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  1. "A deal reached between the government and a small Montana energy company located in Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's hometown prohibits the government from reviewing labor costs or profits related to the company's relief efforts in Puerto Rico, according to a leaked copy of the contract." and from FOX News: "President Trump isn't responsible for Puerto Rico’s decades of corruption and collapse If any good is to come out of the devastation of Hurricane Maria, perhaps it will be that Americans learn that political corruption fed by high taxes and a bloated bureaucracy is a toxic combination. This is not Venezuela. This is a U.S. territory, and a struggling neighbor, which needs our help and a serious economic reboot." Too late, so SAD, the contract has already been signed. "“Based on initial review and information from PREPA, FEMA has significant concerns with how PREPA procured this contract and has not confirmed whether the contract prices are reasonable,” FEMA said in its statement. “FEMA is presently engaged with PREPA and its legal counsel to obtain information about the contract and contracting process, including how the contract was procured and how PREPA determined the contract prices were reasonable.” Just trump's idea of draining the swamp.
  2. IMO there is generally a liberal bias in the news. CNN for sure anti-trump, with a moderate left bias. BBC just slightly left of center, but generally the most objective for tv coverage. Website has less monotering and thus slightly more left of center. FOX, so far out right that its not even funny.They really don't bring in objective guests to deal with economics,finance, foreign politics. Although they bring in democrats to interview. Media bias is a fact of life. They are typically reflective of the market they serve. For most in the world its the pro government bias. The magazine with the least, but slightly left bias is Economist. The best place to start looking for news is: Anyone who gets news from sole sources without shopping for a disparate view will never understand those from a different culture.
  3. True about Clinton, not about Obama, but you're certainly right about the right vr left. ..... for some MEN, regardless of whether they are political or not. A skirt is to be chased and regardless of the repulsion on the part of the victim. Taken advantage of. Corporations like FOX, show a lack of understanding that media has a overall moral duty in its corporate life.
  4. You don't really understand how science works do you? Why do people like you insist on ruining the narrative of Breitbart and FOX. Complex checks, quantifiable study sets, scientific peer review of quantifiable data and analysis. Is much, much easier to understand when corruption and politics drives the agenda.
  5. Bill maybe I got it wrong...are they not responsible for breaking windows of private property, burning cars, beating people in the streets, throwing rocks at police, trashing Berkley and setting a generator on fire? Or was that the communist party? Then you should readily identify with this deflection of point and substance. Deny, counter-accusation and suggest that two dissimilar events are in fact the same. Straight from trump's book.
  6. I don't get Fox Fake news. But they must, no they have to be blaming this on BO. There will be no more BS, no more hiding in the bushes, or anywhere else. Where was that poll on the number of days that trump has left?
  7. Nobody said Fox doesn't know their target audience.
  8. I'm so very sorry, so very sorry. That explains so much. From Fox news, so you know its a fact. "Exposure to the synthetic pesticide DDT may increase both the risk and severity of Alzheimer’s disease in some individuals – especially those over the age of 60." Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) causes a slight but noticeable and measurable decline in cognitive abilities, including memory and thinking skills. A person with MCI is at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's or another dementia.
  9. Bill O'Reilly was safe at Fox until General Motors, Nutrisystem, and 48 other advertisers out of 100 pulled their ads. Obviously all run by leftists and Obama lovers. Be it politics or business. Follow the money.
