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Everything posted by arlo

  1. this is how i know my friends truly love me.
  2. your senior rigger recommended you go from a 230 sq ft canopy to a 170 sq ft canopy?
  3. i AM, aren't i? but i'm in such good company. blues, arlo btw, it's only spiders...nothing else.
  4. i'm glad there are others that completely freak the fuck out. i almost beat happythoughts (bill) half to death on a ride to altitude one day (well, it was either him or mike woods, or both). he was sitting on the floor in front of me when one crawled out of his rig. i immediately tried to unass myself from that position while simultaneously attempting to beat the spider to death with my full-face. poor bill. another time i caught the carpet on fire by grabbing whatever i could to kill the spider (normally i can't kill them...i can't seem to get that close). anyway, in this case, it was hairspray and a lighter. that was interesting. between feeling paralyzed, having trouble breathing and being in a state of holy terror, it made for another interesting day. once i was leaving a sam's club and i almost stepped on the mother of all hairy spiders in SC. you've never seen someone huck boxes and bags of groceries like i did that rainy day. i had groceries strewn from the entrance door up the parking aisle all the while screaming like an idiot until i had enough distance between myself and the spider. my fear is bad enough that one of the guys with the exterminating company i use gave me a can of THEIR souped up stuff and told me to PLEASE be careful with it and do not breath it in. use sparingly. he said it will kill anything and was something only licensed to extermination companies. hey, whatever it takes. i could go on and on. but any of my friends that know me know the deal with spiders. spiders = BAD spiders = spawn of satan ...and you can tell me all day long about how they eat mosquitoes and all that other happy horse shit but it doesn't work with me. that's what DEET is for. irrational fears. god bless 'em. disclaimer: i am NOT responsible for anything i say, do, or any harm inflicted to surrounding people or objects if i am faced with a spider. i lose my head and will do whatever it takes to get away from said spawn.
  5. you are exactly right. he's dedicated alot of his time and life to educating people on good decision making and it's a shame that some people twist it into "making themselves" canopy superstars right out the door. he's doing a great thing and god bless robin for being so supportive of him being gone all the time.
  6. let me add this to the equation: scott's course is not a magic wand that immediately makes someone ready for a downsize nor does it make someone an instant canopy expert. scott gives you the tools to help you make better choices under canopy. the intent isn't to rush to the next smallest canopy. listen to bonnie. she's been in gear sales for years and knows what she's talking about. so many times people try to buy their stuff for future use but you know what? you're gonna be using it NOW so buy it to fit what you have NOW and deal with the other stuff later. if you buy it to comfortably fit the 190, a 170 will still fit in it later. buying gear to fit what you think you might want later would be like buying an ill-fitting wardrobe that you'll fit into after a diet next year. use the right equipment that fits you now. don't compromise or cheat yourself because you want to save money 2 yrs from now.
  7. speaking of birthdays, isn't your sky b-day coming up soon? also, lemme know if i need to send you the 'for sale' sign. happy tuesday guys!
  8. holy shit, man. you've got tom back in the air? SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!! that might be more incentive to visit cheeseland.
  9. there are as many members of fire that have competed together on a world level as there are members of odyssey that have. shannon and ian are teammates from, what i consider to be, one of the best gel-ing teams ever. genesis/blue had an incredible magic that i haven't really seen duplicated. eliana and craig competed on a world level together doing 8-way. kirk, neal, dennis and andy all competed together on a world level but doing 8-way. bottom line is that all 3 teams are outstanding, all are solid, and all of them hold each of the other teams in very high regard. i don't see any of them getting too stressed over anything. when they all give their personal best, the win will be secondary. all i can say is that russia is gonna see some of the best skydiving EVER. good luck and best of meet to each of the teams competing. good times and enjoy the ride.
  10. god bless you, macca. that's some funny shit! but if you get your ass kicked by streetboy again, i'm gonna disown ya.
  11. wow kelly. safe journeys to the west side....just remember where your "home" is. :) take care girl and enjoy! you'll be missed in zhills... arlo
  12. bill booth is the owner of the (uninsured) relative workshop. they manufacture the vector 3s/microns and also the sigma tandem rigs.
  13. oh for the love of god already! freefry? did someone say "freefry"? hmmmmmm...... team mandarin? eric d? that sounds like a good time. god help you EJ.... love, arlo
  14. now isn't THAT the damn truth! ditto that. i'm still riding the buzz from the entire weekend. outstanding dives trumped only by the outstanding people there. amazing.
  15. whoa whoa whoa now...that's a bit of a generalization.
  16. HEY! isn't that a reflection of the virgin mary on that map?! put it on ebay...
  17. oh jesus. you guys better hit that free beer before kyle and joey get it. hey, i wish you guys much success on your fundraiser!!! what a great reason to have a boogie. :) please let us know how well you guys did!!! be safe, arlo
  18. taken directly from the PD website: Contact Performance Designs Support If you feel you need further assistance, please contact support at: [email protected] Ph: (386) 738-2224 Fax: (386) 734-8297
  19. sweet! thanks for posting this article. much appreciated.
  20. arlo

