young men, particulary those of Bedford County.

The 116th Infantry received the mission of leading the 29th Infantry ashore, the only National Guard Regiment to participate in the first wave at Omaha Beach that day. The "Stonewall Brigade" had responsibility for a section of beach 3,000 yards long but containing only two passages inland. The regiment had the task of opening both routes so that succeeding units could drive inland.

Company A was hit hardest. They suffered more losses getting ashore than any other unit of the 116th. Forty-six guardsmen from Bedford were in the company, but only twenty-three survived that day. The 116th later went on to earn the Presidential Unit's Cititation.

I hope to, on day, visit Bedford to see the recently unvailed monument, "Operation Overlord", honoring these brave Virginians. I understand that Company A is still serving proudly.

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To all servicemen/women past and present: Thanks!!

Rent the DVD set of Band of Brothers and you will get a chilling perspective of what extra-ordinary things common men can do. We will never forget their sacrifice. Thanks to all who answered the call to help our fellow man against evil and tyrany.

59 years ago today. God Bless them all.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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To all servicemen/women past and present: Thanks!!

Rent the DVD set of Band of Brothers and you will get a chilling perspective of what extra-ordinary things common men can do. We will never forget their sacrifice. Thanks to all who answered the call to help our fellow man against evil and tyrany.

59 years ago today. God Bless them all.

There's also a 60's movie "The Longest Day" which gives a good, if slightly sanitized, overview of D-Day.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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To all servicemen/women past and present: Thanks!!

Rent the DVD set of Band of Brothers and you will get a chilling perspective of what extra-ordinary things common men can do. We will never forget their sacrifice. Thanks to all who answered the call to help our fellow man against evil and tyrany.

59 years ago today. God Bless them all.

My better 1/2 rented the whole series this week...
finished it last night.
She was deeply moved, hadn't seen it 1st time around on HBO.
Makes loudiamonds tag line; Freedom isn't free.
Hit home.
Thanks to all vets, living and gone.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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There's also a 60's movie "The Longest Day" which gives a good, if slightly sanitized, overview of D-Day.

I agree with you on that one John. Excellent movie, I have seen it a couple of times.

To those who fought and continue to fight, thanks. Both my grandfathers fought in that war, and I will light a candle for them tonight.

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A whole lot of jumpers died on todays date in 1944. many of the survivors of that group of men started this sport. There are less and less of them alive now and they have left us all a legacy to remember. Hats off to you guys.. and thanks.

Amazon aint no dayum leg..................AIRBORNE

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My deepest gratitude to all the people that risked their lives to give us this chance. As always, my last toast on any such occasion is "may it always be remembered, but never repeated".

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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(turn on ex-Marine mode)

I always thought the army was composed of a bunch of wussies until I started reading a lot on D-Day in general and the 101st / 82nd in particular.

Those guys were just friggen awesome individuals.

The book version of "Band of Brothers" was good, as was a book on American airborne forces in WWII called "Geronimo" (corny name but lots of good stuff in there).

(ex-Marine mode off)

What would Vic Mackey do?

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you will get a chilling perspective of what extra-ordinary things common men can do

don't remeber where i heard this but," at times like that it's not the cause your fighting for but your "brothers" that you do things extrodinary for....."

i know i could give a rats ass sometimes for what politicians say but when it comes down to it i would do some crazy shit to save(or help) my friends.... cause would be the last thing in my mind..........

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Thank you all and we, the military, thank everyone for the support given. Sometimes it is not popular to be in the military and right now, we are riding a wave of patriotism. I want to say thank you to the people who are deployed all over the world for the support and dedication to a job that can be very difficult. Aim High, Air Force
Blue Skies, No Wind
Feet and Knees Together

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"Band of Brothers" is an excellent mini series and does a good job covering the 101st Airborne Division involvement on June 6th 1944. The movie "The Longest Day" is actually a very good and pretty historically accurate movie of what happen on that day. Heck even the Germans speak German in that movie. But nothing is like "Saving Private Ryan" (must be seen in the theaters) to get a feel for what it must have been like to be there storming the Normandy beaches on that day.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Yes, a huge thanks to all the Vets, past and present.

You know, I can't grab my M1 Garand out of the gun safe without thinking about all those brave men, some of them still teenagers, carrying rifles like that up Omaha Beach on June 6th, 1944. Where do we find such brave men among us?

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I'm watching a 3 part documentary (with Sean Bean narrating).. D-Day, The battle to Berlin

Wow - it's a wonder we won the war at all after the 6-june..

Ike seemed way too inexperienced for the job and Patton was a complete arrogant, publicity hunter:S

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I was kinda sorta adopted into a family. Mr. Thorn hit Omaha Beach at H-Hour +6 as a medic. The 3 other medics he trained with landed before he did. He was envious of them in that they would see action before he would. He found out the other three never made it off the sand of the beach. He later went on to be sitting at a cafe to watch when the French "liberated" Paris, was attached to Patton's group for a time and even met up with the Russians after crossing the Elbe.

But after that first day of battle, he was never envious of anyone. He was just glad to be who he was.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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I'm watching a 3 part documentary (with Sean Bean narrating).. D-Day, The battle to Berlin

Wow - it's a wonder we won the war at all after the 6-june..

Ike seemed way too inexperienced for the job and Patton was a complete arrogant, publicity hunter:S

Your URL to the documentary does not work for some of us. But I assume this is part 1 of the series found on YouTube? Plus here is part 2 and part 3?

Yes Patton was a crazy arrogant SOB (even he admitted this), but so was Montgomery. Remember the war was NOT won by one nation. It was a team effort with the Russians taking on most of damage. World War II appears to be one of the rare "just" wars, but it really was just an extension to "The Great War" and that war was started for the dumbest of reasons.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Sure, but the difference was that Monty had proven himself in North Africa.

Ike appears to have made a massive blunder on spreading the front too thing and too wide (so the Germans managed to break through and sweep north)

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Just don't ever forget that the defeat of Nazi Germany was a team effort. No one nation alone achieved this victory. It took many nations working together to defeat the Nazis with the Russians paying the largest price in lives lost.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Just don't ever forget that the defeat of Nazi Germany was a team effort. No one nation alone achieved this victory. It took many nations working together to defeat the Nazis with the Russians paying the largest price in lives lost.

I'm British - how could I ever forget that? ... we needed the Johnny-come-lately-sit-on-the-fence yanks too - not that they EVER let us forget it either.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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