  10. Can you provide supporting citations for the three allegations please? Thanks. Thanks for that: Here is the answer.
  11. Under Trump, will the generals speak up? In a system built on civilian rule, how far should military leaders and other national-security experts go to keep a president from blundering into catastrophe? The latest figure to begin walking this tightrope is Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster, Donald Trump’s choice as his new national security adviser. A combat veteran of Desert Storm and the more recent war in Iraq, McMaster is one of the few flag officers who can boast both a Silver Star and a history PhD. He is outspoken and iconoclastic, and McMaster’s career revealed him to be an innovative strategist who was willing to buck the military establishment — even to the point of damaging his own career. He pioneered the controversial counterinsurgency approach that gave the United States an exit strategy from Iraq, before being passed over for promotion by an Army that remained focused on traditional war-fighting. Yet McMaster also comes to his position with strong and established views that seem at odds with those of his new boss. In Iraq, McMaster was known for his respect of Islam and for polling detainees on whether their treatment was humane — a sharp contrast with the enthusiasm Trump has expressed for torture. While McMaster’s reputation as a disruptive outsider no doubt appealed to Trump, events may cast the general in a different role — not as the bull but as the guardian of the china shop. The tension between democracy and expertise in the making of foreign policy is as old as the American republic. The president arrives in office with a democratic mandate, and voters have a right to see their preferences reflected in foreign policy. But faced with the realities of governing, most presidents soon fall under the influence of national security experts in the “deep state,” who have better information and a better grounding in how diplomacy and military operations play out in the real world. Especially under an untested populist president who’s vowed to change treaties and alliances, these experts face a dilemma: How hard should they push back at rash civilian leaders? Already, some career officials are leaking information about the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia, underscoring the divide between Trump and the deep state. Other experts will quietly try to steer national security policy toward the status quo. But when does an attempt to moderate the White House actually become an exercise in enabling? We often think of civil-military relations in terms of sober elected politicians trying to hold back bloodthirsty generals and rapacious defense contractors. But generals do not always lean toward war, and civilians do not always lean toward peace. During the Clinton administration, it was then UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright who reportedly asked Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell, “What’s the point of having this superb military you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?” Describing the moment in his memoir, Powell wrote, “I thought I would have an aneurysm.” In a similar spirit, many in the American military blame feckless politicians for dragging the United States into a losing war in Vietnam. McMaster turned that charge around in his 1997 book, “Dereliction of Duty.” By not insisting loudly and repeatedly to President Lyndon Johnson that America was sleepwalking into disaster, he argued, the Joint Chiefs had to share responsibility for the tragedy that ensued. On the one hand, McMaster argued that Johnson and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara were ignorant of military matters and contemptuous of the true experts. Driven by their own political imperative to find a shortcut to winning the war, they led the country into a quagmire for which it was ill-prepared. On the other hand, the experts shrunk from fulfilling their responsibility to the country by warning of what was to come. McMaster presumed that military experts had the power and the obligation to exercise independent judgment. Today, McMaster is joining an administration that openly scoffs at experts of all sorts and revels in following its populist political instincts. On Monday, President Trump argued that US military forces lose wars because “we don’t fight to win.” Trump is a self-proclaimed master of national security affairs who credits his knowledge to assiduously watching Fox News. He has proudly boasted: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me.” During his campaign, he also signaled a radical shift on established policies regarding torture, American alliances, and respect for Islam — policies that national security experts, including McMaster, have long regarded as vital to American security. Ethno-nationalists such as Stephen Bannon, a key Trump adviser, espouse a dark view of the world that, if translated into policy, would shred longstanding alliances and global norms. Historically, national security experts have been able to thwart sudden, radical shifts in US policy. In a sober briefing, the deep state can puncture the wildest campaign promise. This dynamic disappointed many supporters of Barack Obama, who saw promises to close Guantanamo and soften other aspects of the “war on terror” fade away into a continuation of the status quo. Trump’s supporters have not yet been similarly disillusioned. To an extent unlike any president in the modern era, Trump rejects the advice of the deep state — even disparaging one of its most sacred routines, the presidential daily brief. In the never-ending balancing act between democracy and expertise, he leans almost entirely toward the former. Now McMaster, who condemned Vietnam-era Americans for getting the relationship of expertise and democracy wrong, will himself be the one charged with striking the right balance. In his book, McMaster scolded Vietnam-era generals for forgetting that they ultimately served not themselves or their political masters, but the Constitution. Seen in this light, service in the Trump administration is a duty, even a noble sacrifice. But anyone engaging with today’s populists also risks becoming an enabler — just like the American generals who failed to prevent feckless and ignorant civilians from leading America into an unwinnable war in Vietnam.