    Cancer Survivors

    i just want to tell you guys how great it is that you are survivors!! :) it absolutely warms my heart for each and ever cancer survival story i read or hear about. the strength and courage it takes to overcome this disease is immeasurable and i can't personally comprehend it. so thank you homer for recognizing the folks that have gone thru this!! because of people such as yourselves, others may find the strength that they might not have known they have. :) you guys are outstanding!!!!!! thank you and congratulations for doing it! i wish you all love, good health and strength... arlo
  21. thanks for the feedback. this is exactly what i was looking for. so from what i understand (which is very little about this subject) craig's list is like a classified ads sorta thing. per an article on their website: "Craig's List, created by Craig Newman in 1995, posts want ads for jobs, apartments, furniture, women, men, babysitters, free stuff, and even missed connections between strangers. Started in San Francisco, the site's popularity led to Craig's List web sites for cities across the nation. Naturally, each city brings it own quirks to its site. In New York, Broadway tickets, modern art, pet-sitters, models, and futons dominate the sale section, while sex, photographers, and actresses rule the services section. The site feels like a citywide eBay, but without the hassle of bidding. Craig's List works on a first-come-first-serve basis. Easy to navigate, the site boasts an efficient search engine as well as a calendar of events. And for authentic Craig's List groupies, there are even t-shirts. " there's more there, but you get the picture. for me it was a way to hook up a fellow skydiver with a crash pad for a couple nights while in nyc to see U2. thanks guys for your input so far!! :) san fran is such a cool place. it's no wonder they came up with this.
  22. i've gotta friend that's looking for a place to lay his head down this weekend in nyc and he's seriously considering craig's list. anyone have any horror stories or good stories using this? are there a bunch of freaks out there that'll try to chop him up and hide him under a building?
  23. (great for people with family history of strokes/aneurysms) free vascular screening going on at the following locations (you have to call and make an appt): hey, it's free medical. just take the time to make appt for yourself, parents or grandparents. all it take is your time and a drive to the office.
  24. long story short: will point you in the direction to get amber alerts. i called them to verify the cell numbers are not used for anything other than that. ========================== Cell phones can now receive Amber Alerts Tuesday, May 17, 2005 Posted: 2:58 PM EDT (1858 GMT) WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Amber Alert system used by police to let the public know when a child is missing is being expanded to cell phones. The wireless industry announced Tuesday that subscribers can receive text messages on their phones when an alert is issued. The service is available in every state and is free to subscribers of most major cellular carriers. About 200 to 250 Amber Alerts are issued each year. The Internet, radio and television stations broadcast the information, which also is flashed on highway signs on major roadways in the area where the child is believed missing. Cell phone users who want such information so they can aid in searches can designate up to five zip codes and would receive alerts if a child is reported missing in any of them. Subscribers would also be notified of alerts issued for their state or metropolitan area. "With more than 60 percent of Americans owning wireless devices, and seldom going anywhere without them, this initiative will significantly increase the reach of the Amber Alert program," said Steve Largent, president of the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. Subscribers with phones capable of receiving text messages can register at or through participating carriers' Web sites. A typical message would include details about the missing child and contact information for reporting a sighting. Since the alert system began in 1997, more than 200 children have been recovered, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which teamed with the wireless industry to expand to cell phones. The system is named for 9-year-old Amber Hagerman of Arlington, Texas, who was killed after being kidnapped while riding her bicycle near her home in 1996.