
Raven Dash-M Reserve.....Any opinions on quality as a reserve

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I bought a Javelin harness/container that included the cypress and 181 Raven Dash-M Reserve. I have not had to use the reserve but wanted to hear from others who may have one and what paoples opnions are. Looking at maybe getting a PD 160 reserve.

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With the service bulletin completed the reserve with be just fine. It doesn't land as good as the PD, or the new R-max but it will do it's job. My jump partner has 8 rides on his -M.
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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99% of the time it should be fine... but like in PD's ad...

How important is this? Let's put it this way...bad spot, low altitude, under a reserve...now, how important do you think it is?

it's that less than 1% chance that you'll be low, bad spot, and have a reserve ride at the same time... in my case, it was with 25mph gusty winds on top of all of the above. My Raven Dash-M slipped and dropped below me around 200 ft.. it was ugly.

a friend of mine stalled his and it dropped him on his back. he broke his back. both of us were out for 4 months. i bought a PD reserve. I still have the -m and don't know what to do with it. Maybe hang it up for display or use it for water training...

if you can't afford to buy a better reserve, that's ok. you'll be ok, just hook it up as a main and put some jumps on it so you are familiar with it's stall point and all that.

good luck

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don't the raven's have a sliding wingloading rating according to size? For example my 181 is only rated to 230 lbs or so. Or am I thinking of the manufacturer's recommended max weight?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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This conversation has been done before. You can do a search.

A piece of advice: Reserves fly different than most canopys you would typically fly and land. Give yourself some prior experience on a reserve so you know the difference before you HAVE to use one. PD has a fantastic demo program and reserves on risers set up as mains.
Don't jump YOUR reserve for fun as a main. Keep it fresh and new for your first emergency.

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I've landed a tempo 170 and 150. The 150 stalled out at a very high speed on me and knocked the shit out of me. The 170 was allright. I have also landed a Raven 218. It didn't really perform very well. Most recently I have landed a PD-126R. There was no wind, and the Density altitude was 9,500' msl. I did a surge approach, and I only had to step it out 4 steps. Also you really don't hear about PD's blowing up very often. All reserves have to pass the TSO test, so I think it just comes down to personal preference of what you want for your last chance. Choose wisely...

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I have posted this before but what the hell...

Have personally observed two -Ms, jumped well within placard limits, with blown center cell ribs after ONE jump. Can't recall if these were both terminal deployments (I think they were but it should not matter). Spoke to the rigger taking care of the gear and Precision swore up and down it was not their problem...

Precision = CRAP in my opinion. Customer service has gone to shit. These guys suck.

I have some first hand experience with Precision as a rigger, and was similarly unimpressed. When you send them a reserve that has a major built in turn, and they "fix" it by trimming the As and Bs 1" to 1.5" shorter on one side.... ughhh

What would Vic Mackey do?

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That's pretty impressise... Triming the a's and b's that is. Seems like a shitty fix to a shitty problem. Kind of like adding 42 more holes (a second bar tack) to an already weak line attachment point, and charging your customers to do it. But hey, that's why I jump PD reserves. We all make our own choices.

Grant Adams
(that's who PD would call if they wanted to sponsor me)

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Precision = CRAP in my opinion. Customer service has gone to shit. These guys suck.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you ever have any concerns with service or our products. I hesitate to jump into what is growing into a revisited witch hunt, but I do want to make myself available for any questions.

Customer service and highest quality products are my primary concern.


Chris Martin

[email protected]

I personally do not suck, I am purely heterosexual...

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I feel your reply deserves a response, since I shot my mouth off in bold type.

My post pretty much speaks for itself. I am not usually one to paint a company or group with broad strokes, and I guess I did that here, so apologies to you. My personal experiences date from about 1997.

However, the recent events with blown center cells are just that... recent. I will not elaborate further since I am not the one dealing with the situation. However, I trust my eyes, knowing both the rigger and jumpers involved. Reserve center cell ribs should not be blowing out when jumped within limits. I am not saying this is an inherent defect to the design, any manufacturer can get a bad lot of fabric or something. However, from what I hear (admittedly second - hand), Precision denied there was any sort of problem!

I have no idea:

- who the guy talked to at Precision
- if this has happened elsewhere or how many times

However, in light of a lot of the Precision service horror stories out there, and the history (both official and unofficial) of the -M, I would still never advise anyone to purchase a -M.

FYI I am not anti Raven. My reserve is a micro 135. But for sure if I had a -M, I would chuck it out the window and purchase a PD on the basis of customer service.

What would Vic Mackey do?

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