  12. Perhaps trump was right. Even a quarter will land on its edge once every 10,000 tries. Of course this may not be enough to change the crime statistics in Sweden substantially. But here is some feed for the alt-right-white-bannon-trump,Royreader,Putin, et-al crowd. "STOCKHOLM — Residents in a northwestern suburb of Stockholm predominantly inhabited by immigrants clashed with police officers on Monday, two days after the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, unleashed a vague but pointed critique of Sweden’s migration policies. About 20 to 30 masked men threw stones and other objects at police officers in the suburb, Rinkeby, after the police arrested a man on suspicion of dealing drugs. A police officer fired a warning shot, but the disturbances continued for several more hours, stretching into early Tuesday morning. A photojournalist was injured in the disturbances. The episode drew scrutiny worldwide because of President Trump’s assertions — based on a Fox News segment — that Sweden had experienced a surge in crime and violence as a result of taking in large numbers of refugees. Swedish officials have criticized his statements as exaggerations. Preliminary statistics do not show a major increase in crime from 2015, when the country processed a record 163,000 asylum applications, to 2016. Riots like the one in Rinkeby, officials said, are not unprecedented but are infrequent. Nonetheless, the disturbances in Rinkeby were seized upon by some people online as evidence of Mr. Trump’s claim. Rinkeby, an area of around 16,000 people, is overwhelmingly populated by residents with immigrant backgrounds — in particular, Somali and Arab among them — and has been the site of previous clashes between residents and the police. Right-wing media in the United States and elsewhere have insisted that Sweden is covering up evidence of migrant-related crimes — a claim officials in this prosperous Scandinavian nation, which has a long humanitarian tradition, have rejected. Lars Bystrom, a police spokesman, said police were summoned at 8:18 p.m. on Monday to the transit station in Rinkeby, about 7.2 miles northwest of Stockholm’s City Hall, after officers made a drug-related arrest and then were set upon by local residents. A police officer fired a live round of ammunition as a warning shot. “No one was hit, but it had the intended effect of clearing the scene so that police could make an arrest,” Officer Bystrom said. The disturbances did not end; the rioting intensified, with up to 70 people throwing stones and objects, before police finally got the situation under control around 12:15 a.m., he said. Asked whether there was enough of a police presence in Rinkeby, Officer Bystrom cited the district police chief, Niklas Andersson, in describing police resources in the area as more plentiful than ever. But Officer Bystrom also said that officials would continue to bolster security. Morning Briefing: Europe What you need to know to start your day, delivered to your inbox. Receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. Patrik Derk, the district director for Rinkeby-Kista, the northernmost of the boroughs that make up the municipality of Stockholm, said it would be a mistake to see proof of Mr. Trump’s claims in the rioting. “This type of problem exists in most countries, even in the U.S.A.,” he said in a phone interview. “And we are managing these problems and will succeed with this. They’re complex problems.” Mr. Derk was hired in late 2015 to “make Rinkeby a better place to grow up and live in,” as he put it. He previously helped turn around the Hovsjo district of Sodertalje, a city southwest of Stockholm that, like Rinkeby, has a large population of low-income immigrants. “We created jobs through building development initiatives and training unemployed youth,” he said, adding that the efforts involved collaboration with the police and economic investments. “And that’s what we are trying to do here. Create a condition for the residents to live a good life in the area. I know it’s possible to change these things but it’s a long-term effort and these are difficult questions. We created a lot of jobs for youth. We built a new school. We worked with the criminals, and helped them to get away from that path.” Mr. Derk acknowledged that Rinkeby had big problems: “It is one of the more troubled areas in terms of school results, tight quarters, unemployment.” Benjamin Dousa, 24, an appointed member of a local board in Rinkeby that distributes public money for schools, social services, parks and recreation and elder care, offered a less sanguine view than Mr. Derk. Mr. Dousa, in an opinion essay for the newspaper Expressen, said that Mr. Trump’s critique had some merit. “A battered journalist, stones thrown at the police and stores that are being plundered, unfortunately, are not unusual occurrences where I live,” he said. “I hear the police helicopter every other day.” He said that in the neighborhood: “This type of criminality has become part of everyday life: On average, we have one outbreak of violence a month, a car fire every day and the most shootings with deadly outcomes in the country. Would this really be accepted where the prime minister lives?”®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
  13. YET another lame attempt to excuse the ignorance of this so-called president who gets his "intelligence" from Fox and Tucker Carlson Nothing of note happened that night in Sweden. The Carlson interview was rubbish: 3:24 PM (local time): A man set himself on fire at Sergels torg, a plaza in central Stockholm. He was taken to the hospital with severe burns. There is so far no information on his motives but the intelligence service is not part of the investigation. 6:42 PM: The famous singer Owe Thörnqvist had some technical problems during rehearsal for the singing competition ”Melodifestivalen”. (However, the 87 year old singer still managed to secure the victory the very next day.) 8:23 PM: A man died in hospital, after an accident in the workplace earlier that day in the city of Borås. 8:46 PM: Due to harsh weather in the northern parts of Sweden the road E10 was closed between Katterjåkk and Riksgränsen. Due to strong winds and snow in the region the Met office also issued an avalanche warning. 12:17 AM: Police officers initiated a chase for a fleeing Peugeot through central parts of the Swedish capital of Stockholm. The pursuit ended in police officers ramming the suspect at Engelbrektsgatan. The driver is now accused of driving under the influence, traffic violation and car theft. "IN LIGHTER NEWS: 11:23 AM: Ok, let’s not be fake news, this story took place in the autumn, but was reported Friday before lunch and we thought you would like it. A wooden moose got the attention of a lovesick moose bull. It all happened in 79 year old Ove Lindqvist’s garden in Byske outside Skellefteå, northern Sweden. ”I thought it was going to start a fight, instead it humped the wooden moose thrice”, he said." Oh the tremendous woes of Sweden caused by all those who have darker skin and on occasion go to a mosque. All thats newsworthy on a Swedish weekend. In one respect trump could twit, yes he is a twit, about increased Swedish defense spending. But thats in fact a direct response to Putin.
