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Everything posted by VivaHeadDown

  1. The subject was just enough to get him to open the thread, but not memorable to know what was going on. Very Smooth.
  2. It was an SNES game, had hang gliding, plane, skydiving, and the rocket pack. A set of courses, and you advanced to more challenging ones as you reached the objectives. BUT WHAT WAS THE NAME??? AARRRGGHH Oh, hey, the last guy beat me to it, thanks guy
  3. You really believe this??? I don't know why people pretend this is just about terrorism... Who said anything about terrorism? This war is about many things, oil is at the bottom of the list, terrorism is much higher, but just a factor, not a reason. Our Gov't has set itself on a path of retaliation for 9/11. We ousted the Talliban as a direct result terrorism. But rather than let the swell die down, the current administration decided to continue to push forward and naturally chose Iraq. For family reasons, for historical reasons, for both genuine and not so genuine reasons. Bush will probably be defined as the President who tried to police/save the world, because I honestly believe him to think that's what he's doing. But it's not going to work, the people worldwide don't support the cause, the people in his own country are divided over it. We can not do this because the world is split into many different nations that resent any other nation for critisizing them. Oil is the dumbest reason I've heard so far for all of this. Oil is the reason NOT to go to war. Have you noticed the prices lately, and which way they're going? UP! And that's because people are afraid that a war will hurt our supply. The last time we went to war I was paying $1.25 a gallon here in San Diego, now I'm paying $1.79 a gallon. Unless we actually make Iraq the 51st state, that's not going to change. Keeping good diplomatic ties with the government and the people of Iraq will affect those prices, but would you really want to declare the Iraqi government our political allies? NO. So, given the momentum that Bush has going after 9/11, given the family history and national history we and our leader have with Iraq, I don't see how there can be so much debate about what this war is really over. A whole lot of shit, ranging from terrorism to ego. Whether you support this war for the reasons it's being fought, or your own, or not at all, it doesn't matter. America is distancing itself from the rest of the world every day, the ground battle will happen, and in the end the only way we're going to be anything but the bad guy in this is if whoever we get to replace Sadam acually works. But what are the chances of that happening? We're damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
  4. 1. This war is not about oil. 2. We make fun of the French on a personal level. And for being wusses. They make fun (whine) about us on a political level. Those wusses.
  5. We had a cat like that growing up. He was struck by a car, and then crawled back home. That was about 8 years ago, and he survived to be a normal cat again. A little more laid back, stays home a lot more, and has some permanant scarring, but you'd never know he wasn't like that before. Your cat will return, and be even closer to you for saving him. Don't Confuse Me With My Own Words
  6. Uuuhhh, Speedy, you mean you actually take anything here seriously? What is the skydiving world coming to?
  7. Holy Crap! There's something wrong with your computer, quick, stop on it away before it infects others! Don't Confuse Me With My Own Words
  8. Mike, is that just me, or do you have the crosshairs set to the Bombshelter?
  9. You're supposed to answer statements like that with, "Where can I get the good stuff you're obviously on?", and "Does this DZO fly it in from Columbia personally, or was it his chief pilot?" And ethics probably don't hold a high place in any of their decision making skills. Come on, give us something more challenging.
  10. In case anyone isn't on NASA's info email list, and still would want to view: The President and Mrs. George W. Bush will join NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 4, in paying tribute to the brave heroes of the Space Shuttle Columbia crew during a special memorial service at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. The ceremony to honor NASA astronauts Rick Husband, William McCool, Michael Anderson, Kalpana Chawla, David Brown, Laurel Clark, and Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. EST in the Central Mall area behind Building One. Gates are scheduled to open at 10 a.m. EST. This is a private ceremony for family members, friends, and invited guests, along with NASA employees and contractors. The service will be carried live on NASA Television and available on the Internet at:
  11. Ah hem, um, moodyskydiver..oh never mind.
  12. Love is too subjective. What I do for it may mean nothing to you. Gravity, now there's the difinitive force I'd gladly throw myself at!
  13. Mike, you are a spoiled slack-ass. And I only say that because I know you. So what do you expect? Oh yeah, and about getting stuck with the RW'rs, HAHA. You should have come out eating, it had to have been more fun. Don't Confuse Me With My Own Words
  14. You missed some amazing skydiving in Perris today. Where was everyone? Watching the Super What? slackers
  15. I'm all about feeling the wind in my toes. And trying to use sign language to get others to do my bidding. (You, Transition, you, come closer, you, hey, where're you going?)
  16. She barely wants to be friends. She is not interested in anything more. Don't even think about it, dude. I figured somebody had to be the voice of reason.
  17. Not to discourage you too much, but I know a guy who's important at Chem-Tronics in El Cajon, and still couldn't get hired with a B.S. in AE. They're just not hiring. That was a few moths ago, so you never know.
  18. Billvon, you're a dreamer, man. That's great, vision and inspiration are a key to any step forward. But there is a real world out there that's going to oppose anything new. Our first mission will be the tried and true, it's just how life works. Unless you have some sugar mamma funding the other possibilities, and that kind of a wild card is the only way they'll happen. Personally, whatever gets the job done. This planet is getting a little too crowded for my tastes. And being so far from earth isn't going to have any real impact on post-whoring, so let's get going!
  19. Any mission would take roughly two years, minimum, due to our orbits. With research being continued on ISS, science is dealing with all of the draw backs to long term space missions. Anyway, wouldn't you like to see a few more satellites actually make it there and send back a signal first. This isn't the early 60's anymore. When John Glen flew in the Atlas, NASA had only a 60% success rate with that rocket. We've grown a great deal since then, and can't let a team go until the theories have been proven, the plan has been tested, and the odds are overwhelmingly in our favor. That will not happen in 10 years. We'll be lucky if it looks good in 20 years. There's just no presure to make it happen. Let's just keep our fingers crossed for the comercialization of space travel. Can you imagine Making your first AFF jump knowing your chute only had a 60% chance of not exploding when you try to open it. Holy Crap.
  20. Yeah, I saw them in Vegas. It was good. Totally the mood I was in, and the visuals. To all of you don't like them in concert, you missed out.
  21. This is my favorite thread, ever. What was I thinking when I worked as a loader, I so should have worked at Square One. Or at least after Keely left, and before Frank became so interested in kittens. Oh wait, I spent all my time in there anyway. Don't tell Jack, he might make me wash another airplane before I jump again. No, Jack, No, Please, No More Washing. The Horror!
  22. I like everybody. But not Keely, she's evil. Get her and Mike (IronPenis) together and there's no safe place in Perris.