  14. . Lol, do enlighten me. Only Russians, and ethnic Russian Ukrainians even care about the Ukrainian government that was overthrown. The fact that you even mention it gives you away. I think that Roy #3 honestly believes that five months in the UK is good enough. Sorry. A while back Roy #1 had his video feed on. So everyone here could see the background. The framed autographed picture of Svetlana Kapanina. "Thanks Roy for the fabulous meal at Café Pushkin the other day, love Svetlana." Now I'd be the first to admit that that is one fine piece of Mother Russia, for her age! Now I don't know what is better her or her Su-26. But she did look great when she got Russia's Order of Courage from president Vladimir Putin And Roy... Its very disappointing to have Vladimir turn on our GREAT leader so fast! President Putin needs to have more loyalty.
  15. Perhaps "well oiled machine" would be more appropriate. Don Yes well oiled: "According to one source familiar with Priebus’ list, hedge fund manager and campaign bundler Lew Eisenberg will be named ambassador to Italy; Duke Buchan, another Wall Street financier who was among the earliest to bet big on Trump, will be ambassador to Spain; and Georgette Mosbacher, an entrepreneur and Fox News contributor, is likely to serve as ambassador to either Luxembourg or Belgium... "They certainly were not chosen by Tillerson," the source familiar with the list explained. "These were not Tillerson choices at all." According to a source close to Trump's vetting process for ambassadorships, it's not unusual for a president to have a list of big donors and others for plum ambassador jobs, but it is a little unorthodox to be nominating so many ambassadors before other key positions were filled, like deputy secretary jobs. Hillary Clinton, for instance, had more sway in picking the ambassadors when she was secretary of state, but President Barack Obama's top aides also provided a list. .. The ambassadors were not chosen for their diplomatic or foreign policy experience, this person said. "They are political types and donors, the usual suspects for ambassadors," this person said. "The ambassadors are not ‘drain the swamp’ kind of people."
  16. It probably will. Since we have examples in the past of what can happen when you DON'T speak up and work to stop injustice and tyranny, there's more of an impetus to do so now. Between the press reporting on his actions and the majority of American voters who oppose him, there's enough awareness and ability to take action to prevent those past abuses. Your own constitution and laws actually do not allow/show many solutions to amend/prevent anything around DT's power. On one side, the more time passes by the more he'll find ways to corroborate his throne - while his opponents in same time are waiting for him to fail, to make severe mistakes ... Sadly, the waiting position is unrewarding. And there is still the Republican prevalence in senate - which one of them will be courageous enough, convinced enough to oppose the Orange Fearless Leader? The higher the ladder the deeper you fall? Money? Correct me if I'm wrong. Perhaps I fell for dishonest media ... But, as I'm reading different papers in different languages, watch various alien TV channels - I doubt that. (As our own news channels and print media mainly are impartial, I deeply hope something like FOX never will pop up here!) Thus, I believe my eyes and ears. 1. Courts. They have already checked his authority. 2. Senate. They are starting to find a voice and are responsible for his recent Labor dept. nominee withdrawing from consideration. 3. Media. There was a new development today. A major news network program: "Morning Joe' host says show will no longer book Conway... “I know for a fact she tries to book herself on this show; I won’t do it,” Brzezinski said of Conway on Wednesday morning. "I don’t believe in fake news or information that is not true. That is — every time I’ve ever seen her on television something is askew, off or incorrect,” she added.... So why does the president allow her to keep going out and spreading false information?" Brzezinski said Conway is “not credible anymore.” “Kellyanne Conway does not need to text our show, as long as I’m on it,” Brzezinski said. “It’s not happening here.” The President does have the power to start wars and dispatch troops on his own authority. With the exception that congress can cut off the money for such actions after a bit. Thats a current concern, because one of his Executive Orders was to order the Joint Chiefs of Staff to come up with a plan to defeat IS. They came back with a plan for ground troops. IMO thats a big mistake because none of the regional states. Those being Syria and Iraq. Have the inclination to protect those Sunni populations from either Assad or from the Shia Baghdad government abuses.
  17. Are you posting this as satire or real news? Because if it's satire you should label it as satire. This country is going down the shitter because of people's inability to be skeptical... Most will believe anything if it fits their particular world view. At a time when most people have in their pocket a device that gives them access to all the information ever known to man, this world is getting dumber and dumber. Did Fox news report it that way?
  18. Doesn't this tell you pretty much all you need to know: Most of the atrocities listed by the White House were committed by Islamists, and the killing of nine black worshippers by a self-avowed white supremacist in South Carolina is notably absent. Absent too is the 2016 bombing of a shopping centre in Baghdad that killed some 300 people, and last week's deadly assault on a mosque in Quebec City. From Canada National Post, "Friend of mosque shooting suspect speaks out: ‘We never know how madness emerges’ "Some commentators and politicians have pointed a finger at Quebec City’s notorious shock jocks for stirring anti-Muslim sentiment in the city, but the friend said Bissonnette favoured American media. In his apartment, he constantly had CNN or Fox News on, and online he was a fan of the conspiracy-mongering sites Breitbart and Infowars. When you prepare the state for war, a steady consistent message is necessary. You keep the focus on the enemy and don't get distracted by the fog of battle.
  19. The United States does NOT kill people! Displeasing us is just another way of saying that one does not wish to live. As a matter of courtesy, we will arrange for Assisted Suicide, which is the civilized thing to do. I would probably re-frame that to say the US doesn't kill opposition leaders of the US. Doesn't intentionally target civilians. Has not tried to set up an imperial hegemony state through invasion. Doesn't manipulate other states through invasion, subversion, to become subservient to the US. US politicians don't steal and corrupt the state as much as the Putin government does. Although with trump in power that might change. "Republicans Whine About Trump’s Putin Love, Do Nothing Else They huffed, and they puffed, but didn't do anything other than lightly chastise the president after he slandered the U.S... The Republican Party is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Donald J. Trump, and party leaders of course are largely falling in line. (Playing the “what if President Obama did this” game is a useless exercise at this point.) Vice President Mike Pence hit the Sunday show circuit this weekend to assure people that Trump was “not in the least” drawing a moral equivalence and, as Pence said on NBC’s Meet the Press, that “President Trump has been critical of American policy in the past…[and will] continue to be candid with the American people.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN’s Jake Tapper that “I’m not going to critique every utterance of the president” even though “I obviously don’t see this issue the same way he does.” "Republicans concerned, Russians pleased with Trump’s moral relativism on state-sanctioned killing In Moscow, the reaction has been more critical of O'Reilly. A Kremlin spokesman asked for an apology from Fox. But there’s enthusiasm in Russia for Trump’s view, says David Filipov, Moscow bureau chief for the Washington Post, who’s currently visiting Boston and stopped by our studios. “Really, what Donald Trump said is music to everyone’s ears over there. The idea that America is somehow morally superior has never sat well in Russia. Not just among the Kremlin.” “The idea that Donald Trump is setting the groundwork for the idea that we’re just another country, just like you, [is popular]," says Filipov. “Let’s do business as countries rather than as though we’re teaching you how to be morally superior.” “The way that people, politicians, analysts, see it is Trump is a pragmatist,” adds Filipov, describing Russian views. “He realizes the bankruptcy of the idea of a unipolar world, where the United States reigns over all, teaching everyone democracy. He’s seen that it all has failed, and he’s going to start a new pragmatic approach, and part of that is stepping down from the high horse and talking to Russia as an equal.” “One thing he is doing,” cautions Filipov, “he’s preparing us for the idea that he’s going to be morally relativistic, as opposed to morally superior.” O’Reilly gave no attribution for his Putin-as-killer claim. Putin has never been charged in connection with any of the violent deaths of his opponents. The closest anyone has come was a British judge in early 2016, who ruled on the 2006 killing of Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko in London. He found that Litvinenko was poisoned by Russian agents, acting on orders from Moscow, and that the act was “probably” ordered by Putin himself. “I think that every Russian who thinks that Putin is a killer, probably believes that all other state leaders are killers, regardless of what they think about what Putin may or may not have ordered," Filipov says. Filipov suggested his own formulation of a question to President Trump: “I’m not going to accuse Putin of political murders, because I haven’t got anywhere near that kind of evidence. But I can say, and anyone can say that in the interests of maintaining the stability of Russia, in defense of what Russia considers the onslaught of Western liberalism, Putin has shaved away most of the trappings of a rule-of-law state; and you Donald Trump, President of the United States, do you intend to do the same thing here and is that what you’re preparing us for, with all of these decrees, and all of this talk about moral relativism?” [/url]
  20. We Won, You Lost So the election is over. The tax records were never disclosed. Ivanka was able to sit in on trumps first meetings with Japans Prime Minister. Standards of separating business interests with those of elected officials were never satisfied. How have Americans responded to the toxic trump brand? How does this forecast whats to come for the trump brand? "Nordstrom drops Ivanka Trump clothing line, accessories Nordstrom will no longer sell Ivanka Trump's clothing and accessories, the company announced Thursday. The Seattle-based department store chain said the decision was based on the sales performance of the first daughter's brand, The Seattle Times reported. The move comes amid a weekslong campaign known as "Grab Your Wallet," which has been calling for a boycott of retailers that carry Ivanka Trump or Donald Trump merchandise. In November, Nordstrom posted a response on Twitter to a shopper's letter calling for the company to stop selling the brand, saying, "We hope that offering a vendor's products isn't misunderstood as us taking a political position; we're not." A Nordstrom spokesperson didn't say whether the decision to stop buying the brand was permanent, only that they make buying decisions each season. Nordstrom also said it offers thousands of brands and cuts about 10 percent each year based performance. The Ivanka Trump brand was no longer listed on the company's website Thursday evening, and a search of her products on the site turned up just a few pairs of shoes, all of which had been marked down in price." trump used the National Prayer Breakfast as a oppourtunity to repay Arnold Schwarzenegger. " Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former California governor who is due to replace Donald Trump as the host of “Celebrity Apprentice,” said on Saturday that he cannot support the billionaire reality TV star's White House bid. “For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for the Republican candidate for president,” Schwarzenegger said in a statement posted to his Twitter account. " I'm surprised that CNN, FOX, ABC. took trumps statements as humor. It had nothing to do with humor and had everything to do with payback. Payback for Schwarzenegger's failure to support trump during the election. How long till the next trump failure? Till President trump tweets about Nordstroms? Then has the usual trump apologists say its all about humor. That the left can't take a joke.
  21. Start like this: "In the university chess club Bissonnette belonged to, there were Muslim members he enjoyed playing with. “There was even a girl with a hijab who he played with from time to time. He would say that this girl was nice,” the friend said.... Bissonnette admired French far-right leader Marine Le Pen and that he was thrilled with the election of Donald Trump in the United States. “He liked his protectionism, his nationalism,” he said.... Some commentators and politicians have pointed a finger at Quebec City’s notorious shock jocks for stirring anti-Muslim sentiment in the city, but the friend said Bissonnette favoured American media. In his apartment, he constantly had CNN or Fox News on, and online he was a fan of the conspiracy-mongering sites Breitbart and Infowars." Then end when egocentric politicians send young men and women on missions of war when patience,sanctions, resolutions, etc. are a necessary start.
  22. Of course.FOX is usually right. I expect a trump tweet next, then an executive order banning Canadians and Moroccans from the US. " Quebec City mosque attack suspect known for right-wing online posts The suspect in the deadly attack on a Quebec City mosque was known in the city’s activist circles as a right-wing troll who frequently took anti-foreigner and anti-feminist positions and stood up for U.S. President Donald Trump. Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, a student at Laval University who lived on a quiet crescent in the Cap-Rouge suburb of Quebec City, was expected in court Monday to face murder charges for the shooting that killed six people and wounded 19 others. Police initially arrested a person they considered a second suspect but they later backtracked, saying he was a witness. Mr. Bissonnette’s online profile and school friendships revealed little interest in extremist politics until last March when French nationalist leader Marine Le Pen visited Quebec City and inspired Mr. Bissonnette to vocal extreme online activism, according to people who clashed with him. Vincent Boissoneault, a student in international relations at Laval University, grew up with Mr. Bissonnette and was friends with him on Facebook. He said they frequently clashed on politics when Mr. Bissonnette attacked refugees or expressed support for Ms. Le Pen or Mr. Trump. “I can tell you he was certainly no Muslim convert. I wrote him off as a xenophobe. I didn’t even think of him as totally racist, but he was enthralled by a borderline racist nationalist movement,” Mr. Boissoneault said. François Deschamps, an employment councillor who runs a refugee support Facebook page, said he immediately recognized Mr. Bissonnette’s photo. “He was someone who made frequent extreme comments in social media denigrating refugees and feminism. It wasn’t outright hate, rather part of this new nationalist conservative identity movement that is more intolerant than hateful.” Mr. Bissonnette’s Facebook profile was removed from public view Monday morning along with the comments he left behind. Before Ms. Le Pen’s visit, Mr. Bissonnette’s friends say he showed little interest in politics, despite studying the subject at Laval University. Former classmates from the CEGEP junior college he attended after high school described him as a quiet, unassuming guy who blended in. “It’s scary that this would happen here,” said one of the friends, Antoine Cabanac. Michel Kingma-Lord, who grew up with Mr. Bissonnette, said he was “shocked” by the news that his erstwhile friend was suspected in a mass shooting. The two had grown apart in recent years, but spent many happy hours collecting minerals together as boys, scouring the schoolyard for bits of quartz. “He was a really good guy,” said Mr. Kingma-Lord. “A very generous kind of guy, always listening, polite.” Mr. Bissonnette studied political science, Mr. Kingma-Lord said, but seemed more interested in the campus chess club than any kind of ideology. “He never posted anything about hate speech,” Mr. Kingma-Lord said. “He wouldn’t share any political ideology. When we talked, it was just normal talk.” Acquaintances from Mr. Bissonnette’s earlier years at Les Compagnons-de-Cartier high school in Quebec City say he was introverted, socially awkward and frequently bullied. Toma Popescu remembered bigger kids teasing Mr. Bissonnette for his slight, pallid appearance and his unfashionable clothing. “He dressed like a country boy,” Mr. Popescu said. The bullies who targeted Mr. Bissonnette would demand his money and his lunch, even roughing him up, Mr. Popescu added. But Mikael Labrecque Berger said that Mr. Bissonnette wasn’t cowed by his social problems at school. “He never seemed to take it like personally,” Mr. Berger. “He had an almost happy attitude about it.” “Someone [would] tell him, ‘You’re ugly,’ and he would say, ‘You too are ugly.’” Before it was removed, Mr. Bissonnette’s Facebook page revealed normal preoccupations of young adulthood. While he “liked” the page of Ms. Le Pen and other right-wing politicians, he also liked Garfield and pop stars such as Katy Perry. On Halloween, he posted a picture of himself in a screaming ghoul costume – first popularized by the Scream horror-movie franchise. “Nothing original but it’s a classic,” he wrote. He also posted a photo of himself wearing what appeared to be a cadet uniform several years ago. A spokesman for the Canadian Forces confirmed that Mr. Bissonnette had participated in the cadet program from 2002 to 2004 in the Quebec City area. Records show he bought a Chevy Malibu with his twin brother, Mathieu, in 2011. They were also chess-club teammates around that time. Police searched a house belonging to Mr. Bissonnette’s father, Raymond Bissonnette, on Monday morning. The address showed up on several traffic tickets issued to Alexandre Bissonnette in recent years. Police say the suspect was not on their radar before the attack. A court records search shows no other involvement with police other than traffic tickets."
  23. Mmmm... There is at least one other explanation floating around. I wasn't there. I haven't seen video. However, the story is that Trump brought a staff of yes men with him to chuckle and cheer at appropriate points so regardless if the CIA remained stoic, the microphones would still hear his intentions. Authorities are also pushing back against the perception that the CIA workforce was cheering for the president. They say the first three rows in front of the president were largely made up of supporters of Mr. Trump’s campaign. Source: "CBS News confirmed reports that President Donald Trump brought a studio audience to his visit with the CIA on Saturday. The news agency reports that an official said the visit left a wake of "unease," “made relations with the intelligence community worse," and was “uncomfortable.” " "NEW YORK (AP) — White House press secretary Sean Spicer told a roomful of reporters that "our intention is never to lie to you," although sometimes the Trump administration may "disagree with the facts." Spicer's first full press briefing was closely watched Monday following a weekend statement about President Donald Trump's inauguration audience that included incorrect assertions. After White House counselor Kellyanne Conway received wide social media attention for her explanation that Spicer had presented "alternative facts," Monday's briefing was televised live on CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC and, for a time, even ABC." So thats how trump is going to create jobs. Pay busloads of Americans to follow him and his lackeys around cheering and clapping. A teleprompter that faces in both directions so one party knows when to lie and the other when its their turn to clap.
  24. You sure talk tough. You must be right. In my experience talky talky bullshitting anonymous posters like you are never wrong. It has nothing to do with tough. $1000 a month(er, 62,151 rubles a mo. at todays exchange rates) will make the payments on the little Abkhazia dacha. With some left over for some quality borscht. With real sour cream on top. Not some cheap low fat milk! Lets give Royreader8812 credit where credit is due. He earned the couple kilos of good kolbasa for his efforts here. What he should do is move onto another site... maybe scuba diving. Take another English course, the Kremlin-Putin-KGB desinformatsiya courses 201 and 301. Then try again. Perhaps he can upgrade and fund a Sochi ski condo instead. Where he might even run into his boss on a lift( "The Kremlin's Troll Army Moscow is financing legions of pro-Russia Internet commenters. But how much do they matter? ..."I know a lot of Muscovites have little dachas in Abkhazia," he wrote in a recent post. "But could these Muscovites have afforded their little dachas if they hadn't gotten rid of the Georgians and turned a flourishing region into cheap fucking shit, like they're doing now in Crimea?" ... "This is a category of people who I'm sure are paid some small amount of money, maybe $1,000 a month or less. But they're running legitimate blogs, they keep themselves busy. Sometimes they even publish something interesting. But when it's necessary, they also spread 'deza'"—shorthand for disinformation. ...The Kremlin, which has waged a massive disinformation campaign aimed at legitimizing Russia's annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine, has employed so-called "troll armies" to invade online territories armed with pro-Moscow rhetoric. A June article by Max Seddon of BuzzFeed reported the Kremlin was spending millions of dollars to pay English-speaking Russians to promote President Vladimir Putin and his policies in U.S. media like Fox News broadcasting and The Huffington Post and Politico news sites. Trolls are reportedly expected to manage multiple fake accounts and post on news articles 50 times a day, often with sentiments as simplistic as "Putin makes Obama look stupid and weak!"
  25. I would venture to guess that this will be gone from the media come January 20th. But it will not be gone from this forum. If you want to test the validity of the intelligence community, just take what is happening in Syria, or more specifically Aleppo. On one hand you have John Kerry and all those around and below him saying there is a blood bath going on, and in reality there are independent journalists walking down the said streets that are eerily silent and meanwhile thousands of militants that have surrendered (our proxy boys) are being humanely bussed off to another region by the Syrian and Russian governments. I will refrain from commenting further on this subject because it is clear that the 'fake news' is the corporate media and they are reporting from illegitimate statements from government officials. If it is maintainEd that Russia hacked the election after January 20th. Then I might take it seriously. But I assume you lot will say, "but of course when Trump is president they will deny it", but that in itself would render the current stance just as bullshit, because it is essentially admitting the intelligence community puts the protection of the current regime ahead of integrity. Russian and their Syrian proxies have systematically bombed the civilian hospitals of Aleppo as a routine tactic of war. " The last operating hospital in east Aleppo has been destroyed by airstrikes, leaving up to 250,000 residents without access to surgery or specialist care, and rebel-held districts at the point of collapse. Another four hospitals were hit and forced to close on Friday, before the Omar bin Abdul Aziz facility was struck just after 8.30pm, capping the most deadly day yet for the medical system in Syria’s second city, which has been systematically targeted by Russian and regime jets over the past year. “They have all been repeatedly attacked over the last few days,” said David Nott, a surgeon with decades of experience working in war zones, who has been supporting the Aleppo doctors... Médecins Sans Frontières said east Aleppo’s hospitals had been hit by bombs in more than 30 separate attacks since the siege began in July and there was no possibility of sending help or more supplies." Simultaneous sources including Médecins Sans Frontières have all stated that four, FOUR, hospitals were struck by airstrikes in a single day. Yet not one word from trump or his political hacks. trump has stated that he will hand over the keys to Iran and their puppet governments of Iraq and Lebanon. By ending support of moderate rebels and eliminating IS by bombing. Both of which prop up Iran and the hegemony which it has created. Russian hacking and trumps indifference to it has made the US a laughing stock in the Arab world. They see Russia as strong and the US as weak. trump and other RNC leaders have harped on the idea that President Obama is weak on foreign policy. Yet subsequent to the election trump has made zero statements on foreign political events. Including the discovery of air defence systems. " China appears to have installed anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapons on its man-made islands in the strategically vital South China Sea, a U.S. security think tank says, upping the stakes in what many see as a potential Asian powder keg." and the seizure of a US ROV in international waters. "China has seized an unmanned underwater vehicle deployed by a U.S. Navy ship in international waters, according to Pentagon officials." trump and his fanboys are whipping themselves into a new frenzy of outrage that the CIA and FBI are conspiring against a President elect. To protect a lame duck President. At the same time trump can't be bothered to attend daily intelligence briefings. Because "On Fox News, Trump didn't address that question specifically, instead getting back to his reasons for not getting the daily intelligence briefing, known to the president and White House staff as the PDB. "I don't have to be told — you know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump said. "I don't have to be told the same thing and the same words every single day for the next eight years. It could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that." But trump has the time to attack Vanity Fair magazine about a review of a trump restaurant. Attack SNL over a skit they did mocking him and his haircuts. The bombing of four Aleppo hospitals in a single day by Russian aircraft. Two weeks after trump was elected and not a word. You should study the situation a little more thoroughly before you voice your opinion from " in reality there are independent journalists walking down the said streets that are eerily silent and meanwhile thousands of militants that have surrendered (our proxy boys) are being humanely bussed off to another region by the Syrian and Russian governments. " Humanely bused off by the Syrian and Russian governments. The same governments that used nerve gas on their own civilians and bomb civilian hospitals. Those humane governments? "Syrian pro-government forces in eastern Aleppo have been killing people, including women and children, on the spot in their homes and on the street, the United Nations says. The UN's human rights office said streets were full of bodies." from 13 December 2016. I guess the UN can be added to the FBI, the CIA, CNN, The NY Times, Washington Post, etc.,etc., all conspiring against trump and his fanboys.